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Subject: Agenda for OData TC meeting 2012.09.13

Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 13, 2012 during 8-9am PT. For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.




[1] Draft agenda for 2012.09.13 OData TC meeting


  1. Roll call [8:00am PT]
  2. Approve agenda [8:05am PT]
  3. Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT]
    1. Minutes from September 6, 2012 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46845/odata_meeting-6_on-20120906_minutes.html     


  1. Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]
    1. Action items due by Sept 13, 2012

                                                               i.      #0023: Former XSD section of the CSDL specification needs a name as external artifact [owner: Mike Pizzo]

                                                             ii.      #0024: Add Documentation to the list of zero or more child elements in OData CSDL, section 5.1 [owner: Mike Pizzo]

                                                           iii.      #0025: Ensure consistency of setting DataServiceVersion to 4.0 [owner: Mike Pizzo]

    1. Action items NOT due by Sept 13, 2012 but MAY be ready for closure

                                                               i.      Any?

  1. Process issues [Issues list: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&pid=10103] [8:20am PT]
    1. Applied resolutions from September 6, 2012

                                                               i.      ODATA-19: New / alternative XML namespaces with OASIS naming convention

                                                             ii.      ODATA-4: Allow DefaultValue facet for FunctionImport Parameter

                                                           iii.      ODATA-2: Rules for error message inconsistent to Atom document

b.      Issues in Open and Proposed state

                                                               i.      ODATA-65: Remove the edm:Mode attribute (pick up pending motion to resolve deferred from Sept 6, 2012 meeting)

c.       Issues in New and Proposed state

                                                           iv.      ODATA-58:  Informative XSD for "metadata:" attributes (HasStream, DataServiceVersion, IsDefaultEntityContainer)

                                                             v.      ODATA-66: 10.1 Collection Types: enumeration types are missing from list of types usable with attribute notation

                                                           vi.      ODATA-69: Enumeration types missing in ABNF

                                                          vii.      ODATA-74: Explicitly mention dynamic navigation properties

                                                        viii.      ODATA-75: Schemas can span across more than one CSDL document

                                                           ix.      ODATA-76: Edm.Decimal is a floating-point type

                                                             x.      ODATA-78: Allow $select to project parts of complex properties

                                                           xi.      ODATA-79: PATCH for properties of complex properties

                                                          xii.      ODATA-80: Add ABNF rules for requests and responses in JSON

                                                        xiii.      ODATA-81: Rewrite section 3 Service Root URL for clarity and readability

                                                        xiv.      ODATA-82: Rewording of 4 Resource Path first paragraph

                                                          xv.      ODATA-83: Rewording of 4 Resource Path second paragraph for clarity and readability

                                                        xvi.      ODATA-85: Move section 19 Informative XSD for CSDL into separate XML (text) file

                                                      xvii.      ODATA-86: Allow TypeAnnotation only to target entity types and complex types

                                                     xviii.      ODATA-87: Consider rewording 1 Introduction, second paragraph

                                                        xix.      ODATA-88: The term EDMX wrapper should be explicitly declared once.

                                                          xx.      ODATA-89: Add normative reference to JSON definition

                                                        xxi.      ODATA-91: 2.1: explicitly state which format the server will return in response to each given set of headers

                                                      xxii.      ODATA-92: specify behavior if action overloads exist

                                                     xxiii.      ODATA-94: 9.1.1: edm:UnderlyingType should be optional in <EnumType> definition

                                                     xxiv.      ODATA-95: ValueTerms should support a default value

                                                      xxv.      ODATA-97: Action Overload Resolution: resolution is done by binding parameter type

                                                     xxvi.      ODATA-98: 3.8 Representing Annotations: avoid the undefined terms "internally" and "externally"

                                                   xxvii.      ODATA-99: 3.9 Advertisement for a Function or Action: add example and refer to ABNF rules

                                                 xxviii.      ODATA-101: 5.3 Representing a Property in a Response: the object wrapper should be named "d"

                                                     xxix.      ODATA-102: 5.4.1/2 Representing Actions/Functions Bound to Multiple Entities: add examples

                                                      xxx.      ODATA-106: ValueTerms should support primitive types, complex types, and collections, but not entitytypes or collections of entitytypes

                                                     xxxi.      ODATA-112: DateTime[Offset]: allow 24:00[:00] in time part

                                                   xxxii.      ODATA-113: Remove legacy service operations from URL conventions and ABNF

                                                 xxxiii.      ODATA-114: Allow /$count path suffix also for collection properties

                                                 xxxiv.      ODATA-115: Inconsistent use of WSP in system query options

                                                   xxxv.      ODATA-116: ABNF rule for parameter alias

                                                 xxxvi.      ODATA-117: Case-sensitivity of system query options

                                                xxxvii.      ODATA-118: XSD references Microsoft namespaces edm/annotation and codegeneration

                                              xxxviii.      ODATA-119: Allow definition of "simple" types that fix values for facet attributes of primitive types


6.       Next F2F? [8:45am PT]

    1. The week of Nov 5-9, 2012 has emerged as the preferred week for the next F2F. E-ballot results: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/ballot.php?id=2278.
    2. Host for the next F2F? Any volunteers?
    3. Which dates?
    4. Venue?


  1. Timeline and next steps [8:50am PT]
    1. Let’s review the projected timeline [3].


8.       Next meeting [8:56am PT]

    1. Thursday September 20, 2012 8-9am PT?
  1. AOB and wrap up [8:57am PT]

[2] References


·       Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm

·       Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc


[3] Timeline


Based on the number of unresolved issues (88) and the time (roughly one month) it has taken to resolve 31 issues, it seems that it would take at least another 3-4 months to process all remaining issues, including other issues that may be filed in due course. Here is a rough draft of a timeline for producing the Committee Specification Draft 01 (CSD01) version of the OData core specifications:

·       October 20 (about 2 weeks before the next F2F in November)

o   TC completes end-to-end review of the specs and files away any remaining issues

·       F2F meeting sometime during the week of Nov 5-9 (details TBD)

o   Discuss proposals and resolve issues

·       January 17, 2013

o   Committee Specification Draft 01 (reflecting disposition of all the issues)


The timeline for OData extension specifications is TBD.


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