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office-formula message

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Subject: Re: [office-formula] Valid sheet name characters

Kohei Yoshida:
> The ODF spec, however, doesn't mention anything about disallowed
> characters in the table:name attribute, which implies that all
> characters are allowed in table:name.
> The question is, what should we do?  My personal point of view is that
> we should at least mention Excel's restriction on sheet names, and
> probably leave the decision down to the application.  Another
> possibility is to make that an official restriction in the spec, or just
> leave it as is with no restriction (and tell Excel to fix it up).

Hmm, there are lots of options here, and no 'obvious' way to pick
between them.

I suggest that we add a 'should' clause that says that
portable documents should limit themselves to table names
in a particular subset (and define it), and that applications SHOULD
accept a particular subset (which would at least include the portable
document subset, but presumably would be a larger subset that could
handle sheetnames that Calc, Excel, and maybe a few others generate).

Other options are obviously possible.  Anyone else have a suggestion?

--- David A. Wheeler

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