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Subject: Re: [office] Clarification for frame formatting propertystyle:flow-with-text

Andreas, Oliver,

I'm not sure if you use the same definition of "to clip".

Andreas: I think for you it does mean that one those parts of an object 
are painted that are within the bounds of the table cell. That is, the 
object's position is not touched. If the object does not fit into the 
table cell, it is only partially visible, or not visible at all. Is that 

Oliver: I think for you "to clip" means that the object is forced to 
stay within the table cell, either by enlarging the table cell, or maybe 
(I'm not sure) by adapting its position. Is that correct?

Best regards


Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
> Hi,
> please see my inline comments.
> On Wed, 2007-17-10 at 10:09 +0200, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software
> Engineer - Sun Microsystems wrote:
>> Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
>>> Imagine I have an object attached to the 23 word of text inside a table
>>> cell.
>> Thus, in OOo I would anchor the object at the first character of the 
>> word with anchor type at-character.
> so the exact location of the anchor would be script dependent. IN a
> right to left script does that put the anchor on the right side of the
> first character?
>>> I may prefer any one of the following:
>>> 1) the object should appear at a certain location relative to the anchor
>>> point inside the cell and clipped to the cell.
>> In OOo:
>> - choose a horizontal and a vertical position relative to the anchor 
>> character.
>> - set style:flow-with-text = "true" -> assures that the object stays 
>> inside the table cell
>> - assure that the table cell has a fixed height by setting the height of 
>> the row to a fixed value -> assures that the table cell *doesn't* 
>> increase its height in order to achieve that the object fits into the 
>> table cell.
> That could be a problem: perhaps the table cell needs the ability to
> adjust its height for some other object also attached to that cell.
>>> 2) the object should appear at a certain location relative to the anchor
>>> point inside the cell and possibly overlapping information outside the
>>> cell.
>> In OOo:
>> - choose a horizontal and a vertical position relative to the anchor 
>> character.
>> - set style:flow-with-text = "false" -> assures that the object can 
>> leave the table cell.
> so "flow-with-text" has really nothing to do with movement together with
> the text. This seems like a strange naming.
>>> 3) the object should appear at a certain location relative to the anchor
>>> point inside the cell with the cell enlarged to encompass the object.
>> In OOo:
>> - choose a horizontal and a vertical position relative to the anchor 
>> character.
>> - set style:flow-with-text = "true"
>> - assure that the table cell fits its size to its content by checking 
>> the corresponding option the row -> assures that the table cell tries 
>> increase its height in order to achieve that object fits into the table cell
>>> 4) the object should appear at a certain absolute location on the same
>>> page as the anchor point. Of course no clipping to the table cell should
>>> happen.
>> In OOo:
>> - choose a horizontal and a vertical position relative to one of the 
>> page areas.
>> - set style:flow-with-text = "false"
>>> 5) the object should appear at a certain location relative to the anchor
>>> point somewhere on the same page as the anchor point.  (This may in fact
>>> effectively be the same as #2.)
>> Yes, same as #2 in OOo.
> If I may summarize:  style:flow-with-text appears to have nothing to do
> with flowing with the text.
> I am still not clear how to do the following:
> A table cell with two objects anchored at 2 characters. Both should
> appear at certain locations relative to the anchor point. The first
> object inside the cell with the cell enlarged to encompass the object
> and the other inside the cell and clipped to the cell size.
> I think that the file format should allow for this.
> Andreas 

Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500

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