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Subject: [office] Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 8-Dec-03


Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
Simon Davis <simond@naa.gov.au>, National Archive of Australia
Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com>
Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, Arbortext
Daniel Vogelheim <daniel.vogelheim@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems

Acceptance of Minutes of the December, the 1st meeting
- The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.

Action Items
- (Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text 
and table documents)
   - moved to 2nd TC phase, see below
- Michael Brauer: proposal for cursor position
  - done, see

The TC unanimously agreed to move an unification of change tracking for 
text and table documents into the 2nd TC phase. Michael Brauer will 
clarify if there are any open discussion points regarding change 
tracking that would have been covered by Phil Boutros' proposal.

Discussion of Work Package 10 Document Settings
The TC discussed the proposal for the representation of cursor 
positions. While the proposal will be suitable for representing cursor 
positions in office application WYSIWYG views, it won't be suitable for 
representing cursor positions in other views, like XML tree or text 
views. For this reason, the TC unanimously agreed to represent cursor 
positions with processing instructions. The format of the cursor 
position will be
<?openoffice cursor-position name1="value1" name2="value2" ?>,
that is, it will follow the XML element syntax. Applications that 
support multiple views can add an attribute like view-id="[view-name]" 
to specify to which view a cursor position belongs.

Discussion of Work Package 7 Business Charts
The TC agreed that Daniel Vogelheim will prepare a proposal regarding 
adding a footer object on the one hand, and regarding the placement 
options for headers, footers and titles on the other hand. The voting 
itself will take place by e-mail. The voting options will be
a) to change nothing
b) to add a footer, but to leave placement options for headers and 
titles unchanged
c) to add a footer, and to add placement options for headers, footers 
and titles
d) to concur

Discussion of Packages
The TC agreed to put a discussion regarding packages on the agenda of 
the next con call. Michael Brauer will prepare a proposal regarding the 
URLs used inside packages.

Namespace URI
The TC unanimously agreed to use the OASIS URN schema as described in 
RFC 3121 for namespace names.

Generator Ids
The TC agreed that applications should include a generator id into 
documents if possible. This generator ids should follow a certain schema 
and include the application name, a version number, and a build number. 
Daniel Vogelheim or Michael Brauer will prepare a proposal for that. 
They will also research whether the is a specification for HTTP user 
agent header.

Schema Languages
The TC agreed to first check the quality of XSD schemas that are created 
by tools from the Relax-NG schema before deciding this topic. Daniel 
Vogelheim will do such such checks.

The TC further agreed that the schemas delivered in phase 1 should be 
compact and easy to read. That is, they should be extensible where 
extensibility has been agreed on already. There extensibility has not 
been agreed on, schema constructs that improve the extensibility should 
only be used if they don't have a negative impact on the readability. If 
required, an equivalent schema that supports further extensibility might 
be created in the 2nd TC phase.

New Action Items
- Michael Brauer: clarify whether there are open discussion items 
regarding change tracking
- Daniel Vogelheim: proposal for chart footers and placement of headers, 
footers and titles
- Michael Brauer/Daniel Vogelheim: Proposal for generator ids
- Daniel Vogelheim: Check quality of schemas created by schema 
transformation tools.

Michael Brauer

OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair

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