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Subject: RE: Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2019-12-12 - chat transcript

[‎12.‎12.‎2019 16:59] 

OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday December 12, 2019 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

[1] Agenda

            1. Roll call [8:00 am]

                        a. Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=48016 

Voting Members: 2 of 9 (22%) (used for quorum calculation)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:05] 

Voting Members: 4 of 9 (44%) (used for quorum calculation)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:05] 

Voting Members: 5 of 9 (55%) (used for quorum calculation)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:06] 

Voting Members: 6 of 9 (66%) (used for quorum calculation)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:07] 

Quorum achieved: yes


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:07] 

            2. Approve agenda [8:05 am]


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:11] 

Agenda items 6.a and 6.c will be skipped due to missing endorsement of IBM's statement of use


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:12] 

            3. Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am]

                        a. Minutes from December 05, 2019 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66361/Minutes%20of%202019-12-04%20Meeting%20%23277.docx


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:13]  

Minutes are approved


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:13] 

No Title

            4. Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php?sort_field=due_closed_date] [8:15 am]

                        a. Upcoming

                                    i.          #0039 Concept for Compact JSON data format – Hubert Heijkers – 2020-01-31

                                    ii.          #0037 Concept for binary data format – Hubert Heijkers – 2020-03-26

                                    iii.         #0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA – Mark Biamonte – 2018-07-26


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:14] 

Mike: getting interest on binary format, e.g. Protocol Buffers


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:15] 

iii: no news so far, waiting for reaction on Chet's last email


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:16] 

Dated November 26


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:16] 

           5. Issues [8:20 am]

                       a. V4.01: NEW or OPEN

                                    i.          ODATA-1346 Clarify handling of delta with $expand


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:16] 

No Title


Section 11.3.1 Delta Links describes handling of delta queries in combination with $expand, the relevant text is attached below. The highlighted sentence seems contradictory and should be clarified. It demands that the delta response must include changes to the expanded entities also for navigation properties expanded with $ref, whereas the following paragraph states that a delta query with a $ref expansion will ignore changes to changes to related entities.

"If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. This is independent of whether related entity themselves or only references to related entities were requested. 

Navigation properties specified in the $select list of a defining query are not used to define the scope or contents of the items being tracked. Clients can specify /$ref in $expand in order to specify interest in the set of related entities without interest in changes to the content of those related entities.“


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:27] 

Mike: intention: $expand defines the tracking scope:


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:27] 

- $expand=Foo: change in related Foos as well as changes in relationship


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:27] 

- $expand=Foo/$ref: only changes in relationship


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:29] 

No objections to this interpretation of the specification


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:32]  Mike Pizzo: 

If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. If the defining query includes expanded entity references, then changes the delta link MUST return changes to membership.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:34]  Mike Pizzo: 

If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. If the defining query includes expanded entity references, then the delta link MUST return changes to the membership of the expanded references.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:41]  Mike Pizzo: 

If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. If the defining query includes expanded references, then the delta link MUST return changes to the membership of the set of expanded references.(should either change "relationships" to "entity" 

If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. If the defining query includes expanded references, then the delta link MUST return changes to the membership of the set of expanded references.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:42] 



[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:42]  Mike Pizzo: 

If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. If the defining query includes expanded references, then the delta link MUST return changes to the membership of the set of expanded references.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:42] 



[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:42]  Mike Pizzo: 

If the defining query includes expanded relationships, the delta link MUST return changes, additions, or deletions to the expanded entities, as well as added or deleted links to expanded entities or nested collections representing current membership. If the defining query includes expanded references, then the delta link MUST return changes to the membership in the set of expanded references.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:43] 

ODATA-1346 is OPEN


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:44]  Ericson, George: 

Motion to approve ODATA-1346 as proposed


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:45]  Krause, Gerald: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:45] 

ODATA-1346 is RESOLVED as proposed


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:45] 

                                    ii.          ODATA-1345 Issues with ContextUrl


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:46] 

Issue was waiting for clarification with Chet Ensign


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:48] 

The 4.01 wording implied a choice that was not possible because 4.0 only allowed the non-paren version


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:49] 

Cleaning up the 4.01 wording does not remove a feature. It only removes confusion :)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:51]  Mike Pizzo: 

I move to resolve ODATA-1345 as proposed, and incorporate the clarification into the COS version as a non-normative change.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:51]  Ericson, George: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:52] 

ODATA-1345 is RESOLVED as proposed


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 17:53] 

No Title

                       b. APPLIED

                                    i.          ODATA-1344 Remove leftover wording regarding $expand within $select

                                    ii.          ODATA-1343 Multipart Batch Request Body example is missing required CRLF before first occurrence of boundary

                                   iii.         ODATA-1341 Clarify that nested next links can appear on the same page as a delta link

                                               1.         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66374/odata-v4.01-wd09-part1-protocol-2019-12-09a.docx 

                                               2.         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66375/odata-json-format-v4.01-wd09-2019-12-09.docx 

                                               3.         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66376/odata-v4.01-cs02-non-material-changes.docx  


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:05]  Ericson, George: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:22]  Ericson, George: 

Motion to approve as applied: ODATA-1341,ODATA-1343, ODATA-1344, ODATA-1345, and ODATA-1346.  


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:22]  Hubert Heijkers: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:23] 

No objections, motion passes


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:24] 

Skip agenda item 6


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:25] 

            7. More Issues [9:30 am]


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:25] 

                       b. Vocabularies: NEW or OPEN with concrete proposal

                                   i.          ODATA-1342 Core.Ordered: mention "Term" in AppliesTo

                                               1. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/pull/63/files 


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:25] 


Collection-valued terms may assign meaning to the order of items in the annotation value, e.g. a "DefaultSortOrder" term may describe the default sort order of a collection if no $orderby is specified.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:27] 

ODATA-1342 is OPEN


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:27]  Hubert Heijkers: 

I move to resolve ODATA-1342 as proposed.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:27]  Ericson, George: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:28] 

ODATA-1342 is RESOLVED as proposed


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:29]  Hubert Heijkers: 

I move to close ODATA-1342 as applied.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:29]  Ericson, George: 

I Second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:30] 

           8. Next meetings [9:50 am]

                       a.         Thursday December 19, 2019 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

                       b.         Thursday January 16, 2020 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

                       c.         Thursday January 23, 2020 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

                       d.         Thursday January 30, 2020 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:31] 

Next meeting next week


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:33] 

            7. More Issues [9:30 am]

                       a. V4.02: NEW or OPEN with concrete proposal

                                   i.          ODATA-1340 PATCH: new preference return=delta to get back a delta response

ii.       ODATA-1323 Clarify representation of GEO literals and streams in annotations (XML, JSON)


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:39]  Ericson, George: 

Motion to resolve ODATA-1323 as proposed.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:39]  Mike Pizzo: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:40] 

ODATA-1323 is RESOLVED as proposed


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:40] 

                       b. Vocabularies: NEW or OPEN with concrete proposal
ii.       ODATA-1275 Describe structure of "JSON properties"

                                               1. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/pull/52/files 

                                               2. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-csdl-schemas/pull/9/files 


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:47]  Ericson, George: 

Motion to resolve ODATA-1275 as proposed.


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:47]  Mike Pizzo: 

I second


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:47] 

ODATA-1275 is RESOLVED as proposed


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 18:59]  Ericson, George: 

Motion to close ODATA-1275 as applied


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 19:00]  Ericson, George: 



[‎12.‎12.‎2019 19:01] 

            9.  AOB and wrap up [9:55 am]


[‎12.‎12.‎2019 19:01] 

Meeting is adjourned





From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org <odata@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Handl, Ralf
Sent: Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2019 12:54
To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [CAUTION] [odata] Agenda for OData TC meeting on 2019-12-12


Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday December 12, 2019 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET). For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.



[1] Agenda

     1. Roll call [8:00 am]

          a. Self-registration link: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=48016 


     2. Approve agenda [8:05 am]


     3. Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10 am]

          a. Minutes from December 05, 2019 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66361/Minutes%20of%202019-12-04%20Meeting%20%23277.docx


     4. Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php?sort_field=due_closed_date] [8:15 am]

          a. Upcoming

              i.   #0039 Concept for Compact JSON data format – Hubert Heijkers – 2020-01-31

              ii.  #0037 Concept for binary data format – Hubert Heijkers – 2020-03-26

              iii.  #0036 Register the OData- headers and preferences with IANA – Mark Biamonte – 2018-07-26


    5. Issues [8:20 am]

         a. V4.01: NEW or OPEN

              i.   ODATA-1346 Clarify handling of delta with $expand

              ii.  ODATA-1345 Issues with ContextUrl


         b. APPLIED

              i.   ODATA-1344 Remove leftover wording regarding $expand within $select

              ii.  ODATA-1343 Multipart Batch Request Body example is missing required CRLF before first occurrence of boundary

              iii.  ODATA-1341 Clarify that nested next links can appear on the same page as a delta link

                  1.  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66374/odata-v4.01-wd09-part1-protocol-2019-12-09a.docx

                  2.  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66375/odata-json-format-v4.01-wd09-2019-12-09.docx

                  3.  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66376/odata-v4.01-cs02-non-material-changes.docx 


     6. Progress V4.01 to Candidate OASIS Standard [8:50 am]

         a. Accept Statements of Use

              i.   Sample motions:

                   1.  I move to accept the Statements of Use for OData V4.01 Committee Specification 02 approved on 15 November 2019 provided by SAP, IBM, and Microsoft.

                   2.  I move to accept the Statements of Use for OData JSON Format V4.01 Committee Specification 02 approved on 15 November 2019 provided by SAP, IBM, and Microsoft.

                   3.  I move to accept the Statements of Use for OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) JSON Representation V4.01 Committee Specification 02 approved on 15 November 2019 provided by SAP, IBM, and Microsoft.

                   4.  I move to accept the Statements of Use for OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) XML Representation V4.01 Committee Specification 02 approved on 15 November 2019 provided by SAP, IBM, and Microsoft.


          b. Approve summary of non-material changes to CS02

              i.   https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66376/odata-v4.01-cs02-non-material-changes.docx 


          c. Request special majority ballots to approve Candidate OASIS Standard 01

              i.   Sample motions:

                   1.  I move to approve the Chair requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve submitting OData V4.01 Working Draft 09 contained in as a Candidate OASIS Standard. I further move that the TC affirm that changes have been made since publication of OData V4.01 Committee Specification 02, that the changes made are documented in https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66376/odata-v4.01-cs02-non-material-changes.docx, and that the TC judges these changes to be non-material in accordance with the definition in the OASIS TC Process (https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/oasis-defined-terms-2018-05-22#dNonmaterialChange).


                   2.  I move to approve the Chair requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve submitting OData JSON Format V4.01 Working Draft 09 contained in as a Candidate OASIS Standard. I further move that the TC affirm that changes have been made since publication of OData JSON Format V4.01 Committee Specification 02, that the changes made are documented in https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/66376/odata-v4.01-cs02-non-material-changes.docx, and that the TC judges these changes to be non-material in accordance with the definition in the OASIS TC Process (https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/oasis-defined-terms-2018-05-22#dNonmaterialChange).


                   3.  I move to approve the Chair requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve submitting OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) JSON Representation V4.01 Committee Specification 02 without changes as a Candidate OASIS Standard.


                   4.  I move to approve the Chair requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve submitting OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) XML Representation V4.01 Committee Specification 02 without changes as a Candidate OASIS Standard.


    7. More Issues [9:30 am]

         a. V4.02: NEW or OPEN with concrete proposal

              i.   ODATA-1340 PATCH: new preference return=delta to get back a delta response

ii.  ODATA-1323 Clarify representation of GEO literals and streams in annotations (XML, JSON)


         b. Vocabularies: NEW or OPEN with concrete proposal

              i.   ODATA-1342 Core.Ordered: mention "Term" in AppliesTo

                  1. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/pull/63/files


ii.  ODATA-1275 Describe structure of "JSON properties"

                  1. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/pull/52/files

                  2. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-csdl-schemas/pull/9/files


    8. Next meetings [9:50 am]

         a.  Thursday December 19, 2019 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

         b.  Thursday January 16, 2020 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

         c.  Thursday January 23, 2020 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)

         d.  Thursday January 30, 2020 during 8-10 am PST (17:00-19:00 CET)


     9.  AOB and wrap up [9:55 am]


[2] References


[3] Timeline


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