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Subject: Groups - oBIX 1.1 XML Schema: NIEM Refactoring uploaded

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I THOUGHT that I had already finished work on the NIEM conformant refactor of the oBIX XML schema, but I had to refactor my refactor.

The good news: This is a conformant NIEM extension schema.

The bad news: It's a bit disruptive to the original naming of elements. NIEM specifies that you must use names that begin with uppercase for elements. That is one of the less restrictive rules. Also, I had to define many of the val/min/max attributes in separate files/namespaces so that we could use the same names - NIEM restricts the definition of attributes/elements inside a type definition. All attributes and elements must be defined as direct children of the schema element and used by ref in the types.

Notice that I am also deriving all complex types from a base that extends ComplexObjectType from the NIEM structures schema. I'm pretty sure we could squeak by without doing that, so I suggest we axe that extension. It is implemented here to demonstrate the impact of full compliance if it were a NIEM extension schema.

I included the log of NIEM conformance errors detected in the original xsd. These results were provided by xmlSpy by way of the NIEM schematron rules.


Chris Bogen
-- Chris Bogen
Document Name: oBIX 1.1 XML Schema: NIEM Refactoring

This is a NIEM conformant refactor of Markus J.'s oBIX 1.1 xsd working
draft. The oBIX schema files, NIEM dependencies, and log of NIEM
conformance errors (relevant to original xsd draft) are included.
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Submitter: Chris Bogen
Group: OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC
Folder: Standards
Date submitted: 2013-06-13 20:28:37

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