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Subject: What the ODF Focus Area could be ...

Hi everyone,


  When we were in the early planning stages for the ODF Adoption TC and the Focus Area I had a vision that looked like the Office Developer Center … where you could find technical articles on development tasks that would not only show you how to do something but at a higher level give you a better understanding for the power of the application. Where you could find developer’s blogs talking about the latest new features and how to make use of them, where you might even find tutorials for everyone from novice to expert. Yesterday an email arrived in my inbox that sent me there once again:



This is the Microsoft Office Developer Center. There are a few dozen people that are responsible for most of the content. Granted we only have a fraction of that focused on ODF, but if we could put together some of these types of resources we could show the world just what you could do with ODF. Of course anything you build from the MS site you would actually be able to use in Office; unfortunately we couldn’t say the same for ODF development (that is, an application built on top of ODF may not necessarily support that particular functionality).


IBM DeveloperWorks hosts similar content – maybe they’ll let us at least reference their articles related to ODF development?



… or this ancient article on xml.com



It seems that if people really want it ODF to succeed they’d be willing to invest some time and effort into building these types of articles – whether they’re members of the TC/OASIS or not. Aren’t developers anxious to show off their skills? Shouldn’t we give them a place to do it? Can we encourage those involved in the development of OO to post articles here? Is this outreach that could be done at OOcon?


Just a thought.





Mary P McRae

Manager of TC Administration, OASIS

email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org 

web: www.oasis-open.org

phone: 603.232.9090


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