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Subject: Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 7 Jul 2003

JULY, THE 7TH, 2003, 3PM GMT – 3:30PM GMT

Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@emory.edu>, Society of Biblical Literature
Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com>
David Faure <faure@kde.org>
Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, Arbortext
Daniel Vogelheim <daniel.vogelheim@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems

Acceptance of Minutes of the June, the 16th meeting
- Voting was canceled, since the TC did not reach a quorum.

Action Items
- Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text and 
table documents
   - in progress
- Daniel Vogelheim: Get in contact with SVG working group.
   - in progress
- Daniel Vogelheim: Comparison of the existing chart specification with 
David Faure's proposal.
   - in progress

Discussion of Work Package 8 Forms
Daniel Vogelheim explained the design of the current forms 
specification: Forms and controls are stored in elements separately from 
the document content (for instance its paragraphs or spreadsheets), but 
are referenced by "draw:control" shape elements that are regular graphic 
objects. These elements determine where in the document a certain 
control appears, while the control elements within the form specify the 
control's model specific characteristics, like its name or value. Forms 
can be nested. Every control is contained within a form. The current 
form specification is extensible, that is, it supports generic controls 
as well as generic properties for controls. However, Daniel suggested to 
rework these extensibility features. A proposal will be created by him.

New Action Items
- Daniel Vogelheim: Create proposal for extensibility of form controls

Michael Brauer

OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair

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