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Subject: RE: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2015-03-19 - chat transcript

Room information was updated by: Stefan
Please register yourself at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=39090 - thanks.


Stefan: Info: Voting Members: 2 of 16 (12%) (used for quorum calculation)
Stefan: @Ralf: Please note, that I will have to rely again on the chairs sending me a gap free copy of the chat trace for assembling the minutes (as I will have to commute). Thanks a bunch in advance.


Ralf Handl (SAP): Will do. Thanks for writing the minutes!


Stefan: THanks!
Stefan: Info: Voting Members: 2 of 16 (12%) (used for quorum calculation)


Ralf Handl (SAP)1 morphed into Ralf Handl (SAP)


Stefan: Info: Voting Members: 6 of 16 (37%) (used for quorum calculation)


JWillson - DT : skyping with a bad connection so will mute much


Martin Zurmuehl1 morphed into Martin Zurmuehl


Ralf Handl (SAP): Voting Members: 9 of 16 (56%) (used for quorum calculation)
Ralf Handl (SAP): Achieved quorum


Mike Pizzo: Trouble calling in... need to switch to a different phone...


JWillson - DT : Ralf are you talking?


Susan Malaika (IBM): meditation time


Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.Approve agenda [8:05am PT]
Ralf Handl (SAP): Agenda is approved
Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT]
Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Minutes from March 12, 2015 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55298/odata-meeting-92_on-20150312-minutes.html
Ralf Handl (SAP): b.Minutes from February 26, 2015 TC meeting (reworked): https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55287/odata-meeting-91_on-20150226-minutes.html
Ralf Handl (SAP): Minutes approved
Ralf Handl (SAP): 4.Review action items
Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Action items due
i.Follow up with JSON-Schema on use for modeling
Ralf Handl (SAP): Established contact
Ralf Handl (SAP): Established contact
Ralf Handl (SAP): Meeting set up to discuss our issues
Ralf Handl (SAP): Positive initial feedback on our issues


JWillson - DT : http://json-schema.org/ could you share some of the discussion on a blog?


Ralf Handl (SAP): Strong suggestion on not using anything other than JSON Schema


JWillson - DT : Susan?  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/json-schema


Susan Malaika (IBM): The I-JSON Message Format draft-ietf-json-i-json-06
I-JSON is a restricted profile of JSON designed to maximize interoperability and increase confidence that software can process it successfully with predictable results. 
Main Contributor: Douglas Crockford
Editor: Tim Bray, Google, Inc. email: tbray@textuality.com


Ralf Handl (SAP): 5.Process issues
Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Issues for V4.0_ERRATA03 in New or Open state
Ralf Handl (SAP): i.OData ABNF Construction Rules
Ralf Handl (SAP): 1.ODATA-774 Qualifiers for annotations: Preference odata.include-annotations
Ralf Handl (SAP): 1.ODATA-774 Qualifiers for annotations: Preference odata.include-annotations


Stefan: @WithRespectToAboveDraftStatus(I-JSON): "AUTH48 status of draft-ietf-json-i-json-06
(RFC-to-be 7493)
This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2015-03-18. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.
NameApproved?Date of Approval
T. Bray, Ed.N 
2015-03-18: questions sent to author.


Ralf Handl (SAP): Adapt the definition of the Preference odata.include-annotations: 
 Allow in addition to the current definition 
 and combined with the excludeoperator - 


Stefan: @URLPostEditForAbove:"http://www.rfc-editor.org/auth48/rfc7493" (EndOfInterleave)


Mike Pizzo: Added to proposal:
Mike Pizzo: omission of #qualifier means all, regardless of qualifier
No way to specify "only unqualified"


JWillson - DT : ##?


Ralf Handl (SAP): annotationIdentifier = [ excludeOperator ]
                       ( STAR 
                       / namespace "." ( termName / STAR ) 
Ralf Handl (SAP): annotationIdentifier = [ excludeOperator ]
                       ( STAR 
                       / namespace "." ( termName / STAR ) 
Ralf Handl (SAP): annotationIdentifier = [ excludeOperator ]
                       ( STAR 
                       / namespace "." ( termName / STAR ) 
                       [ '#' simpleIdentifier ]


Mike Pizzo: Added to proposal: ABNF needs to be updated to explicitly show a single hash followed by an identifier. This would preclude ## or #(nothing)


JWillson - DT : I second
JWillson - DT : No like second


Mike Pizzo: I propose we resolve ODATA-774 as proposed.


JWillson - DT : I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-774 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.ODATA-775 Should allow use of parameter aliases for key lookup


Mike Pizzo: Not currently specified: Customers(@custID)?@custID='Alfki'


Ralf Handl (SAP): Customers(ID=@custID)?@custID='ALFKI'
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-775 is OPEN


Mike Pizzo: Updated proposal: Support the use of parameter aliases in key predicates in both the short form and the long form.


Martin Zurmuehl: I propose we resolve ODATA-775 as proposed.


Mike Pizzo: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-775 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.ODATA-793 Expand * on complex type
Ralf Handl (SAP): $expand=ComplexProp/* 
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-793 is OPEN
Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: clarify that $expand=* means all navigation properties, independent of nesting in complex properties


Mike Pizzo: Updated proposal: 1. * should include nav props on complex types (arbitrarily deep)
2. Allow for the * expand to be used on complex type properties as well as specific sub types as well....


Martin Zurmuehl: I propose we resolve ODATA-793 as proposed.


Jason Fam (IBM): I second


Mike Pizzo: The new ABNF for $expand would look something like:
expand               = '$expand' EQ expandItem *( COMMA expandItem )
expandItem           = expandStar
                     / expandPath 
                       ( expandNavigationProperty
                       / expandStar
expandPath           = [ ( qualifiedEntityTypeName / qualifiedComplexTypeName ) "/" ] 
                       *( ( complexProperty / complexColProperty ) "/" [ qualifiedComplexTypeName "/" ] )
expandNavigationProp = navigationProperty 
                       [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ]
                       [ ref   [ OPEN expandRefOption   *( SEMI expandRefOption   ) CLOSE ]
                       / count [ OPEN expandCountOption *( SEMI expandCountOption ) CLOSE ]
                       /         OPEN expandOption      *( SEMI expandOption      ) CLOSE 
expandStar           = [ STAR [ ref / OPEN levels CLOSE ] ]


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-793 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): ii.CSDL
Ralf Handl (SAP): 1.ODATA-795 Support annotations for expanded references
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-795 is OPEN


Mike Pizzo: Revised proposal:
Mike Pizzo: Add two new annotations, applied to navigation link elements: "AutoExpandReferences" and "AutoExpand".
ExpandReferences says that the default behavior of the service is to expand just the references of the related resources, and ExpandResources says the default behavior of the service is to expand the related resources.
Such services may or may not support expand on those navigation properties.
Mike Pizzo: Add two new annotations, applied to navigation link elements: "AutoExpandReferences" and "AutoExpand".
AutoExpandReferences says that the default behavior of the service is to expand just the references of the related resources, and AutoExpand says the default behavior of the service is to expand the related resources.
Such services may or may not support expand on those navigation properties


Martin Zurmuehl: I propose we resolve ODATA-795 as proposed.


Mike Pizzo: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-795 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.ODATA-796 Add annotation to specify whether additional properties may be returned for an entity
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-796 is OPEN
Ralf Handl (SAP): NoAdditionalProperties
Ralf Handl (SAP): Sealed
Ralf Handl (SAP): Closed
Ralf Handl (SAP): AdditionalPropertiesDisallowed
Ralf Handl (SAP): DeclaredPropertiesOnly
Ralf Handl (SAP): OnlyDeclaredProperties


Mike Pizzo: Revised Proposal:
Mike Pizzo: Add a new tagging annotation, such as "OnlyDeclaredProperties", applied to an entity, that specifies whether the service is allowed to return additional properties not specified in $metadata.
This would include only properties. Services are still allowed to return instance annotations. JSON-Schema representation would include patternproperties for annotations.


Ralf Handl (SAP): Use tagging annotation without default value
<Annotation Term="Core.AdditionalProperties" Bool="false" />


Mike Pizzo: Revised proposal:
Mike Pizzo: Add a new Boolean annotation, applied to an entity, that specifies whether the service is allowed to return additional properties not specified in $metadata.
Property could be "AdditionalProperties" (to match JSON Schema) and have no default value (require specify bool=false) or could be named something like "OnlyDeclaredProperties" and be a tagging annotation with a default of true when applied.
This would include only properties. Services are still allowed to return instance annotations. JSON-Schema representation would include patternproperties for annotations.
Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-796 as proposed


Martin Zurmuehl: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-796 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.ODATA-789 Primitive type Edm.Decimal is ill-defined in regard to Precision
Ralf Handl (SAP): Decimal data types in programming languages and databases 
 Common terminology is 
 Value = Mantissa * 10**(-Scale) 
 Precision = length of Mantissa 
 Positive Scale means fractional digits, negative scale avoids representing "trailing zeroes" for large integers, e.g. one million has mantissa = 1, scale = -6
Ralf Handl (SAP): Type Precision = length of mantissa Scale = -Exponent 
 C# decimal  96 bit ~ 28-29 decimal digits Instance, 0..28 
 Objective-C NSDecimalNumber 38 decimal digits Instance, -128127 
 Java BigDecimal unlimited no of decimal digits Instance, -2,147,483,6482,147,483,647 (32 bit) 
 DECFLOAT34 34 decimal digits Instance, -384383 
 DECFLOAT16 16 decimal digits Instance, -61446143 
 DB2 DECIMAL 131 decimal digits Column, 0Precision 
 Sybase ASE DECIMAL 138 decimal digits Column, 0Precision 
 Sybase IQ DECIMAL 1126 decimal digits Column, 0Precision 
 Postgres DECIMAL 11000 decimal digits Column, 0Precision 
 Oracle NUMBER 1..38 decimal digits Column, -84127
Ralf Handl (SAP): Problems when mapping these to Edm.Decimal 
  - missing exponential notation: the "floating-point decimals" can be declared as Scale="variable", but 
  -- with Precision=internal precision not all internal values can be represented in OData 
  -- with Precision=unspecified all internal values can be represented, using lots of zeroes, but not all OData values can be stored 
  - OData representation doesn't allow leading decimal point, numeric Scale has to be lower than precision 
  -- DECIMAL/NUMBER columns with 0 <= scale < precision fit perfectly 
  -- scale = precision runs into problems: 
  --- with Precision=internal precision not all DECIMAL values can be represented in OData 
  --- with Precision=internal precision plus 1 not all OData values can be stored as DECIMAL values 
 - Scale cannot be negative or larger than Precision minus 1 
 -- NUMBER columns with negative scale or scale larger than precision minus 1 run into the same problems as "floating-point decimals"
Ralf Handl (SAP): Possible solutions 
  - define Precision to be the number of significant digits 
  - allow exponential notation 
  -- floating-point decimals can be minimally represented 
  -- Precision can be used to exactly express the number of significant digits 
  -- an annotation (or in future protocol versions a new facet) can indicate the presence of exponents and their value range 
  - allow Precision=Scale 
  -- DECIMAL precision and scale can be exactly expressed in all cases 
  -- number representation could be relaxed to allow .123, or we don't count the "0." into the Precision in this special case 
  - allow negative Scale 
  -- NUMBER precision and scale can be exactly expressed in all cases


JWillson - DT : Hi, I seem to be disconnected on the Skype call and nothing on the chat has moved since 10:22.  I am assuming we are talking about the request and payload WITHOUT any conversion.


Ralf Handl (SAP): Yes, correct
Ralf Handl (SAP): 6.Next meeting [9:50am PT]
a.Thursday March 26, 2015 during 8-10am PT?



From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:odata@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Handl, Ralf
Sent: Mittwoch, 18. März 2015 15:37
To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2015-03-19


Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday March 19, 2015 during 8-10am PDT (16:00-18:00 CET). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.




[1] Agenda


1.        Roll call [8:00am PT]

a.     Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=39090


2.        Approve agenda [8:05am PT]


3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT]

a.     Minutes from March 12, 2015 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55298/odata-meeting-92_on-20150312-minutes.html

b.    Minutes from February 26, 2015 TC meeting (reworked): https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/55287/odata-meeting-91_on-20150226-minutes.html


4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]

a.     Action items due

                                  i.    Follow up with JSON-Schema on use for modeling


5.        Process issues [Issues list: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20ODATA] [8:20am PT]

a.     Issues for V4.0_ERRATA03 in New or Open state

                                  i.    OData ABNF Construction Rules

1.     ODATA-774 Qualifiers for annotations: Preference odata.include-annotations

2.     ODATA-775 Should allow use of parameter aliases for key lookup

3.     ODATA-793 Expand * on complex type


                                 ii.    CSDL

1.     ODATA-795 Support annotations for expanded references

2.     ODATA-796 Add annotation to specify whether additional properties may be returned for an entity

3.     ODATA-789 Primitive type Edm.Decimal is ill-defined in regard to Precision


                                iii.    OData Protocol

1.     ODATA-479 Allow Content-ID referencing in request bodies for inserting links to newly created entities

2.     ODATA-790 Bug in example 70

3.     ODATA-791 System Query Option $orderby: specify order of Edm.Boolean and Edm.Geo

4.     ODATA-794 Create Related Entities When Creating an Entity


                                iv.    OData URL Conventions

1.     ODATA-784 Need to specify the behaviour of arithmetic operators on Decimal type

2.     ODATA-785 Numeric promotion (on overflow) across "number type families" is undesirable.


                                 v.    OData Vocabularies

1.     ODATA-779        Org.OData.Core.V1 defines Term IsURL but references it as IsUrl

2.     ODATA-797        Org.OData.Capabilities.V1 term property FilterRestrictions/RequiresFilter has wrong facets


6.        Next meeting [9:50am PT]

a.     Thursday March 26, 2015 during 8-10am PT?


7.        AOB and wrap up [9:55am PT]


[2] References

·         Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm

·         Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc


[3] Timeline

·         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=54822&wg_abbrev=odata


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