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Subject: Office A11y SC Draft Minutes, 24 November


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina@a11y.org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility	janina@a11y.org	
Linux Foundation		http://a11y.org

Office Accessibility SubCommittee Teleconference
Monday, 24 November 2008
Submitted by Janina Sajka

	Pete Brunet		PB
	Richard Schwerdtfeger	RS
	Janina Sajka		JS

1. Approval of minutes from 10Nov08 meeting


2. Wrap up on best practices for radio button groups - Pete Brunet, Mal=
to lead discussion

There are two tags providing labeling: 1)form:frame and 2) form:fixed-t=
In the
latter case, i.e. static text is labeling a group of buttons (rather
than the buttons being groups in a form:frame, would you be able to
implement an accessible hierarchy (including the proper relations) for =
button group?
Last Post:

RS: How does one know visually?

PB: Perhaps vertical lines and a label. I've not seen it abused.

PB: Some kind of visual grouping indicator.


RS: So the fact that they have the same name groups them?

PB: form:name

PB: Malte's example was hand coded mainly as a proof that it can be messed up
in ODF. It's not anything we've seen from Open Office.

RS:	So, it is possible to break this in ODF, strictly.

RS: Can you create a group in OpenOffice?

PB: You mean frame? Last time I tried in Symphony, it was broken ...

RS: So you can put a group around the radio group, but what does it do? How do
you know?

PB: It appears the ua collects these and gives them radio group behavior if
they have the same name.

RS: But that's not in the spec, correct? That's too weak for me because then
we're making guesses and it's not declared the case.

PB: Correct. ODF doesn't convey that itself, that these are "mutually

RS: Forms already have an id, why do we need to provide a name?

PB: I don't know what names are used for other than to collect into groups.

RS: Perhaps name is for authors who wouldn't find meaning in an id.

RS: So, form name is a unique identifier. It's just a guess that its part of a

RS: So form:label is the actual name?

PB: Yes, the text on the radio button.

RS: I think we need form:group  ...

JS: Needs to be semantically explicit.

RS: Yes. Frame is a visual group, we need it defined in the ODF ml itself.

RS: As part of our proposal we will require a group definition , such as is
found in Xforms, which we can then easily map to our a11y APIs.

ACTION: RS to propose to the ODF TC and the A11y SC the introduction of a
group element similar to that available in Xforms because the name element is
currently overloaded and it's possible to misrepresent its meaning. RS will
also ask why xml:name and xml:id.

RS: And that's all we can take on today given there are only three of us

NEXT MEETING: Next Monday, 1 December 2008


3. Specification related Issues:

- ACTION: Hiro to post clearly marking whether links are local as an is=
to our list and the TC list.

- Use of ARIA concepts to assist ATs in processing dynamic content thro=
added meta data

- Live Regions
   - ACTION: Peter to figure out live region exposure in ATK/AT-SPI for=
in client apps.
   - ISSUE: Should we include live region capabilities and how should w=
render these?
- Issue: Should the role attribute be included as part of standard meta=


4. Accessibility Guidelines Actions and Issues

4.1 Issues to Discuss
- Janina to clarify text in section 3.4. Was this sent to Peter?
- Janina to modify accessibility guidelines to state how common field
attributes (section 6.7 of the ODF 1.2 spec.) should be supplied to the=
The field attributes would indicate whether something were a Boolean,
Gregorian date, etc.
CLOSED: Overcome By Events, see:

- Malte: Provide input on charts backed by disjoint cells:

How does (or how will) OpenOffice provide access to charts backed by
disjoint cell ranges either in a single or multiple tables? If this cas=
e be
done today, what are the examples?

- Hiros suggestions for BPG:

4.2 Editorial Action Items

- Peter to remove Appendix E.3 Tables/Presentations
- Rich Provide a section on PDF conversion related to supporting repeat=
table headers in PDF
- Peter Korn and Pete Brunet to specify the text of how table row and
column information are mapped in ATK and IA2
- Peter Korn to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.

5. Other Action item from prior meeting

* Rich to provide base document for ODF 1.2 change specification (start=
with table caption-id reference) to Mike Paciello. Mike is to own the
requirements document for ODF 1.2 which will be submitted to the ODF TC=
Rich is waiting on a decision as to where the ODF schema is to reside
(separate or within the base document).

Latest ODF Specifications



ACTION: RS to propose to the ODF TC and the A11y SC the introduction of a
group element similar to that available in Xforms because the name element is
currently overloaded and it's possible to misrepresent its meaning. RS will
also ask why xml:name and xml:id.


Next Monday, 1 December.

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