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Subject: Minutes from Dec 1

Please review and comment...

Attendees: Rich, Pete, Malte, Tatsuya, Hiro, Chieko, Janina

1. Approval of minutes from 24Nov08 meeting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200811/msg00018.html
2. Radio Button Groups
Action Item: Malte wants to look into this deeper and will over next couple days.

3. Specification related Issues:

3a: Hiro to post clearly marking whether links are local as an issue to our list and the TC list.         http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-accessibility/email/archives/200812/msg00000.html         http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/Change_Proposal_for_ODF_1.2_using_URL_fragment_identifiers_for_ODF_media_types
Action: Hiro to write a proposal to use the TC proposed mechanism

Note: There are three issues for 1.2 - radio groups, intradoc links, and caption id

3b: Use of ARIA concepts to assist ATs in processing dynamic content through added meta data
3c: Should we include live region capabilities and how should we render these?

rs: We can do this without changing the spec
rs: Live sections need to be marked
rs: Do we want to specify priority level, i.e. polite, assertive, rude from the aria-live property
rs: Do we want to include the equivalent of aria-atomic
rs: I think aria-channel is overkill
rs: See http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria/#liveregions
rs: Live regions are still in the early stages; not sure we want in the ODF spec yet
mt: I agree; don't force this into 1.2 - find a good default and let API map that
js: It's typical to have an optional attribute in a spec for a while, then make it required later
mt: You could have an optional attribute with a reasonable default, but let's do it in a later version of the spec; it's getting too late for 1.2
rs: Should we handle it in a a11y API mapping guideline?
mt: I recommend not to since there would be nothing in the spec
rs: An example http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cq?s=^DJI%20^IXIC%20ibm%20qqqq%20xli%20pph%20EEM%20IBB%20MUE%20msft%20aapl
rs: This is an updating table bound to backend data source; you could mark the changing regions as live
rs: In an a11y api mapping, if there is data bound to backend it's a live region; the only thing needed from ODF markup is that the info is changing
js: I think we need this in the guidelines, we need to start talking about use cases and showing that there are engineered solutions.
rs: I agree

Action: Continue discussion at the next meeting.

Pete Brunet

IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
Voice: (512) 286-5485, Cell: (512) 689-4155
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