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Subject: OASIS Sponsor ads in Interoperate IoT newsletter-Sponsor level benefits

OASIS will begin featuring ads from our Sponsor-level members in Interoperate IoT, our curated weekly newsletter.

Interoperate IoT features announcements, commentary, and tutorials related to IoT standards. You can see the latest issue and subscribe at:

  • Ads are an exclusive benefit of Sponsor membership--there is no additional charge.
  • Ad space may be used to promote IoT products, white papers, webinars, etc.
  • Ads will be used on a rotating basis. Each issue of the newsletter can accommodate three Sponsor ads.
  • Each Sponsor may have no more than one ad in the rotation. Ads may be replaced at any time.
  • Ads should be provided either as 300×250-pixel images with links or as HTML code for YouTube videos or iframes.
  • Ads should be sent to dee.schur@oasis-open.org

Contact me with questions.



Dee Schur

Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy
OASIS | Advancing open standards for the information society 
+1.781.425.5073 x211 (Office) | +1.941.321.6733 (Cell)

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