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Subject: Re: [odf-adoption] ODF Next Workshop (plus) for fall 2011Netherlands

Hello Louis,

I'm afraid your proposal conflicts with the LibreOffice conference as I
had had the opportunity to point out many times already. Please choose
another date which won't be in September, October or November . 

Thank you,


Le Wed, 18 May 2011 10:14:45 -0400,
Louis Suárez-Potts <luispo@gmail.com> a écrit :

> During the ODF TC call today, Steve Pemberton proposed a workshop on
> ODF Next for this fall, to be held in Amsterdam and for a more
> general audience. He volunteered to help organize it.
> ** Conference call this week:  If possible, let's have a conference
> call later this week to discuss the proposals below.
> Or. so. My reason for sooner than later has to do with the need to
> plan the event—surely more than Steve envisioned!—and to act
> initially, at least, before the US Memorial Day holiday at the end of
> May.
> **Proposal**
> Steve's proposal was met with considerable interest and zero
> disapproval. It was proposed further that the relevant ODF TCs
> (Adoption, in particular) be enmeshed in discussions on this—as well,
> to bring in Michiel and Arthur, also of the Netherlands. Michiel had
> previously indicated that his group was organizing a plugfest for
> late October.
> I would like to propose a conference call to plan this event. The
> issues are:
> * Exactly when? There are a few issues, such as the LibreOffice
> meeting, in Paris, that will have a section focused on ODF. When we
> previously proposed an ODF 5th anniversary conference—also to work
> with Michiel's plugfest—LibreOffice objected, as the timing,
> LibreOffice believed, would distract from their event. However, it
> was also argued that it's better to have an ODF event that is not
> branded at all by one vendor or project but utterly neutral, and the
> Netherlands plugfest, and now workshop proposal, satisfies that
> desire.
> I would thus propose this, if possible, for sometime in mid-September
> or even a little later (OpenWorld Forum, a popular event also in
> Paris, is 22-24 September.)
> * Audience? Steve suggested both technical and not, and I would
> agree. I think we need to achieve a couple of things, besides the
> important one of working on ODF Next: persuading non-developers that
> there is and will continue to be a relevance to ODF, and that it is
> something to which they ought to contribute resources, as well as
> attention.
> * Duration? I would suggest three days. One day for technical
> workshops (or 1.5 days, perhaps); the remainder for more general
> discussions on ODF Next, implementations (absolutely unprejudiced
> representation of vendor's wares), and related technologies and
> opportunities gained by using ODF.
> * Processes: Patrick D. suggested formalizing the process of paper
> submission Oasis-wide, and it would affect (positively) this event.
> We are considering, I believe, inviting submissions and participation
> from non-Oasis members as well as members. 
> * Funding: I think we may have the opportunity of working with
> established corporate sponsors and supporters of ODF, but also with
> the national government and even, plausibly, with EU gov't. 
> I would also like to see if can invite more than Oasis members to the
> planning of this, and that means Basil's UK group, as well as others.
> (They may use plugtest organizers list.)
> I'm sure I've a) forgotten to include key persons and b) key data;
> please don't hesitate to fill in the lacunae.
> -louis
> ----
> Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
> Community Manager
> Chair, Community Council
> OpenOffice.org
> Time Zone, −0400 UTC
> +1.416.531.9513 (landline)
> +1.416.625.3843 (mobile)
> AIM: luispo@mac.com
> GTalk: luispo@gmail.com
> Skype: louisiam
> Jabber: luispo@jabber.org
> Blog: http://ooo-speak.blogspot.com/
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Charles-H. Schulz
Associé / Founding Partner
Ars Aperta.

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