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Subject: Fw: [office-accessibility] Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommitteecall for December 1, 2008


> - ACTION: Hiro to post clearly marking whether links are local as an 
issue to our list and the TC list.

We drafted our proposal as attached below. 

However we found the target section in the latest draft spec 
(v1.2-draft7-11) is drastically changed from previous spec. 

Section 18.1273. xlink:href in 

It seems like massive modification is going on related to the target 
Therefore, we decided to investigate more in the latest spec. 

Thank you.

Hironobu Takagi, PhD.
Accessibility Research
Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Research
E-mail: takagih@jp.ibm.com

----- Forwarded by Hironobu Takagi/Japan/IBM on 2008/12/01 23:15 -----

Richard Schwerdtfeger <schwer@us.ibm.com> wrote on 2008/11/25 02:05:49:

> Agenda: OASIS ODF Accessibility subcommittee call for December 1, 
> 2008, Monday at 7am PT / 9am CT / 10am ET / 4pm CET / 12 (midnight 
> Mon-Tues) Japan time. Please use our usual (and unpublished) dial-
> in, and our usual IRC channel: &office-accessibility at 
> Agenda:
> 1. Approval of minutes from 24Nov08 meeting http://www.oasis-open.
> org/apps/org/workgroup/office-
> accessibility/email/archives/200811/msg00018.html
> 2. Radio Button Groups
> Rich's proposal to TC: http://www.oasis-open.
> org/apps/org/workgroup/office-
> accessibility/email/archives/200811/msg00017.html
> Bottom line is ODF overloads form:name to address radio groups. form
> labels can label individual controls and not groups creating 
> problems. The TC has indicated in their specification that for form:
> name duplicates form:id essentially creating two unique names and 
> suggested that form:name can be removed.
> 3. Specification related Issues: 
> - ACTION: Hiro to post clearly marking whether links are local as an
> issue to our list and the TC list.
> - Use of ARIA concepts to assist ATs in processing dynamic content 
> through added meta data
> - Live Regions
> - ACTION: Peter to figure out live region exposure in ATK/AT-SPI for
> use in client apps.
> - ISSUE: Should we include live region capabilities and how should 
> we render these? 
> - Issue: Should the role attribute be included as part of standard meta 
> 4. Accessibility Guidelines Actions and Issues
> 4.1 Issues to Discuss 
> - Malte: Provide input on charts backed by disjoint cells:
> How does (or how will) OpenOffice provide access to charts backed by
> disjoint cell ranges either in a single or multiple tables? If this 
> case be done today, what are the examples?
> http://www.oasis-open.
> org/apps/org/workgroup/office/email/archives/200808/msg00054.html
> http://mediacast.sun.com/share/korn/chart-accessibility-challenge.ogg
> http://mediacast.sun.com/share/korn/chart-in-writer.behavior.ogg
> - Hiros suggestions for BPG: http://www.oasis-open.
> org/apps/org/workgroup/office-
> accessibility/email/archives/200811/msg00006.html
> 4.2 Editorial Action Items
> - Peter to remove Appendix E.3 Tables/Presentations
> - Rich Provide a section on PDF conversion related to supporting 
> repeating table headers in PDF
> - Peter Korn and Pete Brunet to specify the text of how table row 
> and column information are mapped in ATK and IA2
> Pete's response: http://www.oasis-open.
> org/apps/org/workgroup/office-
> accessibility/email/archives/200811/msg00020.html
> - Peter Korn to consider/Update our guidelines to cover Apple api.
> 5. Other Action item from prior meeting
> * Rich to provide base document for ODF 1.2 change specification 
> (starting with table caption-id reference) to Mike Paciello. Mike is
> to own the requirements document for ODF 1.2 which will be submitted
> to the ODF TC. Rich is waiting on a decision as to where the ODF 
> schema is to reside (separate or within the base document).
> Latest ODF Specifications
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office/documents.php
> CALL-IN Information
> ODF Call
> Vo/IP Using SIP or IAX: telecon@a11y.org
> pc is 2119674 aka a11yorg
> US:              1-877-421-0030
> Toll:            770-615-1247
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> Australia:       1-800-24-2283
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> Canada:          1-877-421-0030       770-615-1247 
> China North:     10800-711-0770 
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> Denmark:         80-888377            +45 38323070
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> Israel           1-809-317-098        +972-3-9165956
> Italy:           800-788634           +39 0269430413 
> Mexico:          1-877-421-0030       770-615-1247
> Netherlands:     0800-022-8558        +31 202008077
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>             or IBM PlusGSM 85400 
> Portugal         800-8-11111 
> Russia           8-10-800-2-172-10-44 
> Slovakia                              +421-2-4954-6539 or 
> South Africa     0800-981-078 
> Spain:           900-95-1089          +34 912754171
> Sweden:          020-799414           +46 850163259
> Switzerland:     0800-564-331         +41 446545620
> UK:              0808-234-1969        +44 2070260533
> IBM Tie-Line:    421-0030
> IBM ITN:         2-421-0030
>                2-421-0035 from Europe 
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
> blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/schwer

IntraDocumentLinkProposal v4.odt

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