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Subject: OASIS ODF a11y SC meeting Thursday,1Nov07 8am PT / 11am ET / 3pm London/ 4pm CET


Hiro and Chieko have completed their action item, and told me they are 
ready to meet.  So, let us please meet tomorrow, at 8am PT, which I 
believe is 11am ET, 3pm in London, 4pm in Germany, and midnight in 
Tokyo.  Note that Europe has moved to Daylight Savings Time, but the 
U.S. has NOT done so yet, so the U.S. and Europe are 1 hour off from usual.

We will use our new usual free in most places phone number, provided by IBM:

USA 877-421-0030; 770-615-1247
Austria +43 179576264
Belgium 0800-7-3026; +32 22006114
Denmark 80-888377; +45 38323070
Finland 0800-914-630; +358 972519061
France 0800-902366; +33 157323040; +33 157323041
Germany 0800-181-6323; +49 6951709081
Ireland 1800-558728; +353 16569209
Italy 800-788634; +39 0269430413
Netherlands 0800-022-8558; +31 202008077
Norway 800-18373; +47 24159528
Spain 900-95-1089; +34 912754171
Sweden 020-799414; +46 850163259
Switzerland 0800-564-331; +41 446545620
United Kingdom 0808-234-1969; +44 2070260533

Passcode is what I have sent to you already before (send me individual 
e-mail if you have forgotten it; we have been asked to not archive it).


 1. Approval of minutes (attached)

 2. Hiro & Chieko's action item: review progress of the ODF v1.2 Draft 6 

 3. Our ODF Accessibility Guidelines document has been approved as a 
public draft!


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
--- Begin Message ---

I just realized I never sent out the meetings of our last meeting 
(oops).  They are attached below.

We said that we would not meet until Hiro had completed his action item, 
which he promised to do in the month of October.  Given that we haven't 
heard from him, I suggest we NOT meet tomorrow. 


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Peter Korn
Pete Brunet
Janina Sajka
Malte Timmermann
Steve Nobel
Dave Pawson

Agenda: September 6 ODF Accessibility SC Meeting

1. Assign scribe and role call
  -> done, Peter Korn

2. Approve September 27 Minutes. Janina to post.
  -> Approved

3. Review Open Action Items
  -> Done (see below)

4. Hiro's review progress of the ODF v1.2 Draft 6 
  -> Skipping; no Hiro and his AI deadline hasn't passed yet

5. Animations - We should discuss animation accessibility soon in our SC 
- perhaps at our next meeting.  Questions we should explore include ways 
to tag the animation with ALT text descriptions, suggested UI for 
authors to do this, guidelines for when animations should be so tagged 
(does every animation need a description?  is there a way to indicate 
'non-informational/decorative animations' as such, so the user knows 
they exist and knows they needn't care about


  -> Discussion led by Dave Pawson: under what circumstances does a 
blind user want to know about "decorative" animations? 

  -> Interstitial animations (between slide switching) is fine as is
  -> Objects on a slide that are animations are fine, so long as you can 
have ALT text on them & TAB to them
  -> Objects on a master slide that are animations are fine, again so 
long as you can have ALT text on them & TAB to them

Previous Open Action Items

1. Peter Korn to post final ODF 1.1 Accessibility Guidelines
  -> Almost there...

2. Dave Pawson: look at HTML example on slide #3 of Hiro, to see how we
can encode the "San Jose" stuff in ODF (see Hiro's e-mail

  -> AI is done.  See:


3. Rich: I will ask when 1.2 is coming out and how many more drafts we 
might expect. i.e. When we should do our review.
action rich -- to contact Robert Weir

  -> No clear & final answer; more reviews to come, but not a lot of 
changes expected. 
  -> Rich: doesn't see a lot of new work in these drafts for us to review
  -> Peter: feels an analysis of the metadata proposal being worth a review

4. Action Hiro: End of October is good.
  -> [action was actually for Hiro to do a review of draft #6 of the ODF 
v1.2 spec.; answer was "End of Oct. is good"]

5. (From August 23 meeting) - Group Actions

                      # Modify next version of accessibility guidelines
                        to ensure applications respond to system font
                        and color settings.
                      # Add wording to the next revision of the
                        accessibility guidelines to allow control of the
                        animation rate of
                        images in a presentation
                      # Modify accessibility guidelines to state how
                        common field attributes (section 6.7 of the ODF
                        1.2 spec.) should be supplied to the AT. The
                        field attributes would
                        indicate whether something were a boolean,
                        gregorian date, etc.

   -> Skipping these; waiting on the review action (#5)

6. (From August 23 meeting) - Janina to create new wording for reload 
delay (section 3.13.2) which would allow user agents to control the 
reload delay and to state the
WCAG requirements for content refreshing to prevent seizures. We need 
wording to provide control over flashing Here are some related links

                      # http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-WCAG20-20070517/#general-thresholddef

                      # http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20-20060427/#seizure-does-not-violate

   -> Janina will have this done by next week

7. (From August 23 meeting) - Pete Brunet review review section 4.6 of 
the ODF 1.2 specification and see how an application should supply 
tracking change information to an AT. Write proposal on how this should 
be addressed in the accessibility guidelines
  -> Pete Brunet: Belief is that
  -> Active discussion in exposing this via accessibility APIs (in the 
IAccessible2 mailing list); no consensus yet on how to do this - more 
study needed
  -> Malte: OOo is not exposing changes information via attributes

New Action Items
1. Consider a formal comparison to OOXML on a11y in ~6 mos. from now

Next meeting will be when Hiro is ready; that might be next week, might 
be after that.

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--- End Message ---

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