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Subject: RE: Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2018-09-20 - chat transcript

[17:00] Room information was updated by: Ralf Handl (SAP SE)
Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 20, 2018 during 8-10 am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications. 
[1] Agenda
1.Roll call [8:00 am PT]
a.Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=46274 
2.Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]
3.Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]
a.Minutes from September 13, 2018 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/63923/odata-meeting-229_on-20180913-minutes.html 
4.Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php?sort_field=due_closed_date] [8:15am PT]
i.#0037 Concept for Google Protocol Buffers as a data format  Hubert Heijkers  2018-09-27
b.In progress
i.#0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA  Mark Biamonte  2018-07-26
5.Agenda F2F 
a.Tuesday September 25, 2018, 09:00-18:00 PDT  Pre-Meeting
i.09:00-13:00 Craft proposals for Vocabulary issues (Mike, Ralf)
2.Improved OpenAPI mapping
ii.14:00-18:00 Data Aggregation (Gerald, Hubert)
2.Odds and ends
3.Recursive Hierarchies
b.Wednesday September 26, 2018, 09:00-18:00 PDT  Pre-Meeting
i.09:00-13:00 Craft proposals for V4.01 issues (all)
2.Deep Update
3.Odds and ends
ii.14:00-18:00 Fun Stuff
1.Compact JSON (Hubert)
2.REST-EZ (Mike)
c.Thursday September 27, 2018, 09:00-17:00 PDT  Face-to-Face, Building 41, Conference Room 64 
i.09:00-12:30 Resolve V4.01 issues
ii.13:30-17:00 Resolve Vocabulary issues
d.Friday September 28, 2018, 09:00-15:00 PDT  Face-to-Face, Building 41, Conference Room 64
i.09:00-12:00 Data Aggregation
ii.13:00-15:00 Misc & Wrap-Up
6.Issues [8:20 am PT]
a.V4.01: NEW or OPEN 
i.ODATA-1202 Deep update with nested delta items should allow Core.ContentID
ii.ODATA-1180 Cast between enumeration types and integer types 
iii.ODATA-1141 Upsert: clarify upsert along nullable single-valued navigation path
iv.ODATA-1188 Allow using instance annotations in $select and $expand
v.ODATA-1183 Allow Singletons to be null
vi.ODATA-1224 Make [OData-]EntityId header optional if the same as Location header
vii.ODATA-1223 Add OData- prefix back to Entity-Id and Isolation headers
viii.ODATA-1198 ETag handling deviations from RFC7232 are avoidable if we consider two kinds of ETag (ETag in response header and ETag in response payload)
ix.ODATA-1168 Clarify the use of ETags for Avoiding Update Conflicts
x.ODATA-1221 Apply, as much as possible, our JSON Format to our annotations as well
xi.ODATA-1191 Make sure that all model elements are annotatable
xii.ODATA-1187 No way to bind nav prop on recursively nested (contained or complex) type
xiii.ODATA-1171 Consider using matrix parameters for filter segments
xiv.ODATA-1165 Describe $expand and $select via prose text and examples, remove ABNF snippets
xv.ODATA-1148 PATCH with nested nav props should not remove omitted resources
xvi.ODATA-1143 Extend the Property metatype to allow a type that is an EntityType.
xvii.ODATA-1135 Document use of JSON $schema
xviii.ODATA-1088 Clarify effect of applying an Annotation to an element
b.Data Aggregation: NEW or OPEN (deferred to F2F)
i.ODATA-1225 Correct example 68
ii.ODATA-1218 Transformations for recursive hierarchy processing
iii.ODATA-1207 Clarify need for @odata.id in nested response structures (deferred to F2F)
iv.ODATA-947 Transformation for computing ratios with aggregated values (deferred to F2F)
v.ODATA-945 Correct examples 53 and 54 (deferred to F2F)
c.Vocabularies: deferred to F2F  examples, custom headers and query options, error codes
i.ODATA-1227 Improve description of filter _expression_ restrictions
ii.ODATA-1226 Ambiguity with Capabilities.ChangeTracking annotation
iii.ODATA-1216 Terms for POST/PATCH/PUT with system query options to shape response
iv.ODATA-1214 Annotate constructor actions
v.ODATA-1200 ODATA-884 / Support sample values for types, parameters, request/response bodies
vi.ODATA-1194 Add term Core.Example to allow including annotation examples in term definitions
vii.ODATA-1177 Allow referencing a (JSON) schema for Edm.Untyped properties
viii.ODATA-1176 Capabilities: add new term SelectSupported
ix.ODATA-1140 ODATA-884 / Add details to HTTPResponseCode term
x.ODATA-1099 Add annotations to describe custom query options and custom headers
xi.ODATA-1064 Add ability to annotate collections to return only count and NextLink
xii.ODATA-1005 Make sure we have capabilities for all new 4.01 functionality
xiii.ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)
d.Vocabularies: NEW or OPEN that need more discussion
i.ODATA-1107 Introduce instance annotation to specify which types an instance "implements"
ii.ODATA-1060 Improve specification of element response requirements
7.Next meetings [9:50 am PT]
a.Face-to-Face Thursday & Friday September 27 & 28, 2018 during 9-17 am PDT & 9-15 PDT (18:00-02:00 CEST & 18:00-00:00 CEST)
b.Thursday October 04, 2018 during 8-10 am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST)
8.AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]
[2] References
Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc 
Conference call & Screen sharing: https://lync.co.sap.com/meet/ralf.handl/Q4QB1098 
Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/63673/latest/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm 
[3] Timeline
[17:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): [1] Agenda
1.Roll call [8:00 am PT]
a.Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=46274
[17:05] Mark Biamonte (Progress): Having problems connecting to the Oasis site to register
[17:06] Matt Borges (SAP): Me too
[17:06] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Waiting for Mike and Hubert to join the call
[17:08] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Manual counting: 8 out of 10 members present, 80%, quorum achieved
[17:08] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 2.Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]
[17:09] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Rediscuss https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1178
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Hubert: discuss ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses
[17:10] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: discuss ODATA-1228 Support non-batch mechanism for long URLs
[17:11] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Gerald: discuss ODATA-1225 Correct example 68
[17:11] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Do these as 5.a
[17:11] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Agenda is approved with these changes
[17:12] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 3.Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]
a.Minutes from September 13, 2018 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/63923/odata-meeting-229_on-20180913-minutes.html
[17:12] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Minutes are approved
[17:12] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 4.Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php?sort_field=due_closed_date] [8:15am PT]
i.#0037 Concept for Google Protocol Buffers as a data format  Hubert Heijkers  2018-09-27
b.In progress
i.#0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA  Mark Biamonte  2018-07-26
[17:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Hubert: shift to 2018-12-06
[17:14] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 5.Agenda F2F 
a.Tuesday September 25, 2018, 09:00-18:00 PDT  Pre-Meeting
i.09:00-13:00 Craft proposals for Vocabulary issues (Mike, Ralf)
2.Improved OpenAPI mapping
ii.14:00-18:00 Data Aggregation (Gerald, Hubert)
2.Odds and ends
3.Recursive Hierarchies
b.Wednesday September 26, 2018, 09:00-18:00 PDT  Pre-Meeting
i.09:00-13:00 Craft proposals for V4.01 issues (all)
2.Deep Update
3.Odds and ends
ii.14:00-18:00 Fun Stuff
1.Compact JSON (Hubert)
2.REST-EZ (Mike)
c.Thursday September 27, 2018, 09:00-17:00 PDT  Face-to-Face, Building 41, Conference Room 64 
i.09:00-12:30 Resolve V4.01 issues
ii.13:30-17:00 Resolve Vocabulary issues
d.Friday September 28, 2018, 09:00-15:00 PDT  Face-to-Face, Building 41, Conference Room 64
i.09:00-12:00 Data Aggregation
ii.13:00-15:00 Misc & Wrap-Up
[17:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mark will attend the pre-meeting!
[17:18] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Most participants could extend the Friday afternoon slot in case we need more time
[17:21] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: conference rooms not yet confirmed, check Tuesday for which building we will be in that day http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/smile.gif
[17:22] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Hubert will meet Ralf and Gerald at the airport on Monday
[17:23] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Rediscuss https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1178
[17:23] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): External targeting for action/function overloads
[17:23] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Allow external targeting of individual action/function overload with syntax similar to action/function advertisement in JSON data by optionally appending the overload signature to the action/function name.
The signature consists of parentheses containing a comma-separated list starting with the qualified name of the binding parameter type, and for functions followed by the unordered names of the non-binding parameters. This uniquely identifies a single overload.
For unbound functions, this would just be the unordered list of parameter names.
[17:28] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): MySchema.MyFunction(MySchema.BindingParameterType,First.NonBindingParameterType,Second.NonBindingParameterType)
[17:29] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): E.g. My.Function(Some.Person,Edm.String,Edm.Int32)
[17:32] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: initially we only had the restriction on the unordered set of parameter names, which is why this is used in JSON Format
[17:32] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: the second restriction on ordered list of parameter types was added later to simplify mapping to programming languages
[17:33] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: when adding it we thought we might relax it later, which we can't if we use it now for targeting
[17:34] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I move to amend the proposal for ODATA-1178 to use the ordered list of parameter names as the target suffix for function overloads
[17:34] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): I move to amend the proposal for ODATA-1178 to use the ordered list of parameter types as the target suffix for function overloads
[17:35] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Two changes: ordered list, and type names instead of parameter names
[17:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Which makes the target unique
[17:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): And deterministic
[17:36] George Ericson (Dell): Second
[17:36] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Motion passes
[17:37] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): discuss ODATA-868 Describe HTTP encoding for streamed requests and responses
[17:38] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-868
[17:42] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ],"@error":{}
[17:54] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Discussion on whether to try injecting information on the error or just leave the JSON response incomplete
[17:55] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: if we want to inject error information we should use the @Core.Messages instance annotation
[18:04] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Hubert to check with experts on how to do this
[18:05] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Postponed to F2F
[18:05] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1228 Support non-batch mechanism for long URLs
[18:20] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Hubert: overly long $filter expressions can also happen with POST, PUT, PATCH to shape the response, in which case we already have a body
[18:37] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Discussion on using "mini-batch" format with a single request object
[18:38] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Problem: would need to parse complete body go get at the (overlong) query options
[18:39] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: are query strings with POST, PATCH, PUT really overly long? Usually no $filter
[18:40] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Hubert: action with complicated return structure with $select, $expand, and nested $filter within them
[18:43] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: trying to get POST, PATCH, PUT in makes this at least as complicated as $batch
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike to craft an updated proposal for the F2F
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1225 Correct example 68
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1225
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): escription
The result of example 68 does not match the description of the model function applied in the request. The function is supposed to return an extra entity with a single property holding the aggregated value of all entities not considered.
In the shown response, these entities contain also a property Product/Name = "**Other**", which is unexpected.
[18:44] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): roposal:
Replace with this response:
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Sales(Customer(Country),Product(Name),Total)",
  "value": [
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "Netherlands" },
      "Product": { "Name": "Paper" }, "Total": 3 },
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "Netherlands" },
      "Total":  2 },
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "USA" },
      "Product": { "Name": "Coffee" }, "Total": 12 },
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "USA" },
      "Total": 5 }
[18:45] Gerald Krause (SAP): GET ~/Sales?$apply=groupby((Customer/Country,Product/Name),
                         aggregate(Amount with sum as Total))
[18:46] Gerald Krause (SAP): {
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Sales(Customer(Country),Product(Name),Total)",
  "value": [
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "Netherlands" },
      "Product": { "Name": "Paper" }, "Total":  3 },
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "Netherlands" },
      "Product": { "Name": "**Other**" }, "Total":  2 },
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "USA" },
      "Product": { "Name": "Coffee" }, "Total": 12 },
    { "@odata.id": null, "Customer": { "Country": "USA" },
      "Product": { "Name": "**Other**" }, "Total":  5 }
[18:49] Gerald Krause (SAP): The function takes the name of a numeric property as a parameter, retains those entities that topcount also would retain, and replaces the remaining entities by a single aggregated entity, where only the numeric property has a defined value being the aggregated value over those remaining entities:
[18:51] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1225 is OPEN
[18:51] Gerald Krause (SAP): I move to resolve ODATA-1225 as proposed.
[18:51] Stefan Hagen: I second
[18:52] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1225 is RESOLVED as proposed
[18:52] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): a.V4.01: NEW or OPEN 
i.ODATA-1202 Deep update with nested delta items should allow Core.ContentID
[18:52] Stefan Hagen: @Ralf: Minutes will be later then last time (scribe arrived late, sorry)
[18:52] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/ODATA-1202
[18:53] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1202 is OPEN
[18:53] Matt Borges (SAP): I move to resolve ODATA-1202 as proposed.
[18:54] Hubert Heijkers (IBM): I second
[18:54] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ODATA-1202 is RESOLVED as proposed
[18:54] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): ii.ODATA-1180 Cast between enumeration types and integer types
[18:57] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Point out that this doesn't allow comparison between members of different enumeration types
[18:58] Stefan Hagen: I move to resolve ODATA-1180 as proposed as amended that this casting doesn't allow comparison between members of different enumeration types.
[18:59] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mike: enums are so fraught with issues that we should defer this to the F2F
[19:00] Stefan Hagen: I move to defer to face to face
[19:00] Michael Pizzo1: I second
[19:00] Stefan Hagen: the ODATA-1180
[19:00] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): 7.Next meetings [9:50 am PT]
a.Face-to-Face Thursday & Friday September 27 & 28, 2018 during 9-17 am PDT & 9-15 PDT (18:00-02:00 CEST & 18:00-00:00 CEST)
b.Thursday October 04, 2018 during 8-10 am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST)
8.AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]
[19:00] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Attendants for Tuesday
[19:00] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Mark, Hubert, Mike, Gerald, Ralf
[19:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): See you all next week!
[19:01] Ralf Handl (SAP SE): Meeting is adjourned



From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org <odata@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Handl, Ralf
Sent: Mittwoch, 19. September 2018 10:16
To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [CAUTION] [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2018-09-20


Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 20, 2018 during 8-10 am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.




[1] Agenda


1.        Roll call [8:00 am PT]

    1. Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=46274


2.        Approve agenda [8:05 am PT]


3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am PT]

    1. Minutes from September 13, 2018 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/63923/odata-meeting-229_on-20180913-minutes.html


4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php?sort_field=due_closed_date] [8:15am PT]

    1. Upcoming

                                  i.    #0037 Concept for Google Protocol Buffers as a data format – Hubert Heijkers – 2018-09-27

    1. In progress

                                  i.    #0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA – Mark Biamonte – 2018-07-26


5.        Agenda F2F

    1. Tuesday September 25, 2018, 09:00-18:00 PDT – Pre-Meeting

                                  i.    09:00-13:00 Craft proposals for Vocabulary issues (Mike, Ralf)

        1. Capabilities
        2. Improved OpenAPI mapping

                                 ii.    14:00-18:00 Data Aggregation (Gerald, Hubert)

        1. Ratios
        2. Odds and ends
        3. Recursive Hierarchies
    1. Wednesday September 26, 2018, 09:00-18:00 PDT – Pre-Meeting

                                  i.    09:00-13:00 Craft proposals for V4.01 issues (all)

        1. ETags
        2. Deep Update
        3. Odds and ends

                                 ii.    14:00-18:00 Fun Stuff

        1. Compact JSON (Hubert)
        2. REST-EZ (Mike)


    1. Thursday September 27, 2018, 09:00-17:00 PDT – Face-to-Face, Building 41, Conference Room 64

                                  i.    09:00-12:30 Resolve V4.01 issues

                                 ii.    13:30-17:00 Resolve Vocabulary issues

    1. Friday September 28, 2018, 09:00-15:00 PDT – Face-to-Face, Building 41, Conference Room 64

                                  i.    09:00-12:00 Data Aggregation

                                 ii.    13:00-15:00 Misc & Wrap-Up


6.        Issues [8:20 am PT]

    1. V4.01: NEW or OPEN

                                  i.    ODATA-1202 Deep update with nested delta items should allow Core.ContentID

                                 ii.    ODATA-1180 Cast between enumeration types and integer types

                                iii.    ODATA-1141 Upsert: clarify upsert along nullable single-valued navigation path

                                iv.    ODATA-1188 Allow using instance annotations in $select and $expand

                                 v.    ODATA-1183 Allow Singletons to be null

                                vi.    ODATA-1224 Make [OData-]EntityId header optional if the same as Location header

                               vii.    ODATA-1223 Add OData- prefix back to Entity-Id and Isolation headers

                              viii.    ODATA-1198 ETag handling deviations from RFC7232 are avoidable if we consider two kinds of ETag (ETag in response header and ETag in response payload)

                                ix.    ODATA-1168 Clarify the use of ETags for Avoiding Update Conflicts

                                 x.    ODATA-1221 Apply, as much as possible, our JSON Format to our annotations as well

                                xi.    ODATA-1191 Make sure that all model elements are annotatable

                               xii.    ODATA-1187 No way to bind nav prop on recursively nested (contained or complex) type

                              xiii.    ODATA-1171 Consider using matrix parameters for filter segments

                              xiv.    ODATA-1165 Describe $expand and $select via prose text and examples, remove ABNF snippets

                               xv.    ODATA-1148 PATCH with nested nav props should not remove omitted resources

                              xvi.    ODATA-1143 Extend the Property metatype to allow a type that is an EntityType.

                             xvii.    ODATA-1135 Document use of JSON $schema

                            xviii.    ODATA-1088 Clarify effect of applying an Annotation to an element


    1. Data Aggregation: NEW or OPEN (deferred to F2F)

                                  i.    ODATA-1225 Correct example 68

                                 ii.    ODATA-1218 Transformations for recursive hierarchy processing

                                iii.    ODATA-1207 Clarify need for @odata.id in nested response structures (deferred to F2F)

                                iv.    ODATA-947 Transformation for computing ratios with aggregated values (deferred to F2F)

                                 v.    ODATA-945 Correct examples 53 and 54 (deferred to F2F)


    1. Vocabularies: deferred to F2F – examples, custom headers and query options, error codes

                                  i.    ODATA-1227 Improve description of filter _expression_ restrictions

                                 ii.    ODATA-1226 Ambiguity with Capabilities.ChangeTracking annotation

                                iii.    ODATA-1216 Terms for POST/PATCH/PUT with system query options to shape response

                                iv.    ODATA-1214 Annotate constructor actions

                                 v.    ODATA-1200 ODATA-884 / Support sample values for types, parameters, request/response bodies

                                vi.    ODATA-1194 Add term Core.Example to allow including annotation examples in term definitions

                               vii.    ODATA-1177 Allow referencing a (JSON) schema for Edm.Untyped properties

                              viii.    ODATA-1176 Capabilities: add new term SelectSupported

                                ix.    ODATA-1140 ODATA-884 / Add details to HTTPResponseCode term

                                 x.    ODATA-1099 Add annotations to describe custom query options and custom headers

                                xi.    ODATA-1064 Add ability to annotate collections to return only count and NextLink

                               xii.    ODATA-1005 Make sure we have capabilities for all new 4.01 functionality

                              xiii.    ODATA-884 Add term ErrorCodes to describe possible codes in error messages (public comment c201510e00019)


    1. Vocabularies: NEW or OPEN that need more discussion

                                  i.    ODATA-1107 Introduce instance annotation to specify which types an instance "implements"

                                 ii.    ODATA-1060 Improve specification of element response requirements


7.        Next meetings [9:50 am PT]

    1. Face-to-Face Thursday & Friday September 27 & 28, 2018 during 9-17 am PDT & 9-15 PDT (18:00-02:00 CEST & 18:00-00:00 CEST)
    2. Thursday October 04, 2018 during 8-10 am PDT (17:00-19:00 CEST)


8.        AOB and wrap up [9:55 am PT]


[2] References


[3] Timeline

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