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Subject: Re: [oic] state-of-interop-cd-03 - AGREEMENT ON TC DOCUMENT FORMATAND TOOLS

This is a good discussion Dennis.  I think your suggestion of the pdf version being the authoritative version
is a good one.  As we are a committee that deals with document formats, we should use document formats correctly.
To that end, a the PDF is the correct vehicle for a published version (i.e. non-editable).


On 2/10/2010 10:19 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
E9FE3458B0C44D3DAB4DA0030F945797@Scampo" type="cite">
This is a work-process issue.  We have no agreement on what version and
specific tool we share in common in order to be able to produce and work on
(authoritative) documents of the OIC TC, and ones the TC Administrator can
manipulate in order to produce the OASIS Standard version (if she is the one
who needs to be able to do that).

It is an interoperability issue for ourselves in our own work. 

I notice that the proposed solution to the immediate issue involves
proposing that a specific product release be used with, I suppose, a prayer
that the builds for different platforms don't have interop problems too.

So, when we go to Public Review, how do we deal with this?  That we identify
the document as one supported by a specific product version?  

I recommend that we avoid this by making the PDF be the authoritative
version.  Whatever fears there are of an unfaithful PDF result, I think the
odds of successful consumption by reviewers and user are clearly better than
what we are dealing with as a certainty.  Also, the PDFs that are relatively
small, easy to review, and for the State of Interoperability, we have no
concern about some normative text being corrupted in the PDF.

 - Dennis

PS: Rob quipped that a committee can use any document format it wants, even
Microsoft Word .doc.  If I'd been on my toes, I would have offered to second
that were it to be made as a motion.  (It would be ironic if the ODF exports
to .doc were more reliable than what we are seeing in ODF interchange.)
    I am now accustomed to OASIS TCs that use ODF.  It is startling when I
see .doc files, especially as authoritative sources, from other TCs.  I want
us to have a reliable way to use ODF Text documents on the OIC TC.  It is an
obvious dog-food issue.  What can we do to achieve that successfully?

PPS: Out of curiosity, I noticed that CD03 itself was identified with
office:version="1.2" and
OpenOffice.org_project/320m6$Build-9459</meta:generator>.  This opens just
fine in OpenOffice.org 3.0.1 and (after ignoring the warning) OpenOffice.org

PPPS: Since this is not about producing reports about specific products but
figuring out a way to use an interoperable set of tools for our own document
production, I tried Windows 7 WordPad on cd03.  It doesn't handle numbers on
the headings and doesn't handle ToCs.  On the other hand, Word 2007 SP2
opens all three of CD03, CD03-wd01 and CD03-wd02 and shows the ToC and
in-body headings correctly EXCEPT that, for all three documents, the
level-two headings all have page breaks in front of them and, with wd02
only, the Section numbering starts over at 1 with the Conclusions section.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Hanssens Bart [mailto:Bart.Hanssens@fedict.be] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 08:30
To: dennis.hamilton@acm.org; oic@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Rob Weir
Subject: RE: [oic] Groups - state-of-interop-cd-03-wd02.odt uploaded -

Well, we actually shouldn't comment on implementations per charter, but I
guess it's related to


Should be fixed when opening in 3.2 and resaving again, I'll do that when
updating to cd4.


From: Dennis E. Hamilton [dennis.hamilton@acm.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:58 PM
To: oic@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Hanssens Bart; Rob Weir
Subject: RE: [oic] Groups - state-of-interop-cd-03-wd02.odt uploaded -

OK, I didn't look closely enough.

When I opened this document in OpenOffice 3.0.1, I did see the TOC with
proper subsections, and I saw section numbers on the headings in the body of
the document.

However, numbering is not maintained properly in the body.  There are
several section 0.1, for example.

E.g., 2.2 is numbered 0.1, 2.3 is numbered 0.1 also, section 3 is number as
section 1, 3.2 is numbered 0.1, section 4 is numbered as section 1, etc.

SO, I tried the OpenOffice 2.4.1, Sun Distribution.

It has the TOC right and it has the subsections being in the same section.
But the subsections are all numbered *.1.  That is, Section 4 has two
subsections each numbered 4.1.

FINALLY, I opened the package in WinZip and confirmed that
<office:document-content> office:version="1.1".  And also, in meta.xml,

Yes, I would say that this is a big deal for the State of Interoperability.

-----Original Message-----
From: bart.hanssens@fedict.be [mailto:bart.hanssens@fedict.be]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 07:02
To: oic@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [oic] Groups - state-of-interop-cd-03-wd02.odt uploaded

The document revision named state-of-interop-cd-03-wd02.odt has been
submitted by Mr. Bart Hanssens to the OASIS Open Document Format
Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) TC document repository.  This
document is revision #1 of state-of-interop-cd-03-wd01.odt.

Document Description:

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This document is revision #1 of state-of-interop-cd-03-wd01.odt.  The
document details page referenced above will show the complete revision

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-OASIS Open Administration

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Andrew Rist | Interoperability Analyst
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