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Subject: RE: [odf-adoption] XML 2007

Any feedback here? Should I reach out to the ODF TC?

Dee Schur
OASIS Member Support

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-----Original Message-----
From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11:29 AM
To: odf-adoption@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: dee.schur@oasis-open.org
Subject: [odf-adoption] XML 2007
Importance: High

I spoke with the XML 2007,
http://2007.xmlconference.org/public/content/home, organizer this morning
regarding an OASIS ODF InterOp Demonstration <see Policy document for
participation: http://www.oasis-open.org/who/interop_demo_policy.php> which
we discussed on the call this morning.
She was intrigued but needed a better description (abstract) to take to
management to make a determination regarding our participation. I think this
is a great opportunity for all participants but it will be different than
the ODF Camp. It will be incumbent on the participants to identify and agree
on a scenario (the more straight forward the better in my opinion) that
would be compelling for the attendees of this conference. Participation is
open to all OASIS members and we often gain membership with these
opportunities. We require membership (of course we have many options) to
insure fairness and to preserve a non-commercial 'feel' to these events. I
will be responsible for all logistics and will quickly create an InterOp
email list to be used by participants.
First, we need to decide if we move forward very quickly? Then we must send
Georgia an abstract as soon as possible as they are in the middle of fixing
the programme.
Please send your feedback, questions or concerns ASAP.
Best regards,

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