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Subject: OpenDocument v1.1/v1.2 compatibility

Dear TC members,

in the last work call I have been asked to clarify my proposal regarding 
the compatibility between OpenDocument 1.1 and 1.2. The general 
intention is that we keep the impact of a transition from OpenDocument 
1.1 to 1.2 for implementors and users as small as possible, while we at 
the same time restrict the set of enhancements we make from 1.1 to 1.2 
also as little as possible.

Based on the existing OpenDocument conformance definition, I propose 
that we use the following formal rules regarding the compatibility 
between OpenDocument v1.0 and v1.1:

Documents that conform to the the OpenDocument v1.1 specification shall 
also conform to the OpenDocument v1.2 specification. Vice versa, 
documents that conform to the OpenDocument v1.2 specification shall also 
conform to the OpenDocument v1.1 specification, if they don't use any of 
the OpenDocument v1.2 features that are not contained in OpenDocument v1.1.

Exceptions from this general rules are possible, if, and only if, this 
is considered to be of great advantage for users of the OpenDocument 
specification, and conforming implementations.

Based on OpenDocument implementations, I propose the following:

OpenDocument v1.2 implementations shall be able to process OpenDocument 
v1.1 documents without requiring additional implementations for that 
purpose. Vice versa, OpenDocument v1.1 implementations shall be able to 
process OpenDocument v1.2 documents without requiring additional 
implementations for that purpose, if the documents contains none of the 
OpenDocument v1.2 features that are not contained in OpenDocument v1.1.

Exceptions from this general rules are possible, if, and only if, this 
is considered to be of great advantage for users of the OpenDocument 
specification, and conforming implementations.

 From the proposals we have for OpenDocument v1.2 right now, I believe 
that the formulas are a feature that requires and justifies an 
exception. For other proposal I think we should tend to except them if 
they do not require an exception from the above general rules, and we 
should carefully weight the pros and cons for those that require an 

Best regards


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