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Subject: More minor nits for Monday

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Some more minor nits for Monday:

Part 1:

8.2.4 Header If-None-Match reads in part:

An If-None-Match header with a value of "*" in a PUT or PATCH request
ensures that the upsert request is handled as an insert and not an update.


Should read:

An If-None-Match header with a value of "*" in a PUT or PATCH request
results in an upsert request being handled as an insert and not an update.

********** System Query Option $top reads in part:

number of available items up to, but not exceeding, the specified value n.


Should read:

number of available items equal to but not greater than the specified
value n.

"greater than" appears some 18 times across all drafts.

********** Server-Driven Paging reads in part:

OData clients MUST treat the URL of the next link as opaque, and
[especially] MUST NOT


Should read:

OData clients MUST treat the URL of the next link as opaque, and MUST NOT

There isn't any greater prohibition than "Must Not." Adding words to
it may mislead the reader that this case is different from others.


13.1 OData Service Conformance Levels reads in part:

20. MUST support DELETE to all edit links for deleteable resources
(section 11.4.5)


Typo: should read: 20. MUST support DELETE to all edit links for
deletable resources (section 11.4.5)


Part 2:

5.1.3 System Query Option $select reads in part:

and then specify a subset of *interesting* properties for each resource


Should read:

and then specify a subset of properties for each resource


Atom Format:

Example 5: reads in part:



Typo, should read: <data:Address>


14.2.1 Element atom-tombstone:deleted-entry reads in part:

A deleted entitiy within a


Typo, should read: A deleted entity within a


14.4.1 Element metadata:deleted-link reads in part:

deleted-link where one of the entitites has


Typo, should read: deleted-link where one of the entities has


JSON Format:

4.5.7 Annotation odata.id reads in part:

is requested or if the entiy-id


Typo, should read: is requested or if the entity-id


18 Instance Annotations reads in part:

Annotations are easily identifiable as name/value pairs that have a
dot (.) as part of the name.


Should read: Annotations are name/value pairs that have a dot (.) as
part of the name.


Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!


- -- 
Patrick Durusau
Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB)
Former Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net
Homepage: http://www.durusau.net
Twitter: patrickDurusau
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