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Subject: ODF Acc SC minutes for Nov 1

Minutes from ODF Acc SC meeting - Thursday, Nov 1, 10 am CDT.

Note:  Until there is a callin for Japan, SIP can be used - see  https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/accessibility-ia2/2007-March/000195.html  

Regrets: Mike Paciello, Dave Pawson, Chieko Asakawa-san
Attendees: Peter Korn, Rich Schwerdtfeger, Pete Brunet, Hiro Takagi-san, Tatsuya Ishihara-san

Rich asked that Michael Brauer's email be added to the agenda.  See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200711/msg00004.html

The prior minutes were approved.

The rest of the meeting focused on Hiro's review of ODF 1.2 posted at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200711/msg00005.html

There are 7 discussion topics.  Hiro noted that topic 3 is the same as the issue Michael Brauer raised in the email reference above.

Topic 1 - Intra-page links
HT:  This is not a new issue.  See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200704/msg00020.html
PK: What happens when export to html?  Does it become a valid URI?
HT: Don't know how OO exports this
RS: How does this impact a11y?
HT: No specific spec for interpage link in ODF spec, will cause some ambiguity among editors
RS: What happens when mapping to acc. hyperlink?
PK: Does daisy support?
RS: Don't know - suspect it does
PK: it makes sense to ask that it be spec'd
HT: Is there time?
PK: We have time to suggest
TI: Symphony is almost same as OO - uses headings
RS/PK: It would be nice to expand beyond headings, e.g. glossary
RS: This issue is bigger  than a11y

Topic 2 - Visible table captions
RS: want same for table as for drawing?
HT: yes, that's one solution
RS: it's consistent, I think TC preferred caption ID
RS: looks at draft 6 of odf 1.2 spec - caption id is on drawing elements - relation between drawing obj and its caption - section - takes an ID ref
RS: could apply this to table captions
HT: recommend add text:caption-id as in posting to list e.g.  <table:table text:caption-id="table1caption" table:name="Table1" table:style-name="Table1">
RS: is this really needed?
PK: why not?
RS: work for UA devs
PK: should be easy
RS: would use this in tables in word processor, not in presentations
PK: distinction of what's in spec vs what is implemented; at Sun dev lags spec
PK: see no reason to not bring this to the TC, let them know we don't think this is urgent
RS: that's fine
RS: have tables in presentations showed up in the spec yet?
HT: I think so - draft 6
RS: presentations  (in addition to word docs)?
PK: yes
HT: think tables already have them in presentation
PK: tables are drawing objects in odf 1.0 and 1.1 so they could be captioned
PK: need to have table caption support in presentations for 1.2 so when migrate table from drawing obj to table object will still have table presentations
HT: section 9.3 - frames - can contain tables - schema line 7004 - <ref name="table-table"/>
RS: section 8.1.1 - we need to add the caption attribute list to the table element

Topic 3 Invisible table captions (same as MB's email)
title and desc on table - agree with MB and MT as per today's email

Topic 4 - unanswered questions from the TC to the SC
PK: suggestion looks good

Topic 5 - auto table generation
There are several ways to automatically generate tables in documents. We could not find ways to associate table headers to these automatic tables.
PK: spec or implementation?
HT: spec, auto gen'd table should have table hdr
PK: do all of them already have headers but not just indicated as hdrs?
HT: couldn't understand the spec
PK: This is a question to send to TC
HT: section 6.5 - database feed - would the data be rendered as a table or just text - need to understand more
PK: will sumbit this as part of our set of issues/questions for the TC

Topic 6 - auto table generation, table headers
similar to Topic 5 - Automatically assigned table labels should be presented as "table headers" to assistive technologies through accessibility APIs.
HT: need to add table header - could do in guidelines rather than spec
PK: issue is - when auto generated tables - spec is not clear that headers should be coded as headers
RS: this is dev issue not a spec issue
PK: no reason why spec can't say: it should be done this way
RS: ok and put in guidelines too
PK: not really needed - it would be in spec
RS: ok put in spec only

Topic 7
This topic is not an issue, but an item which we (A11y SC) should be aware of. There are several topics in the specs related to “asynchronous automatic update” of contents or  values. Automatic updates should be carefully presented to assistive technologies through accessibility APIs.
HT: docs are becoming more dynamic - async updates - some examples: linked tables, database ranges, scritping, text sections, DDE connecdtions,
PK: any suggestions?
HT: will write something up for guidelines doc

PK/RS: we should make our request/suggestion all in one bundle

Action items:
PK/RS - Find out the deadline(s) for 1.2
HT - Write proposed modification to 8.1.1 to add caption-id for table, and to include tables - <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
PK - Formally reply to SC for topic 4
HT - Do more research on topic 6
HT - Write up section for the issue identified by Topic 7 for next guidelines document update
All - Besides the prior  action item the prior guidelines action items are
Pete Brunet

IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
Voice: (512) 238-6967, Cell: (512) 689-4155
Ionosphere: WS4G

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