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Subject: OpenDocument TC Roadmap

Dear TC members,

please find below the roadmap proposal we discussed in the last coordination 

OpenDocument 1.1: This version includes the first results from the 
Accessibility SC and (editorial) erratas only. OpenDocument 1.0 documents 
will conform to the OpenDocument 1.1 specification.

Committee Draft: July 2006
Public Review: August/September 2006
Earliest date of OASIS standard voting: November 2006

The date of the OASIS standard voting applies only if no comments are 
received during the public review that require a change of the specification.
If such comments are received, an addional 15 day public review will be 
required, and the OASIS standard voting would take place later.

OpenDocument 1.2: This version includes the results from the accessibility,
meta data and formula SC, as well as addional enhancements that the TC agrees 
until when. OpenDocument 1.0 and OpenDocument 1.1 documents will conform to 
the OpenDocument 1.2 specification.

Committee Draft: June 2007
Public Review: July/August 2007
Earliest date OASIS standard voting: October 2007

If the work of the sub committees is finished earlier, and if there are no
other larger proposals pending at this time, then we of course may finish
OpenDocument 1.2 earlier. However, I think OpenDocument 1.2 should at least
include the results of those sub committees we have just started.

Best regards


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