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Subject: OIC TC 2009-04-22 Coordination Call Minutes


Date:  Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Time:  13:30 - 14:30 UT


The chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/oic (doesn't count as attendance)

The call-in numbers: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oic/200903/msg00017.html 
   *** NOTE: A New Pass Code has been assigned for these calls.

The action items (log-in required):

The roll call confirmed a quorum with 9 of 11 Voting Members in attendance (6 required).


    * Peter Junge, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
    * Bart Hanssens, Fedict (Chair)
    * Donald Harbison, IBM
    * Mingfei Jia, IBM
    * Robert Weir, IBM
    * Dennis Hamilton, Individual (secretary)
    * Stephen Peront, Microsoft
    * Alan Clark, Novell
    + Andrew Rist, Oracle
      Mathias Bauer, Sun Microsystems
    * Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems

      [* = Voting Member at start of meeting
       + = Voting Member upon conclusion of meeting]


      Charles Schulz, Ars Aperta
      Xiaohong Dong, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
      Alex Wang, Beijing Sursen International 
      Jeremy Allison, Google Inc.
      Pierre Ducroquet, Individual
      Andreas Guelzow, Individual
      Thorsten Zachmann, Individual
      Doug Mahugh, Microsoft
      Tom Rabon, Red Hat
      Aslam Raffee, South Africa Dept. of Science & Technology
      Michael Cziebalski, Sun Microsystems
    - Daniel Rentz, Sun Microsystems
    * Louis Suarez-Potts, Sun Microsystems
      Jerry Smith, US Department of Defense

      [* = Voting Member
       - = Voting Member status ceased on conclusion of the call]

1.2 ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: [accepted without objection]

1.3 ACCEPTANCE OF TODAY'S AGENDA: [accepted without objection]


   The action items (log-in required):
   [Only currently-open items are reviewed]

#0001 OpenDocument Fellowship Contact for Test Documents: Still waiting for approval process within Intel and optimistic will be done
#0015 Create Template Scenario: To be done after #0016
#0016 Start Experimental Explosion of ODF 1.1.  The Experiment is fully started and a wrap-up on start-up will be posted to the wiki and the list
#0019 First Draft of "State of Interoperability": To be discussed at agenda item 3.1 
#0023 Outline for Test Case Submissions: Nothing more on this since last time - We don't know what we should do next, for the test cases we need to add test assertions and other things, nothing resolved on granularity yet, etc.  We don't have more details yet.  Bart is thinking there will be more discussion when we are happy with first set of test assertions, etc.
#0024 Contact OASIS about Disabling SVN Commit Messages to Main List: Still nothing on SVN from OASIS and Dennis agrees it is seriously polluting the OIC TC List even with reduction to at most one commit per day.  Bart will send Mary an E-mail on how much of a problem this has become.
#0025 EU IDABC and ODEF - Meeting on May 12 in Brussels in which experts from member states and OASIS will be there - Bart will be there with two hats; Rob is invited, Michael Brauer will be there, and others, and they will discuss more on focus of project and who is doing what - Bart will keep us posted and write a summary after the meeting.
#0026 Test Scenarios - Process for Additions: Stephen reported no change, although now reviewing materials at Microsoft for release
#0027 Test Scenarios - How to Submit Material.  Submission coming.  (Is this what that item is about?)



Rob discussed common understanding of some terms and calibrating the audience and the level of knowledge we assume.   What can we assume that the reader already knows? We need to get review by someone in the target audience to make sure the level is appropriate.  The document will be an introduction to how we are getting going and starting up, but not with things that the OIC TC has not determined and agreed to yet.  Rob has not found an authoritative reference on how conformance and interoperability are related but one is not a prerequisite for the other.  We discussed different cases but haven't identified an account we can refer to.


Dennis had observed that some of the current test assertions state requirements that go beyond what is in the ODF specification, and these need to be identified against something other than the standard.  Rob took us through a discussion about normative source being the specification in contrast with it being an Interoperability Guide or other material, such as a document produced by the OIC TC.

We also discussed the different approaches to arriving at test assertions: going through the specification and finding all the ones we can that way or finding the hot spots that people are running into and addressing those first.  Alan raised the concern about hot spots being complex cases, possibly involving interaction of different features in an implementation, and this could get messy very quickly without a foundation to have first.

It was suggested that we need a good structure for the SVN repository and how we will interpret the text of the standard, etc.  

There was concern that we are talking about this and not doing much, and how do we move off of that. Discussion of socialization and understanding of enough that what we are doing that people will step into action.  


Interoperability event at the Hague. June 15-16.  Rob plans to be there. Invitations going out soon, publicity soon.  Bart thinks will be a good time to have a meeting of the whole, for those who are there.  Would be good to have all of our guidelines written up so we can encourage people to join.

Guidelines needed: on the wiki, having the state of interop done, etc.  How we can invite others to participate, how they can submit, etc.

Bart: Let's pretend we have very nice guidelines, and then what would we want to do there?  Rob says we have to see what the attendance is, could even have a F2F meeting if we have enough members there.  This might be a good opportunity to engage with others and meet ODF implementers and have sidetalks with them, cultivate their interest.  

More suggestions to be made on the mailing list.

Agenda is available (see the link, above) and is probably final, so we should look at that too for ideas about the mix and also contributing.

[No news.]


There is no call on Wednesday, 6 May.

The next meeting will be on 20 May.

Respectfully submitted,

 - Dennis

Dennis E. Hamilton
NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability 
mailto:Dennis.Hamilton@acm.org | gsm:+1-206.779.9430 
http://NuovoDoc.com http://ODMA.info/dev/ http://nfoWorks.org 

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