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Subject: Re: [office-formula] Proposal for regularly scheduled meetings

Hi Robert,

On Wednesday, 2009-07-22 09:48:52 -0400, Robert Weir wrote:

> But I do agree with Andreas that a call is not really necessary if we can 
> make more disciplined use of the list.  The call itself is not as 
> important as the preparation and the follow-up that we do based on items 
> discussed on the call.  But we could just as well do that on the list.

Sure, we could, and we did so in the past. Hopefully one call will be
enough to boot us up again ;-)  If we now agree that we won't need
a call I'm fine with that as well, but we have to keep things going.

I'd also like to know who effectively will be on board of this
subcommitte. It seems to me some of the original members (not the very
early "task force" anyway) didn't show up anymore since ages.

People I remember having seen in the last, let's say, 6-12 months or so:

David Wheeler
Robert Weir
Andreas Guelzow
Kohei Yoshida
Eric Patterson
Doug Mahugh
David Faure
Eike Rathke

Sorry if I omitted anyone. Who can we count on for the remaining work,
and be it for insightful discussion of issues in time? I'm placing
a * near my name..

> I've created a new JIRA filter which lists just the remaining OpenFormula 
> issues:
> http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10034
> There are 113 of them.

Interesting. The already existing 'ODFF' filter comes up with 117

> It would be good to walk through those, either in 
> a series of meetings, or off-line.

I have a task to check through all my now closed (but unresolved, which
in this case is good because it makes it easy to find them ;-) issues
that were imported from my replies on the comment list. I guess many of
the original posts I replied to are in the list of open issues and can
be closed as well where the spec draft was already changed, or could be
postponed to ODF-Next. Quite dull work, but involves much
cross-checking. I plan to have that ready beginning next week.

I guess the same could be done for some closed comment list issues
assigned to David or Robert.


Automatic string conversions considered dangerous. They are the GOTO statements
of spreadsheets.  --Robert Weir on the OpenDocument formula subcommittee's list.

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