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Subject: Re: [odf-adoption] Update on OpenDocument XML.org transition
- From: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
- To: "Carol Geyer" <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>
- Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 17:03:31 -0400
This is a great step forward. Thanks!
On the blog aggregation feature, is
it smart enough that we can configure it to filter by tag's as well (using
the rel='tag' attribute), perhaps on a blog-by-blog basis? I know
for example that I blog on many different subjects, and we might want the
ODF ones only, but not posts on berries or homebrewing. I imagine
other blogs are similar.
"Carol Geyer" <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>
wrote on 09/06/2007 03:41:49 PM:
> ODF Adoption Committee:
> I'm happy to report that Neil has completed the basic transition of
> OpenDocument focus area to Drupal 5.2. We're still working out a fewkinks,
> I wanted to bring you up to speed on the significant improvements:
> 1. More flexibility for text entry: We are using a new text editor
> and we're also offering the option to disable rich-text and input
php code or
> full html.
> 2. Poll--We've added a poll to the right column. I created the firstone
> on a question provided by Erwin. The TC can change this as frequently
as you
> like.
> 3. More prominence for site bloggers: The siteblogs page
> (http://opendocument.xml.org/siteblogs) now displays photos for site
> and lists most frequent bloggers first.
> 4. More visibility for new content: The right column lists the six
most recent
> content entries (not just blogs).
> 5. Easier to delete spam: There's much more to do here, but at leastwe
can now
> delete spam comments in batch instead of one-by-one.
> 6. Categories: We can now define a set of category terms and let users
> categories for their content.
> 7. Restored wiki functionality: Freelinking is working again, so users
> create links to new pages by using double brackets [[new page title]].
> 8. Forums are working again.
> ----
> Next steps:
> -Enhanced spam control: Neal has a lot of ideas for this, and we hope
to make
> significant headway next week. If anyone on the TC has experience
with Drupal
> spam modules, please let me know.
> -Blog aggregator: This is top on our to-do list after spam control.
Can the TC
> provide Neil with an updated list of bloggers we want to include?
> -Consider combining the "Knowledge base" and "Wiki"
sections: The DITA XML.org
> Editorial Board is taking steps to combine their KB and Wiki
> sections, in order
> to create a more wikipedia-like interface and encourage more community
> collaboration. If you would find value in this for OpenDocument, we
> can discuss
> this on the next TC call.
> -Notify: We plan to install a Drupal module that will let users receive
> alerts when edits are made to specific pages. This will be great for
> -Top posters list: We'd like to display a list of people who contribute
> frequently to the site as a reward and incentive to others.
> -Other ideas: There are many modules for extending Drupal functionality
> (http://drupal.org/project/Modules). We're open to suggestions for
> modules that
> you feel would be useful for OpenDocument XML.org.
> I'd be happy to answer questions and discuss future plans for the
> Focus Area on
> the Committee's next call.
> Carol
> _________________________________
> Carol Geyer
> Director of Communications
> +1.978.667.5115 x209
> Register now for the Open Standards Forum:
> "Enabling Transformational Government Through Web Services and
> 29-30 Oct 2007 * London
> http://events.oasis-open.org/home/forum/2007
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