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Subject: Notes from 19 July 2021 for ODF TC teleconference


Our notes from the ODF TC teleconference follow.

Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!


Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,Patrick: Quorum - yes

Patrick: add https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4107

Patrick: take up 4107 before 4108

Patrick: agenda approved by consent

Patrick: Minutes of 12 July - approved by consent

Patrick: take up -> https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4107

Patrick: Excel does not consider text color from a number format, but Google docs does take it into account?

Regina Henschel: Are they plans for Excel to include text-colors, which come from number-formats, in the text-color filter?

Regina Henschel: Function SUBTOTAL acts on filter, so different behavior of applications should be avoided.

Patrick: Alfred will try to have an answer by next week -

Patrick: LO - currently implements it - not in a published version

Patrick: last was from Regina

Patrick: Svante - is there a test document? Regina will prepare one.

Patrick: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4108

Patrick: If used with a list itself, does each item display the entire numbering - Chapter A Section 1 (a) versus

Chapter A

Section 1

(a) as appropriate

Patrick: omit other components depending on the style you want displayed

Patrick: Francis - slight unease on prefix - suffice - separator in the proposal

Patrick: Regina - prefix and suffix are before and after the completed number -

Patrick: keeps display of the numbering as before - that can't read the new element

Patrick: OOXML has the possibility to put strings between the level 1 and 2 - currently we put only a dot between them - the dot comes from xsl - separtor depends on being alphanumeric -

Regina Henschel: Level2 prefix ( suffix ) ; level 1 prefix $ suffix #

Regina Henschel: $1# at level 1

Regina Henschel: (1.a)

Patrick: Michael - not convinced the prefix/suffix will be compatible

Patrick: if new element is present, ignore prefix and suffix

Michael Stahl: Chapter A.1.a)

Patrick: look at Michael's proposal from last week

Patrick: Michael - need to ask Andreas -

Patrick: Regina - need to defer until Andreas can comment

Patrick: Adjourned

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