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Subject: RE: [oic] SVN now live

Title: RE: [oic] SVN now live


thanks, that was just the tool we've been looking for :-)

Since it's not a replacement for the document repository, I suggest to use
SVN to store our test documents (and perhaps results :-) and make a snapshot
(zipped) available in the document repository when we're more or less happy
about our efforts.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary McRae on behalf of Mary McRae
Sent: Thu 1/29/2009 5:52 PM
To: oic@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [oic] SVN now live

The OASIS SVN installation is now up and running for use by TCs. I am
working under the assumption that those that want to use SVN know how to do
so; what I know couldn't even fill a thimble. The SVN implementation is tied
to Kavi authentication meaning if you use your Kavi login/password you
should be able to write; the world should be able to see all files/download


This storage does not replace either the Kavi document repository or the
OASIS Library at docs.oasis-open.org; it is meant to be used for tracking
working documents or code development. The policy for its use follows and is
posted on the tools.oasis-open.org page.

I will be making a general announcement to the Chairs list in the next few
days; in the meantime please let me know if you experience any problems.




In an effort to accommodate Technical Committees with multiple editors and
support the use collaborative authoring/editing tools that are not
inherently part of the Kavi application, the following policy is set forth
to provide a set of guidelines related to the use of collaborative
authoring/editing/versioning system.

This policy includes, but is not limited to, the following:

    * wikis located at http://wiki.oasis-open.org

    * files located at http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control

    * issues lists maintained at http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues

The site:

    * The site and all of its contents must be publicly viewable/readable by
the general public.

    * The site and access to all of its contents must not require a login
for read-only access.

The TC home page:

    * The location (URI) and a brief description must be posted on TC public
home page (maintained by the TC Chair and/or Secretary).

Access Permissions:

    * Write access must be provided to all TC Members, Voting Members,
Chairs and Secretaries.

    * TC Observers and the general public must not be allowed write access.

TC Document Repository (wiki and version control only at this time)

    * At least once a month (unless no work has been done), and prior to
each TC meeting at which one or more documents will be discussed, a Working
Draft of any/all documents must be uploaded to the TC document repository,
properly identified according to the Naming Guidelines (links to the
non-Kavi system are insufficient)

    * All TC member reviews and ballots must be based on a Working Draft as
posted to the TC document repository (links to the non-Kavi system are


Mary P McRae

Director, Technical Committee Administration

OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org 

web: www.oasis-open.org <http://www.oasis-open.org/>

phone: 1.603.232.9090

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