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Subject: RE: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2016-10-20 - chat transcript

[16:56] Room information was updated by: Stefan Hagen
Register: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=41485  (please do so as usual, thanks).
Agenda draft: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/email/archives/201610/msg00098.html
Minutes draft of previous meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59131/odata-meeting-148_on-20161013-minutes.html


[16:57] Stefan Hagen: Registration Info ... Voting Members: 1 of 12 (8%) (used for quorum calculation)
[16:58] Stefan Hagen: @Ted: The system counted you, but as Member ...


[16:59] Ted Jones (Red Hat): @Stefan.. yes, I believe that should be updated to voting member now


[17:03] Stefan Hagen: Reg Info ... Voting Members: 3 of 12 (25%) (used for quorum calculation)
[17:04] Stefan Hagen: Reg Info ... Voting Members: 4 of 12 (33%) (used for quorum calculation)


[17:04] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): @Ted: made you Voting Member


[17:05] Stefan Hagen: @Ralf so the count in kava may be added a silent +1 ? As it still shows Member for Ted in calculation ...


[17:07] Ted Jones (Red Hat): @Ralf.. thanks http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/smile.gif


[17:07] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I think this counts from the next meeting on, today is the third meeting in a row that Ted participated, and the rule is three out of five of the last meetings


[17:07] Stefan Hagen: @Ralf: Thanks ... so:
[17:08] Stefan Hagen: Reg Info ... Voting Members: 5 of 12 (41%) (used for quorum calculation)  still missing two voting members to conduct business
[17:10] Stefan Hagen: Reg Info ... Voting Members: 6 of 12 (50%) (used for quorum calculation)  one voting member missing ...


[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 2.Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]


[17:11] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP): I'm dialing in..


[17:11] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: new issue on JSON CSDL: ODATA-988 Produce lightweight JSON CSDL and separately define Swagger/OAI generation
[17:12] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-989 5.1.2 $expand: state that $levels=1 is equivalent to omitting it
[17:12] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Voting Members: 7 of 12 (58%) (used for quorum calculation)
[17:13] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Quorum achieved!
[17:13] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 3.Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]
a.Minutes from October 13, 2016 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59131/odata-meeting-148_on-20161013-minutes.html
[17:13] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Minutes are approved
[17:13] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 4.Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]
a.Action items due
i.#0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA
[17:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mark: no update
[17:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 5.V4.01 [9:20 am PT]
a.Issues for V4.01_WD01 in New or Open state
[17:15] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): i.Interfaces
1.ODATA-619 Attach action and function signatures to terms, i.e. make a term definition an interface definition
[17:17] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): <Term Name="MayImplement" Type="Collection(Edm.String)">
        <Annotation Term="Core.Description"
          String="A collection of qualified type names outside of the type hierarchy that instances of this type might be addressable as by using a type segment." />
[17:19] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: close ODATA-619 without action and use term Core.MayImplement
[17:20] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-619 is OPEN
[17:20] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I move to close ODATA-619 without action


[17:20] Mike Pizzo: I second


[17:21] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-619 is CLOSED without action


[17:24] Mike Pizzo: Add a typedefinition for QualifiedTypeName that is a string that represents a qualified type name.
Improve the definition of MayImplements to be of this type, rather than string.


[17:25] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Issue ODATA-991 Improve MayImplement by defining a TypeDefinition for qualified name
[17:25] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-991 is OPEN


[17:25] Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-991 as proposed


[17:26] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP): i second


[17:26] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-991 is RESOLVED as proposed
[17:27] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-989 5.1.2 $expand: state that $levels=1 is equivalent to omitting it
[17:28] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-989 is OPEN


[17:28] Ralf Handl (SAP SE) asked for a victim, I choose... Mark Biamonte (Progress)


[17:29] Mark Biamonte (Progress): I move that OData-989 be resolved as proposed


[17:29] Mike Pizzo: I second


[17:29] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-989 is RESOLVED as proposed
[17:30] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-988 Produce lightweight JSON CSDL and separately define Swagger/OAI generation


Room Information:
Register: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=41485  (please do so as usual, thanks).
Agenda draft: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/email/archives/201610/msg00098.html
Minutes draft of previous meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59131/odata-meeting-148_on-20161013-minutes.html


[17:37] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Mark: agrees with Mike and likes the direction
[17:39] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: I like the new direction
[17:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Matt: likes that as well
[17:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Martin also supports it
[17:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: ODATA-988 is OPEN


[17:40] Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-988 as proposed


[17:40] Mark Biamonte (Progress): I second


[17:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1 morphed into Ralf Handl (SAP SE)


[17:41] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-988 is RESOLVED as proposed
[17:41] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Action for Ralf to request starter document for CSDL-to-OpenAPI mapping Committee Note
[17:42] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: bring forth proposals on how this could look
[17:43] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Proposal
[17:43] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): {
    "$Version": "4.0",
    "$EntityContainer": "ODataDemo.DemoService",
    "$Reference": {
        "http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/cs01/vocabularies/Org.OData.Core.V1.xml": {
            "$Include": [
        "http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/cs01/vocabularies/Org.OData.Measures.V1.xml": {
            "$Include": [
    "ODataDemo.": {
        "$kind": "Schema"
    "ODataDemo.Product": {
        "$kind": "EntityType",
        "$HasStream": true,
        "$Key": [
        "ID": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String",
            "$Nullable": false
        "Description": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String",
            "@Core.IsLanguageDependent": true
        "ReleaseDate": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.Date"
        "DiscontinuedDate": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.Date"
        "Rating": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.Int32"
        "Price": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.Decimal",
            "@Org.OData.Measures.V1.ISOCurrency": {
                "$Path": "Currency"
        "Currency": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String",
            "$MaxLength": "3"
        "Category": {
            "$kind": "NavigationProperty",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Category",
            "$Nullable": false,
            "$Partner": "Products"
        "Supplier": {
            "$kind": "NavigationProperty",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Supplier",
            "$Partner": "Products"
    "ODataDemo.Category": {
        "$kind": "EntityType",
        "$Key": [
        "ID": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.Int32",
            "$Nullable": false
        "Name": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String",
            "$Nullable": false,
            "@Core.IsLanguageDependent": true
        "Products": {
            "$kind": "NavigationProperty",
            "$Partner": "Category",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Product",
            "$isCollection": true,
            "$OnDelete": "Cascade"
    "ODataDemo.Supplier": {
        "$kind": "EntityType",
        "$Key": [
        "ID": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String",
            "$Nullable": false
        "Name": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
        "Address": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Address",
            "$Nullable": false
        "Concurrency": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.Int32",
            "$Nullable": false
        "Products": {
            "$kind": "NavigationProperty",
            "$Partner": "Supplier",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Product",
            "$isCollection": true
    "ODataDemo.Country": {
        "$kind": "EntityType",
        "$Key": [
        "Code": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String",
            "$MaxLength": "2",
            "$Nullable": false
        "Name": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
    "ODataDemo.Address": {
        "$kind": "ComplexType",
        "Street": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
        "City": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
        "State": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
        "ZipCode": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
        "CountryName": {
            "$kind": "Property",
            "$Type": "Edm.String"
        "Country": {
            "$kind": "NavigationProperty",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Country",
            "$ReferentialConstraint": {
                "CountryName": "Name"
    "ODataDemo.ProductsByRating": {
        "$kind": "Function",
        "$overloads": [
                "$Parameter": [
                        "$Name": "Rating",
                        "$Type": "Edm.Int32"
                "$ReturnType": {
                    "$Type": "ODataDemo.Product",
                    "$isCollection": true
    "ODataDemo.DemoService": {
        "$kind": "EntityContainer",
        "Products": {
            "$kind": "EntitySet",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Product",
            "$NavigationPropertyBinding": {
                "Category": {
                    "$Target": "Categories"
        "Categories": {
            "$kind": "EntitySet",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Category",
            "$NavigationPropertyBinding": {
                "Products": {
                    "$Target": "Products"
            "@Core.Description": "Product Categories"
        "Suppliers": {
            "$kind": "EntitySet",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Supplier",
            "$NavigationPropertyBinding": {
                "Products": {
                    "$Target": "Products"
                "Address/Country": {
                    "$Target": "Countries"
            "@Core.OptimisticConcurrency": [
                    "$PropertyPath": "Concurrency"
        "Countries": {
            "$kind": "EntitySet",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Country"
        "MainSupplier": {
            "$kind": "Singleton",
            "$Type": "ODataDemo.Supplier",
            "$NavigationPropertyBinding": {
                "Products": {
                    "$Target": "Products"
            "@Core.Description": "Primary Supplier"
        "ProductsByRating": {
            "$kind": "FunctionImport",
            "$EntitySet": "Products",
            "$Function": "ODataDemo.ProductsByRating"
[17:52] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: reserve time in a future meeting to look at proposals
[17:53] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: reserve one hour
[17:54] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: everyone can bring in a proposal and present it in 10 minutes, possibly supplemented by material submitted before the meeting
[17:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Switch to agenda item #6 Next meeting
[17:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): a.Thursday October 27, 2016 during 8-12 am PT (17:00-21:00 CEST)
[17:57] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): a.Thursday October 27, 2016 during 9-12 am PT (18:00-21:00 CEST)
[17:58] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): c) Thursday November 3, 2016 during 7-10:30 am PT
[18:00] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Agreement on
b) Thursday October 27, 2016 during 9-12 am PT (18:00-21:00 CEST)
c) Thursday November 3, 2016 during 7-10:30 am PT
[18:00] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: Review proposals for JSON CSDL on November 3
[18:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Back issue processing
[18:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-987 Allow digits in search phrases
[18:02] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): $search=1984
[18:02] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): $search="1984"
[18:02] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): $search=2x4
[18:03] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-987 is OPEN
[18:04] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: what about underscore


[18:04] Mike Pizzo: What other characters should we support?


[18:05] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): $search=3.14


[18:06] Mike Pizzo: what about dash?
[18:06] Mike Pizzo: might be used for range?


[18:07] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Numbers
[18:07] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Letters
[18:07] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Underscores
[18:07] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Dots
[18:08] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Commas


[18:08] Mike Pizzo: I move we extend the ABNF and prose to support numbers, letters, underscore, and dot in $search terms
[18:09] Mike Pizzo: except for underscores, which bing, google, and possible others ignore


[18:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): q=9,81
[18:11] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): q=9.81


[18:11] Mike Pizzo: revised proposal: Extend ABNF to allow digits, dot, and comma in $search terms. add test cases
[18:12] Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-987 as proposed


[18:13] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I second
[18:13] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-987 is RESOLVED with the modified proposal
[18:15] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ii.Waiting for refined proposal
[18:15] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 1.ODATA-557 Allow exponential notation for Edm.Decimal
[18:16] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-618 Allow using term names in positions that allow type names
[18:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I'll close this without action as it is still NEW and no one is interested in it
[18:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 10.ODATA-863 ODATA-618 Represent Terms similar to Types
[18:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): This is a sub-issue of ODATA-618
[18:19] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I move to close ODATA-863 without action


[18:19] Mike Pizzo: I second


[18:19] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-863 is CLOSED without action
[18:20] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 4.ODATA-735 Enhance the CSDL for instance annotations
[18:22] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Matt is fine with closing this issue without action


[18:23] Matt Borges (SAP): I move to close ODATA-735 without action


[18:23] Mark Biamonte (Progress): I second


[18:23] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-735 is CLOSED without action
[18:24] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 24.ODATA-976 Support partial keys
[18:25] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I'll close this without action as it is still NEW and no one is interested in it
[18:26] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 8.ODATA-817 Add client-side function odata.matchesRegularExpression
[18:27] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Defer to CSD02
[18:28] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 9.ODATA-854 Consider use of OPTIONS for discovering formats, other capabilities and features
[18:28] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Defer to CSD02
[18:29] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 11.ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses
[18:31] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Defer to CSD02
[18:32] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 13.ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)
[18:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Defer to CSD02
[18:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 17.ODATA-950 Clarify what requests can be delta enabled
[18:34] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Defer to CSD02
[18:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 7.ODATA-811 Define propagation and (partial) overriding of annotations
[18:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Propagation along inheritance hierarchies: 
- Annotations on structured types and their properties also propagate down from the base type to the derived types 
- Annotations can be overridden at the derived type or its properties with replace (PUT) semantics for all types of annotations: primitive, structured, collection-valued. 
Propagation along "uses" dependencies 
- It is up to the definition of the term to specify whether and how annotations with this term propagate to places where the annotated model element is used, and whether they can be overridden. E.g. a "Label" annotation for a UI can propagate from a type definition to all properties using that type, and may be overridden it in some cases with a more specific label, whereas an annotation marking a property as containing a phone number will propagate but may not be overridden.


[18:39] Stefan Hagen: I move to resolve ODATA-811 as proposed


[18:39] Mark Biamonte (Progress): I second


[18:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-811 is RESOLVED as proposed
[18:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 6.ODATA-760 Add to depth restrictions to Capabilities Vocabulary
[18:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Defer to CSD02
[18:41] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 28.ODATA-985 The HTTP Specification document referenced in the OData Protocol Spec has been obsoleted
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 14.ODATA-919 Specify the result type for each operation based on operator types
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Ralf to contact Evan
[18:46] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 23.ODATA-974 Flesh out recommendations around OAuth support in OData


[18:49] Stefan Hagen: @Ralf: Scribe also dropped form call, will follow the rest in chat only mode.


[18:52] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/Security/OAuth+2.0+-+Constrained+Authorization+and+Single+Sign-On+for+OData+Services
[18:53] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw74/helpdata/en/75/73ffc0ae444443a23b9e661d77d637/content.htm
[18:57] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-974 is OPEN
[19:00] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 7.AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]
[19:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Meeting is adjourned



From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:odata@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Handl, Ralf
Sent: Montag, 17. Oktober 2016 14:01
To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2016-10-20


Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday October 20, 2016 during 8-10 am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.




[1] Agenda


1.        Roll call [8:00 am PT]

a.     Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=41485


2.        Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]


3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]

a.     Minutes from October 13, 2016 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59131/odata-meeting-148_on-20161013-minutes.html


4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]

a.     Action items due

                                  i.    #0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA


5.        V4.01 [9:20 am PT]

a.     Issues for V4.01_WD01 in New or Open state

                                  i.    Interfaces

1.     ODATA-619 Attach action and function signatures to terms, i.e. make a term definition an interface definition

                                 ii.    Waiting for refined proposal

1.     ODATA-557 Allow exponential notation for Edm.Decimal

2.     ODATA-618 Allow using term names in positions that allow type names

3.     ODATA-674 Specify navigation property binding combined with containment

4.     ODATA-735 Enhance the CSDL for instance annotations

5.     ODATA-743 Restructure Part 3: CSDL into CSDL Core, CSDL XML, and CSDL JSON

6.     ODATA-760 Add to depth restrictions to Capabilities Vocabulary

7.     ODATA-811 Define propagation and (partial) overriding of annotations

8.     ODATA-817 Add client-side function odata.matchesRegularExpression

9.     ODATA-854 Consider use of OPTIONS for discovering formats, other capabilities and features

10.  ODATA-863 ODATA-618 Represent Terms similar to Types

11.  ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses

12.  ODATA-879 Support Arrays of Arrays

13.  ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)

14.  ODATA-919 Specify the result type for each operation based on operator types

15.  ODATA-920 Specify overflow for int data types (-INF, INF, NaN)

16.  ODATA-923 $expand (or $include) for $metadata to include referenced schemas

17.  ODATA-950 Clarify what requests can be delta enabled

18.  ODATA-959 Allow path in an edm:key to also use a primitive property of a non null-able navigation property (recursively) of the entity type.

19.  ODATA-964 Need to clarify nested delta representation

20.  ODATA-965 UpdateGeoJSON Reference to RFC7946

21.  ODATA-966 13.4 Add example for navigation property bindings for containment navigation property

22.  ODATA-969 Chapter 15, Example 32: syntax of "target" URL

23.  ODATA-974 Flesh out recommendations around OAuth support in OData

24.  ODATA-976 Support partial keys

25.  ODATA-979 Recursive containment navigation properties and Partner attribute

26.  ODATA-980 SchemaVersion header, $SchemaVersion query option, or root URL versioning

27.  ODATA-983 Chapter 15/16: advertise actions on collection-valued properties

28.  ODATA-985 The HTTP Specification document referenced in the OData Protocol Spec has been obsoleted


6.        Next meeting [9:50 am PT]

a.     Thursday October 27, 2016 during 8-12 am PT (17:00-21:00 CEST)


7.        AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]


[2] References

·         Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/56760/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm

·         Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc


[3] Timeline

·         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=56024&wg_abbrev=odata




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