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Subject: OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-09-19

OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-09-19

* Begin 9:33 EDT


+Andreas Guelzow
+Donald Harbison
+Doug Mahugh
+Eric Patterson
+Jos van den Oever
+Ming Fei Jia
+Patrick Durusau
+Robert Weir (Presiding)
+Robin LaFontaine
+Svante Schubert
+Thorsten Zachmann
+Tristan Mitchell

Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name

12/14 voting members present = 85%, so quorum requirements are met.

Membership Notes:   Dennis is on Leave of Absence, Steven loses voting 

* Agenda  approved by unanimous consent

* The meeting minutes of September 12th were amended to include attendance 
of Tristan Mitchell.   Minutes as amended were approved by unanimous 

* Discussion: ODF maintenance. 

- We had an SC34/WG6 meeting last week, discussion differing practice in 
OASIS and ISO for retention of prior revisions.

* Discussion: ODF 1.2

- Ballot has been issued, will run to October 29th.   If the ballot 
passes, OASIS will issue a press release.  OASIS sponsors are eligible to 
provide a quote for the release.

* Discussion: ODF 1.3

Robin:  discussions still continuing, next conference call October 11th.

Discussion on draft liaison report to SC34.
Patrick: CSD 01 -- working toward WD.  Reviewing new naming guidelines

Discussion on multi-part standard versus single standard in multiple 

* Adjourned at 10:10 EDT

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