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Subject: RE: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2015-09-17 - chat transcript

Room information was updated by: Stefan
Please register yourself as usual at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=39116


Stefan: Voting Members: 4 of 13 (30%) (used for quorum calculation)
Stefan: @Ralf: Please send chat trace as usual via E-Mail (will not be able to join per phone all the time and may even drop from chat as I am commuting ...). Thanks a lot.


anonymous morphed into Matt Borges (SAP)


Stefan: Voting Members: 10 of 13 (76%) (used for quorum calculation)
Stefan: We are quorate http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/smile.gif


Ralf Handl (SAP): 2 Approve agenda
Ralf Handl (SAP): AOB: Ralf to give update on Data Aggregation
Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: review grouping of issues for V4.01
Ralf Handl (SAP): Agenda approved with these changes
Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.Approve minutes from previous meeting
Ralf Handl (SAP): Minutes are approved
Ralf Handl (SAP): 4 Action Items: none
Ralf Handl (SAP): 5.OData JSON Format for CSDL Version 4.
Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Current document revision
i.odata-json-csdl-v4.0-wd01-2015-09-10.docx: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=56448&wg_abbrev=odata
Ralf Handl (SAP): b.Issues for JSON Format for CSDL in New or Open state
i.JSON Format for CSDL
Ralf Handl (SAP): 1.ODATA-805 Add term to Capabilities vocabulary for supported metadata formats
Ralf Handl (SAP): New term
      <Term Name="SupportedMetadataFormats" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" AppliesTo="EntityContainer"> 
         <Annotation Term="Core.Description" String="Media types of supported formats for $metadata, including format parameters" /> 
         <Annotation Term="Core.IsMediaType" /> 
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-805 is OPEN


Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-805 as proposed.


Hubert Heijkers: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-805 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike to open Jira issue regarding support for HEAD or OPTIONS to find out available formats without receiving one of them
Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.ODATA-841 Representation of Precision and Scale
Ralf Handl (SAP): Precision="5" and Scale="2"
Ralf Handl (SAP): - multipleOf: 1e-2 
 - minimum: -999.99 
 - maximum: 999.99
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-841 is OPEN
Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: add annotations for minimum and maximum to OData so we can be as precise as JSON Schema
Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: add pattern annotation while we are at it
Ralf Handl (SAP): These could be part of a new Validation vocabulary
Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: add precision and scale extension keywords to JSON Schema; propose these for a future version of JSON Schema
Ralf Handl (SAP): Similar for temporal values: here Precision="7" would have to be -translated into a regular _expression_ 
 - "pattern":"(^[^.]*$|[.][0-9]{1,7}$)"


Mike Pizzo: Hubert feels it makes sense to use as much of JSON Schema as makes sense. If there is an existing representation in JSON Schema that is not lossy, why not just use it.


Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: table this issue and revisit it later when we have a more holistic view
Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.ODATA-842 Represent primitive types as JSON Schema formats
Ralf Handl (SAP): Many OData primitive types are JSON Schema primitive types combined with a set of restrictions, e.g. Edm.Int64 is 
 - "type":"integer", 
 - "minimum":-9223372036854775808, 
 - "maximum":9223372036854775807
Ralf Handl (SAP): or Edm.Guid is 
 - "type":"string", 
 - "pattern":"^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$"


Mike Pizzo: Tabling discussion to review in context of greater spec -- is this a one-off issue or a case of a more general issue


Ralf Handl (SAP): - type: string 
 - format: guid
Ralf Handl (SAP): - type: integer 
 - format: int64
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-842 is OPEN


Ramesh Reddy(Redhat): If we drop the Edm out, and follow the Swagger would't that conflict with XML type checking system with clients?


Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-842 as proposed.


Hubert Heijkers: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-842 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 4.ODATA-843 Nullable as anyOf or as OData-specific keyword
Ralf Handl (SAP): JSON Schema treats null as a separate data type, requiring an "anyOf" construct for nullable properties: 
             }, { 
Ralf Handl (SAP): "Supplier":{ 
Ralf Handl (SAP): "type":["string","null"]
Ralf Handl (SAP): "format":"uuid"


Mike Pizzo: Discussion: for primitive types, represent as:
For non-primitive types, use existing json schema.
See if we can add "nullable" to json-schema.


Hubert Heijkers: I move to resolved as per our discussion and accordingly updated proposal.
Hubert Heijkers: I move to resolved ODATA-843 as per our discussion and accordingly updated proposal.


Mike Pizzo: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-843 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 5.ODATA-844 Provide JSON versions of the Core, Capabilities, Measures, and Aggregation vocabularies
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-844 is OPEN


Hubert Heijkers: I move to resolve ODATA-844 as proposed.


Mike Pizzo: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-844 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 6.ODATA-845 Translate edmx:Reference/edmx:Include into a schema reference
Ralf Handl (SAP): Example 38: references
  "references": {
    "http://tinyurl.com/Org-OData-Measures-V1": {
      "includes": ,
    "http://somewhere/Vocabulary/V1": {
Ralf Handl (SAP): "includes": {
        "Org.OData.Measures.V1": {
          "alias": "Core"
        "Another.Namespace": {}
Ralf Handl (SAP): "schemas":{
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-845 is OPEN


Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-845 as proposed.


Hubert Heijkers: I second


Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-845 is resolved as proposed
Ralf Handl (SAP): 6.Next meeting
Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Thursday September 24, 2015 during 8-10am PT?
Ralf Handl (SAP): Accepted
Ralf Handl (SAP): 7.AOB
Ralf Handl (SAP): Extension for Data Aggregation
Ralf Handl (SAP): Public Review ended without comments
Ralf Handl (SAP): Two issues that are non-material and can be fixed without new public review
Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-839 is requesting a new feature
Ralf Handl (SAP): Gerald is fine with postponing that and moving the current document forward to CS02
Ralf Handl (SAP): Will put motion for publishing CS02 on agenda for one of the next meetings
Ralf Handl (SAP): AOB#2: Grouping of issues for V4.01 (Mike)


Mike Pizzo: Decimal:
ODATA-557 Allow exponential notation for Edm.Decimal
ODATA-747 Allow IEEE 754 constants [-]INF and NaN also for Edm.Decimal
Vocabularies Definitions/AppliesTo:
ODATA-516 Add super type Edm.AnyPath for Edm.PropertyPath, Edm.NavigationPropertyPath, and Edm.AnnotationPath
ODATA-631 Allow expressing that a term can be applied any collection and is not restricted to entity sets
Set Operations:
ODATA-836 Allow applying actions to a filtered collection of entities
ODATA-614 Allow $expand, $select, ... with POST/PATCH/PUT in combination with return=representation to specify the response shape
ODATA-615 Allow PATCH and DELETE with $filter on collections to modify or delete all (and only) the matching entities
ODATA-616 Allow POST to collections of complex and primitive types, and DELETE with $filter
Simplified Syntax:
ODATA-664 Consider supporting parameterless function imports with no parens
ODATA-812 Allow omitting namespaces for unambiguous functions/actions
ODATA-834 Make type prefix optional for enumeration literals in URLs
ODATA-763 Allowing implicit aliasing of parameters (public comment c201412e00001)
ODATA-799 Define Key-As-Segment URL convention for resource paths
Simplified Payload:
ODATA-813 Allow no metadata for non-OData clients
ODATA-561 odata.type shouldn't require "#"
ODATA-630 Consider making odata the default namespace for annotations
ODATA-809 Define non-message format for final response of async request
Batch Requests:
ODATA-541 Allow the If-Match header to reference the ETag that resulted from an earlier operation in a batch request
ODATA-480 $batch: remove restriction "within the same change set " for Content-ID referencing
Complex Types as Atomic Values
ODATA-617 Allow eq/ne comparison of instances of same structured (complex or entity) type, allow eq/ne comparison with null for 0..1 nav props
ODATA-572 Clarify that eq, ne can be used with complex type
ODATA-560 Allow arbitrary properties in referential constraints
ODATA-696 Support "interfaces" for casting entities to multiple different types
ODATA-619 Attach action and function signatures to terms, i.e. make a term definition an interface definition
Enum Inheritance
ODATA-494 Define inheritance for enumeration types
ODATA-849 Add possibility for enumeration types to "extend" other enumerations
New Query Capabilities
ODATA-556 Add "in" operator as syntactic sugar for a chain of "or" expressions
ODATA-820 Allow indexing into collections
ODATA-827 introduce $compute query option
Mike Pizzo: Additional:
ODATA-618 Allow using term names in positions that allow type names
ODATA-735 Enhance the CSDL for instance annotations
ODATA-786 Extend definition of edmhttp://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/tongue.gifath _expression_
ODATA-811 Define propagation and (partial) overriding of annotations
ODATA-674 Specify navigation property binding combined with containment
ODATA-817 Add client-side function odata.matchesRegularExpression
OData JSON Format
ODATA-814 Don't need TargetId in a deleted link for a to 0..1 relationship
ODATA-838 Allow inclusion of "untyped JSON" into JSON requests and responses
ODATA-656 Requesting clarity on payload ordering constraints for clients
OData Protocol
ODATA-613 Allow POST to entity sets using the delta-response format
ODATA-666 Define Deep Update and Deep Upsert operations
ODATA-824 Header Content-Transfer-Encoding not used in HTTP
OData Vocabularies
ODATA-816 Add Capability term for filter _expression_ restrictions
ODATA-571 Add annotation for properties that are (not) part of the default selection if no $select is specified


Ralf Handl (SAP): The meeting is adjourned



From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:odata@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Handl, Ralf
Sent: Mittwoch, 16. September 2015 17:30
To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2015-09-17


Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 17, 2015 during 8-10am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.




[1] Agenda


1.        Roll call [8:00am PT]

a.     Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=39116


2.        Approve agenda [8:05am PT]


3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT]

a.     Minutes from September 10, 2015 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/56488/odata-meeting-104_on-20150910-minutes.html


4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]

a.     Action items due

                                  i.    None


5.        OData JSON Format for CSDL Version 4.0 [8:20am PT]

a.     Current document revision

                                  i.    odata-json-csdl-v4.0-wd01-2015-09-10.docx: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=56448&wg_abbrev=odata


b.    Issues for JSON Format for CSDL in New or Open state

                                  i.    JSON Format for CSDL

1.     ODATA-805 Add term to Capabilities vocabulary for supported metadata formats

2.     ODATA-841 Representation of Precision and Scale

3.     ODATA-842 Represent primitive types as JSON Schema formats

4.     ODATA-843 Nullable as anyOf or as OData-specific keyword

5.     ODATA-844 Provide JSON versions of the Core, Capabilities, Measures, and Aggregation vocabularies

6.     ODATA-845 Translate edmx:Reference/edmx:Include into a schema reference


6.        Next meeting [9:50am PT]

a.     Thursday September 24, 2015 during 8-10am PT?


7.        AOB and wrap up [9:55am PT]


[2] References

·         Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm

·         Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc


[3] Timeline

·         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=56024&wg_abbrev=odata




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