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Subject: Re: [office] Testdocument for OFFICE-3821 draw:luminance

Hi Camilla,

Camilla Boemann schrieb:
When trying to implement this it occured to me that the standard doesn't
describe in which order these various filters and color modes are applied.
While for red green blue it doesn't matter, but does opacity come before
or after and what of the color mode

You are right, it is missing. I have already written an issue for it some time ago, see https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-3831
"A rule for the order of color and tone adjustments filter is missing"

In addition revisit my mail https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office/email/archives/201304/msg00030.html and its attachment.

Naturally I can and will find out myself, but the standard should actually
specify this - and do the various implementations do it the same way?

I don't know, what other applications do.

Kind regards

On søndag den 16. oktober 2016 21.15.45 CEST Camilla Boemann wrote:
Tried it in powerpoint 2015 and top and bottom row looks alike

As for Calligra I'll try and implement it - but do note that current
is 2.9.11 in case you want to test anything else

-----Original Message-----
From: office@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:office@lists.oasis-open.org]
Behalf Of Regina Henschel Sent: 16. oktober 2016 20:47
To: ODF member <office@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [office] Testdocument for OFFICE-3821 draw:luminance

Hi members,

here is a test document for

I had only a test version of PowerPoint 2013. Therefore it would be nice,
someone can test the document in a current MS Office. My version MS
2010 shows the images same as LibreOffice, after it "repairs" the
Calligra Stage 2.8.1 still does not know the attribute draw:luminance.

Kind regards

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