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Subject: ontologies, etc.

FYI, a new web-based ontology manager from IBM:


Also, related to today's call, on this that someone added after the 

> Ontology validation mechanism (related to "custom schema")

I really think:

First, we don't need to care about ontologies per se. That's for others 
to worry about.

That said, we might want to include a requirement -- once we get there 
-- about validating *vocabularies*, or if not, certainly the basic 
model and syntax. We won't be able to do XForms without some kind of 
reliable constraints on the XML it seems to me.

So if we're talking about RDF, for example, an ontology is defined in 
OWL and RDF schema, and is a level of abstraction about the sort of 
thing that RELAX NG deals with (which is what we primarily care about).

But my second point is: isn't this a requirement, rather than use case?


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