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Subject: Groups - OpenFormula Specification 2007-03-22-wheeler-rathke (ODT) (openformula-20070322-wheeler-rathke.odt) uploaded
Another side-branch, based on David's latest submission, for details see revision comment (which will hopefully be included in this mail). Eike -- Mr. Eike Rathke The document revision named OpenFormula Specification 2007-03-22-wheeler-rathke (ODT) (openformula-20070322-wheeler-rathke.odt) has been submitted by Mr. Eike Rathke to the OpenDocument - Formula document repository. This document is revision #50 of openformula-spec-20060221.odt. Document Description: OpenFormula is an open format for exchanging recalculated formulas between office application implementations, particularly for spreadsheets. OpenFormula defines the types, syntax, and semantics for calculated formulas, including many predefined functions and operations, so that formulas can be exchanged between applications and produce substantively equal outputs when recalculated with equal inputs. Both closed and open source software can implement OpenFormula. OpenFormula is intended to be a supporting document to the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) format, particularly for defining its attributes table:formula and text:formula. It can be used in other circumstances where a simple, easy-to-read infix notation is desired for exchanging recalculated formulas. View Document Details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-formula/document.php?document_id=23231 Download Document: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office-formula/download.php/23231/openformula-20070322-wheeler-rathke.odt Revision: This document is revision #50 of openformula-spec-20060221.odt. The document details page referenced above will show the complete revision history. PLEASE NOTE: If the above links do not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser. -OASIS Open Administration
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