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Subject: Revised Office A11y Minutes: Monday October 27th

The attached minutes are as amended and approved during our November 10
call. The November 10 minutes will follow shortly.


> Minutes
> Office Accessibility SubCommittee Teleconference
> Monday, 27 October 2008
> Attending:
> 	Chieko Asakawa,		CA
> 	Pete Brunet,		PB
> 	Richard Schwerdtfeger,	RS
> 	Hironobu Takagi,	HT
> 	Michael Paciello,	MP
> 	Janina Sajka,		JS
> 	Peter Korn,		PK
> 	Malte Timmermann,	MT
> 1. Approval of minutes from 6Oct08 meeting (attached, and also at:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200810/msg00009.html
> Approved
> 2. Determine if Janina still as trouble posting to the list.
> Janina can now post. Issue appears resolved by Oasis postmaster.
> 3. Hiro to provide review of latest ODF 1.2 specification and also to
> determine if there is a need to make use of its new metadata
> Section 1, "Caption" previously discussed by not in 1.2 spec.
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200810/bin00008.bin
> 4. Based on Hiro's review discuss way to submit change requirements to the ODF 1.2 TC.
> We proposed a new attrib. -- a table caption id
> Mike has our action to assemble our recommendations to the TC.
> Once assembled, our cochairs will submit.
> Sec. tables
> ODF 1.2 auto generating table headers.
> PK: Our job to advise how this is to be exposed to a11y apis.
> RS: If we're converting to DAISY, we need to headers in the doc.
> PK: It appears our issue, from November 2007, is that headers are not being
> conveyed, but they are persisted in the doc.
> RS: Wasn't our issue that they were using styling?
> MT: I believe it was about exposing data to AT.
> RS: It's just one statement--repeating headers. The headers themselves are
> not repeated in the doc, it's done on presentation.
> PK: Before we come to our suggestion, perhaps we should identify how we
> need data conveyed to our respective a11y apis.
> ACTION: Peter to consult with Vincent Spiewak re how DAISY conversion will want to
> handle repeating table headers.
> PK: [Contacted VS during call:] Vincent replies that in DAISY you can insert a pagenum tag within the
>            table to indicate a new page for tables that span multiple pages.
> Discussion whether this is also an issue for PDF export ...
> Agreed that we need PDF covered.
> ACTION: Rich and Pete will investigate how we might map repeating table
> headers to PDF tags.
> RS: Summarizing ... Captions; Propogating repeating headers;
> MT: Another PDF question--which format?
> RS: that the headers are propogated across page boundaries to support by
> page navigation.
> RS: We don't know how well we can do converting to Word as Word is a
> proprietary spec and we don't have all the information we need, except that we
> may have successfully reversed engineered.
> RS: So these aren't changes to the spec, just things for our implementers
> guide.
> RS: We need to take care that we take on what we can accomplish. Do we want
> to add lots of text to the ODF spec itself? It could be considerable if we
> take that tack rather than maintaining our own doc.
> HT: In this case, should be our guidelines.
> RS: We shouldn't refer a11y apis anywhere in the ODF spec.
> PK: agree
> Sec. 8.1.1.*
> RS: We're proposing a skema change plus a doc change? Correct?
> HT: Yes
> Sec. Contains Header
> HT: Will look at wording to support a11y api ...
>     Suggesting a <th> ...
> RS: What for DAISY
> RS: Is it a row span? Does DAISY span?
> PK: We do have a mechanism to get row header in the apis -- think there's a
> row header as well as a column header
> PB: Also for IA2
> ACTION: Peter and Pete to specify the text of how table row and column
> handling is done in our apis.
> ACTION: Peter to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.
> PK to collect it all
> PB to provide for IA2
> 3.4 special considerations for ODF Content
> Oops
> Hyperlink (in same doc)
> Item 1.3 in Hiro's document ...
> Problem is that uri is not defined in spec, so Symphony and OpenOffice have
> different syntax.
> HT: Important to html a11y, e.g. "skip to main content," "from index to
> heading"
> HT: Beneficial to various use cases, but especially a11y.
> Next Meeting: Either November 10 at the usual time, or earlier if agreed via
> the email list.
> Meeting Adjourned
> 5. Discussion: Action plan for next rev. of ODF Accessibility Guidelines
> based on Hiro's review
> 6. Action Items
> * Malte and Peter: Provide input on the above topic of integration of the
> a11y guidelines into the suite of docs comprising the ODF 1.2 spec.
> * Malte: Provide input on charts backed by disjoint cells:
>             How does (or how will) OpenOffice provide access to charts
>             backed by disjoint cell ranges either in a single or multiple
>             tables? If this case be done today, what are the examples?
>             http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office/email/archives/200808/msg00054.html
>             http://mediacast.sun.com/share/korn/chart-accessibility-challenge.ogg
>             http://mediacast.sun.com/share/korn/chart-in-writer.behavior.ogg
> * Pete: Ask Symphony team about best practices for radio button groups (see
> last action item above). Peter Korn to ask Orca team.
> What are the best practices for creating button groups?  There are two
> tags providing labeling: 1)form:frame and 2) form:fixed-text.  In the
> latter case, i.e. static text is labeling a group of buttons (rather
> than the buttons being groups in a form:frame, would you be able to
> implement an accessible hierarchy (including the proper relations) for a
> button group?
> 5. Other Action item from prior meeting
> * Janina to clarify text in section 3.4. Was this sent to Peter
> Draft revision provided at:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200810/msg00008.html
> * Janina to modify accessibility guidelines to state how common field
> attributes (section 6.7 of the ODF 1.2 spec.) should be supplied to the AT.
> The field attributes would indicate whether something were a Boolean,
> Gregorian date, etc.
> OBE See October 6 minutes at:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200810/msg00009.html
> * Steve Noble to look at formulas specification identify data that would
> update frequently, such as volatile formula information that would require
> the Office application to inform the AT of updates sections. Will complete
> by next meeting. Steve has moved on. Rich and Peter to determine how to
> handle.
> * Rich to provide base document for ODF 1.2 change specification (starting
> with caption-id reference) to Mike Paciello. Mike is to own the
> requirements document for ODF 1.2 which will be submitted to the ODF TC.
> Rich is waiting on a decision as to where the ODF schema is to reside
> (separate or within the base document).
> ACTION: Peter to consult with Vincent Spiewak re how DAISY conversion will want to
> handle repeating table headers.
> PK: [Contacted VS during call:] Vincent replies that in DAISY you can insert a pagenum tag within the
>            table to indicate a new page for tables that span multiple pages.
> ACTION: Rich and Pete will investigate how we might map repeating table
> headers to PDF tags.
> ACTION: Peter and Pete to specify the text of how table row and column
> handling is done in our apis.
> ACTION: Peter to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.
> PK to collect it all
> PB to provide for IA2
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Next Meeting: Either November 10 at the usual time, or earlier if agreed via
> the email list.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
> generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
> https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php 


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina@a11y.org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility	janina@a11y.org	
Linux Foundation		http://a11y.org

IPv6 is the answer!

Office Accessibility SubCommittee Teleconference
Monday, 27 October 2008 (Revised)
Submitted by Janina Sajka

	Chieko Asakawa,		CA
	Pete Brunet,		PB
	Richard Schwerdtfeger,	RS
	Hironobu Takagi,	HT
	Michael Paciello,	MP
	Janina Sajka,		JS
	Peter Korn,		PK
	Malte Timmermann,	MT

1. Approval of minutes from 6Oct08 meeting (attached, and also at:

2. Determine if Janina still as trouble posting to the list.
Janina can now post. Issue appears resolved by Oasis postmaster.

3. Hiro to provide review of latest ODF 1.2 specification and also to
determine if there is a need to make use of its new metadata
Section 1, "Caption" previously discussed by not in 1.2 spec.


4. Based on Hiro's review discuss way to submit change requirements to the ODF 1.2 TC.

We proposed a new attrib. -- a table caption id

Mike has our action to assemble our recommendations to the TC.
Once assembled, our cochairs will submit.

Sec. tables
ODF 1.2 auto generating table headers.

PK: Our job to advise how this is to be exposed to a11y apis.

RS: If we're converting to DAISY, we need to headers in the doc.

PK: It appears our issue, from November 2007, is that headers are not being
conveyed, but they are persisted in the doc.

RS: Wasn't our issue that they were using styling?

MT: I believe it was about exposing data to AT.

RS: It's just one statement--repeating headers. The headers themselves are
not repeated in the doc, it's done on presentation.

PK: Before we come to our suggestion, perhaps we should identify how we
need data conveyed to our respective a11y apis.

ACTION: Peter to consult with Vincent Spiewak re how DAISY conversion will want to
handle repeating table headers.

PK: [Contacted VS during call:] Vincent replies that in DAISY you can insert a pagenum tag within the
           table to indicate a new page for tables that span multiple pages.


Discussion whether this is also an issue for PDF export ...

Agreed that we need PDF covered.

ACTION: Rich and Pete will investigate how we might map repeating table
headers to PDF tags.

RS: Summarizing ... Captions; Propogating repeating headers;

MT: Another PDF question--which format?

RS: that the headers are propogated across page boundaries to support by
page navigation.

RS: We don't know how well we can do converting to Word as Word is a
proprietary spec and we don't have all the information we need, except that we
may have successfully reversed engineered.

RS: So these aren't changes to the spec, just things for our implementers

RS: We need to take care that we take on what we can accomplish. Do we want
to add lots of text to the ODF spec itself? It could be considerable if we
take that tack rather than maintaining our own doc.

HT: In this case, should be our guidelines.

RS: We shouldn't refer a11y apis anywhere in the ODF spec.

PK: agree

Sec. 8.1.1.*

RS: We're proposing a skema change plus a doc change? Correct?

HT: Yes

Sec. Contains Header

HT: Will look at wording to support a11y api ...
    Suggesting a <th> ...

RS: What for DAISY

RS: Is it a row span? Does DAISY span?

PK: We do have a mechanism to get row header in the apis -- think there's a
row header as well as a column header

PB: Also for IA2

ACTION: Peter and Pete to specify the text of how table row and column
handling is done in our apis.

ACTION: Peter to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.
PK to collect it all
PB to provide for IA2

3.4 special considerations for ODF Content

Hyperlink (in same doc)
Item 1.3 in Hiro's document ...

Problem is that uri is not defined in spec, so Symphony and OpenOffice have
different syntax.

HT: Important to html a11y, e.g. "skip to main content," "from index to

HT: Beneficial to various use cases, but especially a11y.

Next Meeting: Either November 10 at the usual time, or earlier if agreed via
the email list.

Meeting Adjourned

5. Discussion: Action plan for next rev. of ODF Accessibility Guidelines
based on Hiro's review

6. Action Items

* Malte and Peter: Provide input on the above topic of integration of the
a11y guidelines into the suite of docs comprising the ODF 1.2 spec.
ACTION CLOSED: We will continue our Guidelines as a separate document.

* Malte: Provide input on charts backed by disjoint cells:
            How does (or how will) OpenOffice provide access to charts
            backed by disjoint cell ranges either in a single or multiple
            tables? If this case be done today, what are the examples?



* Pete: Ask Symphony team about best practices for radio button groups (see
last action item above). Peter Korn to ask Orca team.

What are the best practices for creating button groups?  There are two
tags providing labeling: 1)form:frame and 2) form:fixed-text.  In the
latter case, i.e. static text is labeling a group of buttons (rather
than the buttons being groups in a form:frame, would you be able to
implement an accessible hierarchy (including the proper relations) for a
button group?

5. Other Action item from prior meeting

* Janina to clarify text in section 3.4. Was this sent to Peter

Draft revision provided at:

* Janina to modify accessibility guidelines to state how common field
attributes (section 6.7 of the ODF 1.2 spec.) should be supplied to the AT.
The field attributes would indicate whether something were a Boolean,
Gregorian date, etc.

OBE See October 6 minutes at:

* Steve Noble to look at formulas specification identify data that would
update frequently, such as volatile formula information that would require
the Office application to inform the AT of updates sections. Will complete
by next meeting. Steve has moved on. Rich and Peter to determine how to
* Rich to provide base document for ODF 1.2 change specification (starting
with caption-id reference) to Mike Paciello. Mike is to own the
requirements document for ODF 1.2 which will be submitted to the ODF TC.
Rich is waiting on a decision as to where the ODF schema is to reside
(separate or within the base document).


ACTION: Peter to consult with Vincent Spiewak re how DAISY conversion will want to
handle repeating table headers.

PK: [Contacted VS during call:] Vincent replies that in DAISY you can insert a pagenum tag within the
           table to indicate a new page for tables that span multiple pages.


ACTION: Rich and Pete will investigate how we might map repeating table
headers to PDF tags.

ACTION: Peter and Pete to specify the text of how table row and column
handling is done in our apis.

ACTION: Peter to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.
PK to collect it all
PB to provide for IA2

Next Meeting: Either November 10 at the usual time, or earlier if agreed via
the email list.

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