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Subject: Fw: [office] Missing RelaxNG schema
- From: Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
- To: Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM, Robert Weir <>
- Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 16:50:04 -0500
Michael, Robert,
We are creating a requirements document similar to we did for ODF 1.0. The RelaxNG schema was removed. Do you require us to have marked up RelaxNG schema like before.
Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
----- Forwarded by Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM on 05/06/2008 04:48 PM -----
Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
05/05/2008 02:02 PM
I guess this question is will the TC require us to provide schema markup changes this go-around or will requirements suffice?
Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg <Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM>
Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg <Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM>
Sent by: Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM
05/05/2008 08:01 AM
Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> I developing a change request for the ODF accessibility SC on 1.2 using
> internal draft v7-01-01. I noticed all the Relax NG schema was missing
> which makes it a bit problematic to provide a full change request. Was
> the schema moved to a separate document?
The schema fragments have been removed from specification, at least
temporarily. Whether they will be re-inserted or whether the schema will
be published and/or maintained as a separate document has not been
decided yet. Please see chapter 5 of
for details.
The schema of draft 7 actually does not differ from that of draft 6, so
you can use that for the moment.
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
> Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
> blog:
Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany +49 40 23646 500
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering
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