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Subject: ODF 1.2 Part3 cd01 - pkg:attachesTo (Feature request)

Here is an additional feature that I'd like to see in ODF 1.2 Part3:

  A property pkg:attachesTo (to be used with class pkg:Document, see
  5.1. which allows to express a relationship of a subdocument
  (referred to in the following as 'SD') to any file in the
  OpenDocument package (described by pkg:File) (referred to in the
  following as 'F') with the following semantics:

  * If F is removed from the OpenDocument package, SD shall also be

  * If F is left unmodified or modified but not removed from the
    OpenDocument package, then SD shall not be removed except by
    explicit request of the user.

  These requirements would apply to programs which are Conforming
  Consumers as well as Conforming Producers of OpenDocument packages,
  such as for example document editing software.

In particular, this mechanism indends to provide a reliable machanism
for ensuring that e.g. annotation metadata is preserved by document
editing programs and other programs that modify OpenDocument packages,
even if the annotation metadata is not understood by the programs.


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