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Subject: Update on OpenDocument XML.org transition

ODF Adoption Committee:
I'm happy to report that Neil has completed the basic transition of the
OpenDocument focus area to Drupal 5.2. We're still working out a few kinks, but
I wanted to bring you up to speed on the significant improvements:

1. More flexibility for text entry: We are using a new text editor (TinyMCE),
and we're also offering the option to disable rich-text and input php code or
full html.

2. Poll--We've added a poll to the right column. I created the first one based
on a question provided by Erwin. The TC can change this as frequently as you

3. More prominence for site bloggers: The siteblogs page
(http://opendocument.xml.org/siteblogs) now displays photos for site bloggers
and lists most frequent bloggers first. 

4. More visibility for new content: The right column lists the six most recent
content entries (not just blogs). 

5. Easier to delete spam: There's much more to do here, but at least we can now
delete spam comments in batch instead of one-by-one.

6. Categories: We can now define a set of category terms and let users select
categories for their content. 

7. Restored wiki functionality: Freelinking is working again, so users can
create links to new pages by using double brackets [[new page title]].

8. Forums are working again.

Next steps:

-Enhanced spam control: Neal has a lot of ideas for this, and we hope to make
significant headway next week. If anyone on the TC has experience with Drupal
spam modules, please let me know.

-Blog aggregator: This is top on our to-do list after spam control. Can the TC
provide Neil with an updated list of bloggers we want to include?

-Consider combining the "Knowledge base" and "Wiki" sections: The DITA XML.org
Editorial Board is taking steps to combine their KB and Wiki sections, in order
to create a more wikipedia-like interface and encourage more community
collaboration. If you would find value in this for OpenDocument, we can discuss
this on the next TC call. 

-Notify: We plan to install a Drupal module that will let users receive email
alerts when edits are made to specific pages. This will be great for Forums.

-Top posters list: We'd like to display a list of people who contribute
frequently to the site as a reward and incentive to others.

-Other ideas: There are many modules for extending Drupal functionality
(http://drupal.org/project/Modules). We're open to suggestions for modules that
you feel would be useful for OpenDocument XML.org.

I'd be happy to answer questions and discuss future plans for the Focus Area on
the Committee's next call.


Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
+1.978.667.5115 x209 

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