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Subject: [OASIS Issue Tracker] (OCPP-16) Approval Change Request: Time

    [ https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OCPP-16?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=64525#comment-64525 ] 

Anders Darander commented on OCPP-16:

Sorry for a late comment.
A few more comments (and repeating the last one).

|VariableName   |Req |Key |Description
|OptionsSet     |Y   |TimeSource       |Possible Values: HeartBeat, NTP, GPS, RealTimeClock, MobileNetwork  
|OptionsSet     |N   |NTPSource        |Possible Values: DHCP, pool.ntp.org, manual  
|OptionsSet     |N   |NTPConfiguration |Possible Values: DHCP, manual  
|NetworkAddress |N   |NTPAddress1      |Address of the NTP server, either retrieved via DHCP or manually configured.
|NetworkAddress |N   |NTPAddress2      |Address of the first backup NTP server.
|NetworkAddress |N   |NTPAddress3      |Address of the second backup NTP server.
|NetworkAddress |N   |NTPAddress4      |Address of the third backup NTP server.
|Interval       |N   |HeartBeat        |Required for SOAP. +
Interval of inactivity (no OCPP exchanges) with central system after which the Charge Point should send a Heartbeat.req PDU +
Replace OCPP 1.x Configuration Key: *HeartbeatInterval* +
|Active     |N |RTC |Real time clock active.
|Time       |Y |Now      |Current Date Time (UTC)
|Time       |N |DstStart |Start of daylight savings time
|Time       |N |DstEnd   |End of daylight savings time
|TimeOffset |N |Now |Configured current local time zone offset
|TimeOffset |N |DST |local time zone offset during daylight savings time (including the timezone offset)

Starting with Time.DstStart etc, do we really want to use DST? Brendan commented that there might be other reasons to modify the time; thus maybe DstStart and DstEnd isn't good keys? Maybe it should be UpComingTransition and FollowingTransition? (The last one isn't really good, though). TimeOffset.DST is also questionable in this case.

Note, there's no need to keep DstStart and DstEnd after the actual transition, as the date won't be the same next year.

OptionsSet.NTPSource is suggested to have the following values: DHCP, pool.ntp.org, manual. The value pool.ntp.org isn't really a good one (see the link in the previous comment). That value should be removed; CPO's wanting to use eg cpo.pool.ntp.org, could use manual as the value, and setting cpo.pool.ntp.org in NetworkAddress.NTPAddress1 etc.

What is the difference between OptionsSet.NTPSource and OptionsSet.NTPConfiguration? They seem to overlap...

In the proposal, there's no direct way to specify a backup OptionsSet.TimeSource. Ie if we're using NTP, but can't connect to any NTP-server, we probably want to fall back to HeartBeat, as that will give as a reasonable time. (Not as good as NTP, but reasonable nevertheless).

Do we want to have any wording on multiple NTP-servers? Are they allowed to be used simultaneously? If we have at least 3 NTP-servers configured, using all of them will give us a more reliabe time, as we can disregard a single NTP-server serving us a wrong time stamp.

TODO: Do we need possibilities for Charge Point that have tzData in the firmware and only need to know the correct time zone to calculate: Timezone offset and daylight saving time?
That would be nice to have, as in many countries, the time zone data and DST isn't changed that often. In this case, using a timezone allows us to know the transition without help from a CS. However, it isn't strictly a requirement from our side, though, we'd support it.

> Approval Change Request: Time
> -----------------------------
>                 Key: OCPP-16
>                 URL: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OCPP-16
>             Project: OASIS OCPP Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Data Exchange TC
>          Issue Type: Task
>         Environment: 2.0 RC 2 (old version) improvements
>            Reporter: Jonel Timbergen
>            Assignee: Lonneke Driessen
>            Priority: Trivial
> Approval Change Request Time

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