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Subject: OIC-TC 2008-12-17 Meeting Minutes
OASIS INTEROPERABILITY AND CONFORMANCE (OIC) TC Wednesday, December 17, 2008 Coordination Call 14:30 - 15:30 GMT 1. LOGISTICS The chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/oic (doesn't count as attendance) The call-in numbers: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic/200810/msg00008.html The meeting was called to order by Chair Bart Hanssens at 14:33 GMT. 1.1 ATTENDANCE AND QUORUM CHECK QUORUM: 10 of 13 Voting Members at start (7 required) MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE * Bart Hanssens, Fedict (Chair) * Jeremy Allison, Google * Donald Harbison, IBM * Mingfei Jia, IBM * Andreas Guelzow, Individual * Dennis Hamilton, Individual (Secretary) * Alan Clark, Novell Andrew Rist, Oracle * Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems * Daniel Rentz, Sun Microsystems * Louis Suarez-Potts, Sun Microsystems [* = Voting Member at start of meeting] MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Schulz, Ars Aperta Alex Wang, Beijing Sursen International - Rob Weir, IBM Pierre Ducroquet, Individual Thorsten Zachmann, Individual * Doug Mahugh, Microsoft - Tom Rabon, Red Hat Aslam Raffee, South Africa Department of Science & Technology Michael Cziebalski, Sun Microsystems Jerry Smith, U.S. Department of Defense [* = Voting Member - = non-voting Member upon conclusion of meeting] 1.2 ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: [1] Accepted 1.3 ACCEPTANCE OF TODAY'S AGENDA: [2] Accepted 2. STATUS OF ACTION ITEMS [3, member access required] #0001 Contact OpenDocument Fellowship for tests: No reply from Intel, still open #0004 Contact Rajiv Shah about his ODF work: Kept open. We will wait for paper to be published, after which his documents may be available. #0005 Obtain JIRA Bugtracker for OIC. There is no hurry at the moment; Bart suggests we just wait for it to be stable the way OASIS wants it. Dennis will follow up his promise to report on how it is working with CMIS. #0007 Create general-audience oic-discussion list. Much discussion with it not clear whether it works to (1) Creating an external discussion group, such as a Google group, (2) Adding an OIC-TC list, or (3) taking advantage of the OpenDocument forum on xml.org [4]. We will continue the discussion on the OIC TC List and consider further at a later time. #0010 Dennis Hamilton: Supply notes on the first David Marston expert talk: They will be up before the next meeting #0013 Become active on the wiki: Keeping open #0014 List of 2009 events as opportunities: Louis is still collecting information, requesting leads. Bart received information on March 5 opportunity in the Netherlands and will provide information to the list. Item still open. #0015 Create template scenario: Dennis will still do that. 3. DELIVERABLES: TEST DOCUMENTS Bart still has samples to add and will makes some more test documents. 3.1 COMMENTS ON EXPERT TALK SLIDES (D.Marston) [5, 6] There were no questions about the slides. Dennis will respond to the list of start-up questions on the list as a way to seed the discussion. Bart suggests that how to deal with profiles might also be considered as a start-up question. 3.2 REVIEW TEST METADATA PROPOSAL (B.Hanssens) The discussion covered the following points around creating metadata for test documents, and where to put it: - Checking out the Wiki for a proposal form that would give us a standard workflow for reviewing and advancing proposals. Dennis will check to see if it is there. - Need a namespace for the XML document that is proposed - Perhaps RDF is useful for this - There was concern about including test information and metadata in the same ODF document that is the starter for the test - arbitrary content can be added to an ODF package, but there is no assurance of its preservation after editing of the document - Concern about mixing together information about the test setup and conduct and the test itself. - There was more discussion along with suggestions for separation of concerns in the proposed XML document for test metadata - Interest in being able to scan test sets and determine the version of ODF and the profile/scenario they are for. - Stepping back and talk on the list about what we are going to add as the metadata. 3.3 CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS 4. DELIVERABLES: PROFILES Bart raised the question of how we label and identify profiles. This is in the questions from the David Marston presentation. Also wondering how to advise the main ODF TC about profiles. There is a non-normative Appendix (D: Core Feature Sets) in the ODF 1.1 specification. Question: whether this is a good place to start. 4.1 NON-NORMATIVE APPENDIX? Talking about the Appendix in the ODF Specification that identifies feature groups for certain kinds of documents. 5. ROUND TABLE Mingfei suggests building one file that TC member can contribute to iteratively, for example for text documents, another sample file for presentations, etc. This would give us a build up of something organized. Mingfei is invited to expand on his idea on the TC list, also to clarify the nature of the document set that he has in mind. 6. FUTURE MEETING PLANNING 6.1 NEW BUSINESS During the discussion of profiles, the question of our initial review of the state of interoperability came up, and how to provide it, since it is identified as an early deliverable in the Charter. What interoperability problems are people actually having? If vendors know, will they provide it? How do we find out what vendors know? What is actionable for us? An open question for vendors to step up to the plate. Collect information on what doesn't work? How can we obtain reports of issues. And invite participation. 6.2 CURRENT SCHEDULE The first regular meeting of 2009 will be on Wednesday, 2009-01-14 and we will continue every 2 weeks thereafter. 7. END OF MEETING [1] OIC TC 2008-12-03 Meeting Minutes http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic/200812/msg00004.html [2] OIC TC 2008-12-17 Meeting Agenda http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic/200812/msg00015.html [3] OIC TC Action Items (member log-in required) http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oic/members/action_items.php [4] OpenDocument xml.org Forum (registration required to post) http://opendocument.xml.org/forum [5] David Marston: Slides from November 26 Talk http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic-comment/200812/msg00002.html [6] OIC Document: Marston Slides from November 26 Talk http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=30303&wg_abbrev=oic [end of minutes]
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