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Subject: RE: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2017-03-09 -- chat transcript

[14:30] Room information was updated by: Stefan Hagen
OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC OData TC Weekly Meeting (Conference Call) #165
- Thursday, 09 March 2017, 08:00am to 10:00am PT
  - i.e. 2017-03-09 17:00 to 19:00 CET (UTC+1)
  - other timezone? Try eg.:
  - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2017&month=3&day=9&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=47&p2=69&p3=179
Meeting Member URL:
- URL = "">https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=43968
  - Please use starting approx. 15 minutes before the meeting for self registration. Thanks.
  - Self registration deep link (as a service):
    - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/record_my_attendance.php?event_id=43968&confirmed=1 
Agenda-Draft E-Mail URL:
- E-Mail Public URL = "">https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odata/201703/msg00047.html
Minutes Draft Public URL (previous meeting):
- URL = "">https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60178/odata-meeting-164_on-20170302-minutes.html
Online document walkthroughs or presentations:
- URL = "">https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/OData-TC/
- URL = "">https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59862/TC%20Timeline-2017-01-25.docx
Agenda Draft (for meeting #165):
- Roll call
- Approve agenda 
- Approve minutes from previous meeting(s)
  - Minutes from March 02, 2017 TC meeting #164: |
- Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php]
  - Action items due
    - None
  - Superceding/replacing OData V4.0(1) Part 3: CDSL with OData CSDL XML Representation V4.01
    - Possible, we just submit OData V4.01 with Part 1: Protocol, Part 2: URL, and ABNF components, no Part 3 any more
    - Stable link to OData V4.01 Part 3: CSDL |
      Link will continue to exist (was created for CSPRD01), 
      but will lead to a README document explaining that 
      OData Part 3 ended with CSPRD01, that the content has moved to a new, 
      independent work product, and then link to CSDL XML Representation V4.01
  - Issues for CSDL JSON Representation in New or Open state
    - ODATA-1044 Require aliases for schemas and require alias-qualified names
- V4.01
  - Issues for V4.01_CSD02 ready for resolution
    - ODATA-1039 Relax constraints on namespace names
    - ODATA-1043 Clean up context URL syntax
  - Issues for V4.01_CSD02 in New or Open state without concrete proposal
    - ODATA-760 Add to depth restrictions to Capabilities Vocabulary
    - ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses
    - ODATA-879 Support Arrays of Arrays
    - ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)
    - ODATA-919 Specify the result type for each operation based on operator types
    - ODATA-923 $expand (or $include) for $metadata to include referenced schemas
    - ODATA-950 Clarify what requests can be delta enabled
    - ODATA-994 consider replacing SchemaVersion header with $SchemaVersion query option, or root URL versioning
    - ODATA-1002 Add build in functions operating on collections of primitive (and complex?) types
    - ODATA-1003 Allow casting of entities and complex type instances to arbitrary structural type
    - ODATA-1005 Make sure we have capabilities for all new 4.01 functionality
    - ODATA-1018 Allow $expand and $select with modifying requests that return a collection |
      in combination with return=representation to specify the response shape
    - ODATA-1020 Remove / in reference in instance annotation in filter and orderby _expression_
    - ODATA-1021 Are additional values needed for the reason property of a removed Annotation
    - ODATA-1033 Interoperability issue when using escaped slash/backslash in URLs
    - ODATA-1034 Support the notion of a collection of name/value pairs where the type of the value is known
- Next meeting
  - Thursday March 16, 2017 during 8-10 am PST? (2017-03-09 15:00 to 17:00 UTC) ? |
    Attention: Daylight Saving Time in USA and Canada, not yet in Europe
- AOB and wrap up
- Chat:
  - http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc   # ... this place 
- ScreenShare and Voice:
  - https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/OData-TC/
Next Planned meeting (tentative):
- Thursday March 16, 2017 during 8-10 am PST? (2017-03-16 15:00 to 17:00 UTC) ?
  - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=4396
[16:44] Stefan Hagen: RegInfo{Voting Members: 1 of 11 (9%) (used for quorum calculation)}
[17:03] Stefan Hagen: RehInfo}{Voting Members: 6 of 11 (54%) (used for quorum calculation)}
[17:03] Stefan Hagen: Quorate , I guess http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/smile.gif
Room Information:
OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC OData TC Weekly Meeting (Conference Call) #165
- Thursday, 09 March 2017, 08:00am to 10:00am PT
  - i.e. 2017-03-09 17:00 to 19:00 CET (UTC+1)
  - other timezone? Try eg.:
  - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2017&month=3&day=9&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=47&p2=69&p3=179
Meeting Member URL:
- URL = "">https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=43968
  - Please use starting approx. 15 minutes before the meeting for self registration. Thanks.
  - Self registration deep link (as a service):
    - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/record_my_attendance.php?event_id=43968&confirmed=1 
Agenda-Draft E-Mail URL:
- E-Mail Public URL = "">https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odata/201703/msg00047.html
Minutes Draft Public URL (previous meeting):
- URL = "">https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60178/odata-meeting-164_on-20170302-minutes.html
Online document walkthroughs or presentations:
- URL = "">https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/OData-TC/
- URL = "">https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59862/TC%20Timeline-2017-01-25.docx
Agenda Draft (for meeting #165):
- Roll call
- Approve agenda 
- Approve minutes from previous meeting(s)
  - Minutes from March 02, 2017 TC meeting #164: |
- Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php]
  - Action items due
    - None
  - Superceding/replacing OData V4.0(1) Part 3: CDSL with OData CSDL XML Representation V4.01
    - Possible, we just submit OData V4.01 with Part 1: Protocol, Part 2: URL, and ABNF components, no Part 3 any more
    - Stable link to OData V4.01 Part 3: CSDL |
      Link will continue to exist (was created for CSPRD01), 
      but will lead to a README document explaining that 
      OData Part 3 ended with CSPRD01, that the content has moved to a new, 
      independent work product, and then link to CSDL XML Representation V4.01
  - Issues for CSDL JSON Representation in New or Open state
    - ODATA-1044 Require aliases for schemas and require alias-qualified names
- V4.01
  - Issues for V4.01_CSD02 ready for resolution
    - ODATA-1039 Relax constraints on namespace names
    - ODATA-1043 Clean up context URL syntax
  - Issues for V4.01_CSD02 in New or Open state without concrete proposal
    - ODATA-760 Add to depth restrictions to Capabilities Vocabulary
    - ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses
    - ODATA-879 Support Arrays of Arrays
    - ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)
    - ODATA-919 Specify the result type for each operation based on operator types
    - ODATA-923 $expand (or $include) for $metadata to include referenced schemas
    - ODATA-950 Clarify what requests can be delta enabled
    - ODATA-994 consider replacing SchemaVersion header with $SchemaVersion query option, or root URL versioning
    - ODATA-1002 Add build in functions operating on collections of primitive (and complex?) types
    - ODATA-1003 Allow casting of entities and complex type instances to arbitrary structural type
    - ODATA-1005 Make sure we have capabilities for all new 4.01 functionality
    - ODATA-1018 Allow $expand and $select with modifying requests that return a collection |
      in combination with return=representation to specify the response shape
    - ODATA-1020 Remove / in reference in instance annotation in filter and orderby _expression_
    - ODATA-1021 Are additional values needed for the reason property of a removed Annotation
    - ODATA-1033 Interoperability issue when using escaped slash/backslash in URLs
    - ODATA-1034 Support the notion of a collection of name/value pairs where the type of the value is known
- Next meeting
  - Thursday March 16, 2017 during 8-10 am PST? (2017-03-09 15:00 to 17:00 UTC) ? |
    Attention: Daylight Saving Time in USA and Canada, not yet in Europe
- AOB and wrap up
- Chat:
  - http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc   # ... this place 
- ScreenShare and Voice:
  - https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/OData-TC/
Next Planned meeting (tentative):
- Thursday March 16, 2017 during 8-10 am PST? (2017-03-16 15:00 to 17:00 UTC) ?
  - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=4396
[17:07] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 2.Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]
[17:08] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike can walk us through his thoughts on a JSON Batch format
[17:08] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-674Specify navigation property binding combined with containment
[17:09] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1030 Consider support of NavigationPropertyBindings to non-contained nav props
[17:09] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Issues in 6.a
[17:09] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): JSON Batch after 6.
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Agenda is approved
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 3.Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]
a.Minutes from March 02, 2017 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60178/odata-meeting-164_on-20170302-minutes.html
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Minutes are approved
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 4.Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]
a.Action items due
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 5.CSDL [8:20 am PT]
a.Superceding/replacing OData V4.0(1) Part 3: CDSL with OData CSDL XML Representation V4.01
i.Possible, we just submit OData V4.01 with Part 1: Protocol, Part 2: URL, and ABNF components, no Part 3 any more
ii.Stable link to OData V4.01 Part 3: CSDL
Link will continue to exist (was created for CSPRD01), but will lead to a README document explaining that OData Part 3 ended with CSPRD01, that the content has moved to a new, independent work product, and then link to CSDL XML Representation V4.01
[17:11] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): b.Issues for CSDL JSON Representation in New or Open state
i.ODATA-1044 Require aliases for schemas and require alias-qualified names
[17:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1044 is OPEN
[17:15] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: don't require aliases, just recommend them. Require their use if they are present
[17:17] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Revised proposal:
Documents SHOULD define aliases for schemas.
If an alias is defined for a schema, it MUST be used in qualified names.
[17:18] Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-1044 according to the amended proposal.
[17:18] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE): I second
[17:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1044 is RESOLVED as proposed
[17:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 6.V4.01 [8:40 am PT]
a.Issues for V4.01_CSD02 ready for resolution
[17:19] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-674
[17:19] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Problem:
9) The new usage is only allowed in a 4.01 schema: 
b. Services should only use cast segments in Target attribute in 4.01 responses
[17:20] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: In proposal, 9b) should have been referring to Path. The proposal (I believe) was that, for a 4.01 response, the last segment of Path can be either a navigation property or a cast segment; if cast segment, then only members of the (source) nav prop that are of that particular type are bound to the target entity set. 
The same path can't occur multiple times, but the same nav prop can be in multiple paths, followed by different cast segments. 
Where multiple such bindings occur for the same nav prop, the most specific path applies.
[17:23] Mike Pizzo: I move we correct ODATA-674, clarifying that 9b) should reference Path, not Target, and that multiple bindings may occur for the same nav prop, appended with different cast segments, in which case the bindings are applied to the most specific path.
[17:24] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE): I second
[17:24] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-674 is RESOLVED with the amended proposal
[17:24] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1030
[17:24] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Proposal states:
"The same path can occur multiple times" - does this mean an OR condition, meaning that the entities related via the "path" navigation property MUST be members of at least one of the "target" navigation properties? 
Mike doesn't think that this is a useful feature, so restrict that "path" values must be unique so one can specify at most one target per "path". 
For derived types the type-cast is part of the path, so paths for different derived types differ and can have different targets.
[17:28] Mike Pizzo: I move we clarify, in ODATA-1030, as we did in ODATA-674, that multiple paths to the same navigation property, with different cast segments, may exist, in which case the binding with the most specific path is applied.
[17:28] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE): I second
[17:29] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1030 is RESOLVED with the clarification
[17:29] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): i.ODATA-1039 Relax constraints on namespace names
[17:31] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Matt: C++ does not allow a '-' in namespace names. namespace names (including nested namespaces) cannot start with a number which also implies that a number alone cannot be used as a namespace name.
[17:31] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Matt: Swift allows naming a project with a - in the name but it doesn't allow module names to contain a - (it automatically converts the '-' to a '_' in the module name). 
Swift also allows a project name to be just a number. However, the module name has the first number replaced with a _ implying that a module name cannot be just a number.
[17:32] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: C# also doesn't allow dashes and no numbers as first "letter"
[17:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I move to close ODATA-1039 without action
[17:33] Matt Borges (SAP): i second
[17:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1039 is CLOSED without action
[17:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ii.ODATA-1043 Clean up context URL syntax
[17:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Ralf: SAP libraries don't rely on context URL for body parsing
[17:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Ramesh: Olingo does not rely on key values for parsing message bodies
[17:37] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: look into C# libraries
[17:37] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1039 is postponed to next meeting
[17:38] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1043, not ODATA-1039
[17:43] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I move to postpone ODATA-884 and reassign it to OData-to-OpenAPI mapping
[17:43] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE): I second
[17:43] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-884 is reassigned
[17:45] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-923
[17:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: services could specify a larger scope in Preference-Applied response header
[17:56] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: service could also choose not to include a referenced schema
[17:58] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike will add this to the proposal until next week
[17:59] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 6.5: JSON BATCH format
[18:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: creating multipart/mime request bodies is a challenge for clients
[18:02] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: define JSON format that is at least as expressive as the multipart/mime format
[18:03] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Basic idea: allow multiple groups of requests
[18:04] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Specify for each group whether it requires strict or relaxed ordering, e.g. execute requests in parallel if "relaxed"
[18:04] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Specify for each group what to do on error: stop or continue
[18:04] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Specify for each group whether it is atomic or not
[18:05] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Each group is sort of a change set, exactly as a current change set if atomic, relaxed ordering, stop on error
[18:09] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Allow dependencies between groups - this gives more flexibility than the current strict order of change sets within a batch
[18:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Request bodies in application/json are directly embedded, bodies for other content-types are base64url encoded strings
[18:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Response also has groups with same name as in request and an array of responses
[18:15] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): If ordering of requests in a group is strict, responses are in same order
[18:15] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Otherwise responses can appear in any order, cross-reference to request via "id" (replacement for Content-ID header)
[18:16] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): JSON response bodies inline, other content-types base64url encoded
[18:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1045 created
[18:34] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Disallow propagation of Accept header on batch requests to individual requests within the batch
[18:34] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Description Section 8.2.1 Header Accept states (new text in 4.01, not present in 4.0): 
If the Accept header is specified on an individual request within a batch, then it specifies the acceptable formats for that individual request. Requests within a batch that dont include the Accept header inherit the acceptable formats of the overall batch request. 
This would cause problems for batch requests specifying Accept:application/json with the intention of a "default" for the individual responses once we add a JSON Batch format. Services would not be able to respond with the JSON Batch format if they formerly treated this as a default for the individual requests
[18:35] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: ODATA-1045 is OPEN
[18:36] Mark Biamonte (Progress): I move that OData-1045 be resolved as proposed
[18:36] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE): i second
[18:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: ODATA-1045 is RESOLVED as proposed
[18:38] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: JSON Batch
[18:38] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Describe the new format (request and response) in JSON Format
[18:39] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Move Multipart-Mime format to an Appendix of Part 1: Protocol
[18:41] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Refer to both formats in the main text in section 11.7
[18:41] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Stefan: Conformance is before Appendix, which sort of suggests that Appendixes aren't in the normative part
[18:42] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Alternative: move multipart/mime-specific text to the last subsection of 11.7, and refer to JSON Format for an alternative JSON Batch format
[18:44] Mike Pizzo: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1046
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: ODATA-1046 is OPEN
[18:45] Mike Pizzo: proposal in issue: Add a new section to the JSON format document describing a JSON batch request and response format as presented 2017-3-9. 
Move multipart/mime-specific text to the last subsection of 11.7, and refer to JSON Format for an alternative JSON Batch format.
[18:51] Mike Pizzo: Added to the issue:
[18:51] Mike Pizzo: example json batch request: 
POST /v1.0/$batch HTTP/1.1 
batch1: { 
batchOptions: { 
ordering: "strict", 
onError: "terminate" 
requests: [ 
id: "1", 
method: "post", 
url: "/users", 
headers: { 
"Content-Type": "application/json" 
body: { 
displayName: "John Smith", 
userPrincipalName: "jsmith@contoso.com" 
id: "2", 
method: "get", 
url: "$1/photo/$value", 
headers: { 
Accept: "image/jpeg" 
batch2: { 
batchOptions: { 
ordering: "relaxed", 
onError: "continue", 
dependsOn: "batch1" 
requests: [ 
id: "1", 
method: "get", 
url: "/groups?top=10", 
headers: { 
Accept: "application/json", 
id: "2", 
method: "get", 
url: "/invalidEntity", 
headers: { 
Accept: "application/json" 
batch3: { 
batchOptions: { 
ordering: "relaxed", 
onError: "terminate" 
requests: [ 
id: "1", 
method: "get", 
url: "/groups?top=10", 
headers: { 
Accept: "application/atom+xml", 
example batch response: 
batch1: { 
responses: [ 
id: "1", 
status: 201, 
headers: { 
Location: "/users/jsmith" 
id: "2", 
status: 200, 
headers: { 
"Content-Type": "image/jpeg" 
batch2: { 
responses: [ 
id: "1", 
status: 200, 
headers: { 
"Content-Type": "application/json" 
body: { 
values: [ 
displayName: "user1" 
id: "2", 
status: 404, 
headers: { 
"Content-Type": "application/json" 
body: { 
error: { 
message: "Resource Not Found." 
batch3: { 
responses: [ 
id: "3", 
status: 400 
[18:52] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP SE): I move that OData-1046 be resolved as proposed
[18:52] Mike Pizzo: I second
[18:53] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: ODATA-1046 is RESOLVED as proposed
[18:53] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: 7.Next meeting [9:50 am PT]
a.Thursday March 16, 2017 during 8-10 am PDT = 16:00-18:00 CET  Attention: Daylight Saving Time in USA and Canada, not yet in Europe
[18:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Attention: issues without concrete proposal by next week will be deferred to V4.02
[18:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: 8.AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]
[18:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE)1: Meeting is adjourned



From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:odata@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Handl, Ralf
Sent: Mittwoch, 8. März 2017 10:08
To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2017-03-09


Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday March 09, 2017 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.




[1] Agenda


1.        Roll call [8:00 am PT]

a.     Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=43968


2.        Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]


3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]

a.     Minutes from March 02, 2017 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60178/odata-meeting-164_on-20170302-minutes.html


4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php] [8:15am PT]

a.     Action items due

                                  i.    None


5.        CSDL [8:20 am PT]

a.     Superceding/replacing OData V4.0(1) Part 3: CDSL with OData CSDL XML Representation V4.01

                                  i.    Possible, we just submit OData V4.01 with Part 1: Protocol, Part 2: URL, and ABNF components, no Part 3 any more

                                 ii.    Stable link to OData V4.01 Part 3: CSDL
Link will continue to exist (was created for CSPRD01), but will lead to a README document explaining that OData Part 3 ended with CSPRD01, that the content has moved to a new, independent work product, and then link to CSDL XML Representation V4.01

b.     Issues for CSDL JSON Representation in New or Open state

                                  i.    ODATA-1044 Require aliases for schemas and require alias-qualified names


6.        V4.01 [8:40 am PT]

a.     Issues for V4.01_CSD02 ready for resolution

                                  i.    ODATA-1039 Relax constraints on namespace names

                                 ii.    ODATA-1043 Clean up context URL syntax

b.    Issues for V4.01_CSD02 in New or Open state without concrete proposal

                                                   i.      ODATA-760 Add to depth restrictions to Capabilities Vocabulary

                                 ii.    ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses

                                iii.    ODATA-879 Support Arrays of Arrays

                                iv.    ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)

                                 v.    ODATA-919 Specify the result type for each operation based on operator types

                                vi.    ODATA-923 $expand (or $include) for $metadata to include referenced schemas

                               vii.    ODATA-950 Clarify what requests can be delta enabled

                              viii.    ODATA-994 consider replacing SchemaVersion header with $SchemaVersion query option, or root URL versioning

                                ix.    ODATA-1002 Add build in functions operating on collections of primitive (and complex?) types

                                 x.    ODATA-1003 Allow casting of entities and complex type instances to arbitrary structural type

                                xi.    ODATA-1005 Make sure we have capabilities for all new 4.01 functionality

                               xii.    ODATA-1018 Allow $expand and $select with modifying requests that return a collection in combination with return=representation to specify the response shape

                              xiii.    ODATA-1020 Remove / in reference in instance annotation in filter and orderby _expression_

                              xiv.    ODATA-1021 Are additional values needed for the reason property of a removed Annotation

                               xv.    ODATA-1033 Interoperability issue when using escaped slash/backslash in URLs

                              xvi.    ODATA-1034 Support the notion of a collection of name/value pairs where the type of the value is known


7.        Next meeting [9:50 am PT]

a.     Thursday March 16, 2017 during 8-10 am PDT = 16:00-18:00 CET – Attention: Daylight Saving Time in USA and Canada, not yet in Europe


8.        AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]


[2] References

·         Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/56760/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm

·         Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc


[3] Timeline

·         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/59862/TC%20Timeline-2017-01-25.docx




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