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office-accessibility message

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Subject: svg 'drawing' in writer file.

I can splatter SVG lines and shapes all over the page.

From an accessibility viewpoint, I don't think there is much hope of
interpreting grouped lines.

The current system seems not to group them even.
Given the attached input, the XML is

   <text:span text:style-name="T11">$,1'#(B</text:span> Epsilon
character inserted <text:s/>to test Unicode usage.</text:p>
         <text:p text:style-name="Standard">
            <draw:rect text:anchor-type="paragraph" draw:z-index="4"
draw:style-name="gr2" draw:text-style-name="P19" svg:width="6.753cm"
svg:height="1.038cm" svg:x="0.342cm" svg:y="0.198cm">
               <text:p text:style-name="P19">Text in SVG</text:p>
            <draw:line text:anchor-type="paragraph" draw:z-index="5"
draw:style-name="gr3" draw:text-style-name="P19" svg:x1="8.343cm"
svg:y1="0.473cm" svg:x2="13.614cm" svg:y2="1.193cm">
            <draw:line text:anchor-type="paragraph" draw:z-index="6"
draw:style-name="gr3" draw:text-style-name="P19" svg:x1="8.343cm"
svg:y1="1.193cm" svg:x2="8.343cm" svg:y2="0.473cm">
            <draw:custom-shape text:anchor-type="paragraph"
draw:z-index="8" draw:style-name="gr4" draw:text-style-name="P19"
svg:width="1.228cm" svg:height="1.228cm" svg:x="7.327cm"
               <draw:enhanced-geometry draw:glue-point-type="segments"
draw:type="mso-spt100" draw:modifiers="-90 0" draw:enhanced-path="V 0
0 21600 21600 ?f5 ?f7 ?f1 ?f3 L 10800 10800 Z N">
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f0"
draw:formula="10800*cos($0 *(pi/180))"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f1" draw:formula="?f0 +10800"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f2"
draw:formula="10800*sin($0 *(pi/180))"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f3" draw:formula="?f2 +10800"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f4"
draw:formula="10800*cos($1 *(pi/180))"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f5" draw:formula="?f4 +10800"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f6"
draw:formula="10800*sin($1 *(pi/180))"/>
                  <draw:equation draw:name="f7" draw:formula="?f6 +10800"/>
                  <draw:handle draw:handle-position="10800 $0"
draw:handle-polar="10800 10800"
                  <draw:handle draw:handle-position="10800 $1"
draw:handle-polar="10800 10800"

Which for me is pretty useless.
Adding captions drops in the caption text (as per my previous mail) without
a useful structure, so even with good descriptions, I get nothing of the
group of lines.

I'm left with little option than to recognise that a number of shapes, lines
etc are there, with no interpretation of what they might represent.


Dave Pawson

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