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Subject: Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 18 August 2003


Doug Alberg <doug.alberg@boeing.com>, Boeing
Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
Simon Davis <simond@naa.gov.au>, National Archive of Australia
Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@emory.edu>, Society of Biblical Literature
Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com>
David Faure <faure@kde.org>
Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, Arbortext
Paul Langille <paul.langille@corel.com>, Corel
Tom Magliery <Tom.Magliery@corel.com>, Corel
Uche Ogbuji <uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com>

Acceptance of Minutes of the August, the 11th meeting
- The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.

Action Items
- Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text and 
table documents
   - in progress
- Paul Langille: additional chart format comparisons
   - in progress
- Paul Langille,Daniel Vogelheim: proposal for business charts
   - in progress
- Michael Brauer: Proposal for including CSS2's @font-face into the 
OASIS Open Office specification.
   - in progress
- Daniel Vogelheim: Clarify the usage of the <style:map> element.
   - done, see

Discussion of Work Package 5.2 Style Basics
Daniel Vogelheim has clarified the usage of the <style:map> element on 
the TC's mailing list. The TC unanimously agreed to the specification of 
this element and closed the discussion of the Work Package 5.2.

Discussion of Work Package 5.3 Style Properties
The TC discussed text formatting properties as described in section 3.10 
of the OpenOffice.org XML specification. The discussion was based on 
various suggestions made on the TC's mailing list, see
for details.

The style:use-window-font-color attribute has been clarified on the 
list. The TC unanimously agreed to it.

The TC discussed the text decoration attributes style:text-underline and 
style:text-crossing-out. The values of both attributes currently contain 
the underline or crossing out line style and its width simultaneously. 
Specifying the line line style and its width by separate attributes 
seems to be reasonable and is already the case for CSS3. Although there 
are currently no plans for an XSL-FO existing that contains the new CSS3 
formatting properties, the TC unanimously agreed to rework the 
specifications for underlining and crossing-out based on CSS3. David 
Faure will create a proposal for this.

The TC further agreed that the specifications for crossing-out and 
underlining should be enhanced by attributes that specify a character or 
text string that is used for crossing-out/underlining instead of a line. 
For these characters or texts, a further attribute should exist that 
references a text style that is used to draw the 
underlining/crossing-out characters. Michael Brauer will create a 
proposal for this.

The TC further unanimously agreed to add an attribute 
"style:text-auto-align" that takes the value "true" or "false". If the 
attribute's value is "true", applications are allowed to recalculate the 
text alignment of a paragraph based on its content whenever the content 
changes. The current text alignment still is specified by the 
fo:text-align attribute.

The TC discussed the specification of tab stops, that is, the 
<style:tab-stop> element. The TC unanimously agreed to add attributes to 
this element that specify the line style used for leading similar to the 
line style attributes used for text decoration. The TC also agreed to 
enhance the attribute that takes a leading character to take a text 
string. Michael Brauer will create a proposal for this.

The TC clarified that the style:keep-with-next and 
style:keep-with-previous attributes in fact have to be part of the 
fo-namespace, and that style:line-break, style:punctuation-wrap and 
style:text-autospace attributes are paragraph rather than text 
attributes. The style:line-break attribute has been clarified on the 
mailing list.

The TC further discussed the specification of the various style:*-asian 
and style:*-complex attributes. On the one hand, these attributes are 
described as fo:*-asian and fo:*-complex in the OpenOffice.org XML 
specification, what obviously is wrong. On the other hand, these 
attributes are difficult to process by XSLT style sheets. Michael Brauer 
will prepare a proposal for an enhanced specification of these attributes.

New Action Items
- David Faure: Proposal for text decoration attributes based on CSS3
- Michael Brauer: Proposal for underlining/crossing-out based on 
characters or text rather than lines.
- Michael Brauer: Proposal for line styles for tab stop definitions.
- Michael Brauer: Proposal for enhanced style:*-asian/style:*-complex 

Michael Brauer

OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair

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