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Subject: [Fwd: Re: [office] Drawing page names (Re: [office] OpenDocument TCMeeting Minutes 2006-02-13)]

Dear SC members,

in our recent TC calls we discussed that drawing page names currently 
have to be unique (see section 9.1.4 in the recent ODF 1.2 draft), while 
it in practice sometimes may happen that two pages have the same name.

We discussed several option how to deal with this situation, and the 
last idea is to

- keep the uniqueness constrain for drawing page names,
- but to add <svg:title> and <svg:description> elements to pages.

This allows authors to assign the same title to two or more pages if 
they really want to do so for whatever reason, while the names still 
would be unique. It further allows to assign descriptions to pages, what 
is also not possible at the moment.

I accepted an action item to ask you whether this enhancement would be 
okay for you.

Malte mentioned that we may add a title and description also to 
spreadsheet tables. While this goes beyond the original request, it 
would be good to know your opinion on this as well.

Best regards


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [office] Drawing page names (Re: [office] OpenDocument TC 
Meeting Minutes 2006-02-13)
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:58:52 +0200
From: Malte Timmermann <Malte.Timmermann@Sun.COM>
To: Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg <Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM>
CC: David Faure <faure@kde.org>, office@lists.oasis-open.org
References: <43F5F95B.40408@sun.com> <200710151133.57410.faure@kde.org> 
<4718C1D0.5060109@sun.com> <4721D955.2090906@sun.com>

Makes sense for me.

Matches well with what we have for shapes, and the mapping for
Accessibility API.

BTW - I propose to have the same for sheets in a spreadsheet:
- Same features for Accessible Name/Description
- Sheet names have much more restrictions because of macro access, so
via the Title people can give them names they otherwise can't.


Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg wrote, On 10/26/07 14:11:
> Hi,
> I have discussed the results of our discussion in the last TC call with 
> Christian. He suggests that we adapt solution B (the draw:display-name) 
> a little, and add <svg:title> and <svg:description> elements instead of 
> a "draw:display-name" attribute. That is, the draw:name attribute would 
> stay unique, but the <svg:title> element could be used to add a 
> non-unique name or title to the page.  The two elements <svg:title> and 
> <svg:description> exist for shapes already. The solution therefore would 
> be consistent with shapes
> Christian further suggest that we take first actions to deprecate the 
> draw:id attribute in favour of the new xml:id attribute, by stating that 
> they can only appear together, and must have the same name.
> See below for mor details:
>> Current Situation
>> a <draw:page> element has the following attributes
>> "draw:id" defined as a unique id for drawing pages. In OpenOffice.org (OOo), this was never used prior to OOo 2.3.
>> It is currently only used for redundant slide transition information.
>> "draw:name" defined as an optional but unique name. OOo either writes a programmatic name ("page1", "page2", etc) or
>> a user defined one, which can contain white space. In the xml format it is used for links referring to slides inside a document
>> and also when defining a custom show. This has the consequence that such links break if the user renames the slide.
>> a shape element has the following attributes
>> "draw:id" defined as a unique id for shapes. This is used to identify shapes for animation effects.
>> "draw:name" is an optional attribute. It is not documented if this has to be unique. In the OOo implementation, shape names
>> are enforced to be unique but only for shapes on one slide. For historical reasons this is also used for links to shapes in OOo. This feature
>> breaks if there are multiple shapes with the same name on different slides.
>> In addition a shape has the elements <svg:title> and <svg:description> to specify text-only description strings for graphical
>> objects as specified in §5.4 of [SVG]. This was a A11Y requirement.
>> Request for non unique page names
>> The initial request was that the name of a page should not be enforced to be unique. To be consisted and to fulfill
>> A11Y requirements the <draw:page> element must also have the elements <svg:title> and <svg:description>.
>> In this context the title could be seen as the display name as proposed in solution B. For backward compatibility,
>> if no title is given then the name must be used. On the user interface the title must become what the user normally
>> refers to as the name of the page.
>> A new request would be to prepare a conform way to identify pages and shape elements inside an odf document.
>> To enable linking to meta information we must have the xml:id attribute for pages (and optionally for shapes).
>> This would lead to the situation where we have the xml:id, the draw:id and the draw:name documented as kind
>> of identifiers for pages (and shapes).
>> To have a clean format I propose to add xml:id to both draw:page and all shape elements. It will be document that
>> draw:id attribute is deprecated and that applications must for now export the draw:id attribute with the same value
>> as the xml:id element. The attribute draw:id should be removed in a later version as soon as there is no more demand
>> for backward compatibility. 
> Best regards
> Michael

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Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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