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Subject: proposal to enhance annotations

Dear TC members,

I want to propose to enhance the annotations.
In ODF 1.1 annotations are inserted at a certain position in the 
document. Thus, a certain document position is annotated by the 
annotation. You can't express, that a certain annotation annotates a 
certain part of the document.

Thus, I propose to introduce the following new element and new attributes:
- new element <office:annotation-end> with the attribute 
office:annotation-end-id with type <ref name="ID">
- new optional attribute office:ending-at with type <ref name="IDREF"> 
for existing element <office:annotation>

The new <office:annotation-end> element with its attribute 
office:annotation-end-id has to follow a corresponding 
<office:annotation> element, which is referencing the 
<office:annotation-end> element via its new attribute office:ending-at.

A <office:annotation-end> element without a corresponding 
<office:annotation> element is neglected.

The range, which is covered by the <office:annotation> element and the 
corresponding <office:annotation-end> element, defines the part of the 
document, which is annotated by the given annotation.

Thus, it becomes possible to annotate a certain part of a document, e.g. 
a part of a paragraph, or the complete content of a paragraph, or a 
whole bunch of paragraphs.

This enhancement supports also the interoperability with the Microsoft 
Office file formats.

Please give comments on this proposal - especially, if you have more 
appropriate names for the new element or the new attributes.

Regards, Oliver.

Sun Microsystems GmbH    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
Nagelsweg 55             Software Engineer - StarOffice/OpenOffice.org
20097 Hamburg
http://www.sun.de        mailto:oliver-rainer.wittmann@sun.com
      Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
                   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
                 Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
      Geschaeftsfuehrer: Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
         Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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