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Subject: Typos in ODF 1.2 CD05 part 1 ed. rev. 4 (up to chapter 18)

Hi Patrick,

I've also found a few typos in the part 1 draft:

7.2 Common Characteristics of Field Elements
- in the 2nd paragraph a "For string values," is left over.
- the "Note:" label has to be italic (there is a Note text style for this)

7.6.6 <text:database-row-number>
ac -> a

10.2.2 <draw:layer-set>
it -> its

10.2.3 <draw:layer>
draw:layer must be formatted with the "Attribute" text style.

10.3.7 <draw:path>
svg:d must be formatted with the "Attribute" text style.

14.6.1 DDE Connections/General
In the note a "some" has been deleted. I'm not sure if this was
intentional, but this is clearly wrong: DDE is indeed available on
*some* operating systems only, and therefore not portable.

14.6.5 <office:dde-source>
- In the sentence regarding <text:section>: table -> text section (This
was a copy and paste error already in the issue that caused this change)
- There are further some line breaks.

15.3.2 Simple Animation Functions
Animation -> Animations

15.4.4 <anim:iterate>
two subsequent child -> two subsequent children

16.2 <style:style>
- contains several line breaks
- third paragraph from the end: The change from parent styles to
parent's style has to be reverted.
- The Courier formatting for some style family names is missing

16.40.3 <svg:radialGradient>
- sahll -> shall

16.40.7 <draw:opacity>
There is a sentence regarding gradients left over:

The <draw:opacity> element specifies an opacity gradient for a graphic
object. A gradient interpolates color. An opacity gradient interpolates
opacity. Opacity gradients are not available as automatic styles.
The <draw:opacity> element specifies an opacity gradient for a graphic
object. An opacity gradient interpolates opacity. Opacity gradients are
not available as automatic styles.

16.4.8 <draw:marker>
- thestart -> the start
- there are several line breaks
- some attribute names are not formatted with the "Attribute" text style.

18.1 Introduction
The values of attributes and elements have datatypes. This specification
defines datatypes for values *of elements* and attributes of
OpenDocument documents.

Best regards


Michael Brauer | Oracle Office Development
Phone: +49 40 23646 500
Oracle Office GBU

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