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Subject: Groups - obix-v1.1-wd18.pdf uploaded

Submitter's message
Here is WD18. I didn't put changes in this time, partly because there aren't many, and partly because I forgot to save them off. Main areas of change are:
* added Bindings section in 5
* oBIX -> OBIX throughout
* Reworded language in Operations to remove "inputs" & "outputs" as verbs

I did NOT add a new Err type, because I felt that UnsupportedErr handled the binding/encoding pair failure case adequately.

-- Mr. Craig Gemmill
Document Name: obix-v1.1-wd18.pdf

Working Draft 18 of Version 1.1 of the OBIX Specification
Download Latest Revision
Public Download Link

Submitter: Mr. Craig Gemmill
Group: OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC
Folder: Standards
Date submitted: 2013-11-13 09:49:20

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