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Subject: Proposal for Charter Requirements section, was Which is definitive odf?
USE CASE: On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Dave Pawson <dave.pawson@gmail.com> wrote: > Looking at 1.1 on the Oasis site, > http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#opendocumentv1.1 > a number of different formats are offered. > > Which is the definitive standard definition please? > Anyone know? > 3 versions are offered. PROBLEM STATEMENT: It's even worse than the particular muddle you ask about because even which version of ODF is the definitive version depends on legal context. In the nations signatory to the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and the Agreement on Government Procurement, all levels of government are required to use the ISO/IEC:26300 version of Open document as their technical regulations,and procurement specification if they want to specify ODF for their purposes. In the non-governmental sector, ODF 1.1 is a standard than may lawfully be specified. The comedy/tragedy is that all of the most featureful ODF implementations moved on without retaining the ability to write to ISO/IEC:26300. What's out there in the real world is somewhere between ODF 1.1 and ODF 1.2, which is not yet finished and with Microsoft joining the ODF TC to work on that version, I'll be really surprised if there are not major changes to the draft ODF v. 1.2. Bottom line: Any governments in the member nations using current versions of the most featureful ODF apps are doing so illegally. Proposed Charter Requirement -- Conformance requirement for all profile work All profiles submitted to OASIS for adoption as a standard shall clearly and unambiguously require that a conforming implementation of the profile shall provide the user and user agent with the ability to write to all earlier adopted versions of such profile at the option of the user or user agent and shall enable the user or user agent to set any earlier adopted version of the profile as the default profile of that profile type. Best regards, Paul E. Merrell, J.D. (Marbux) -- Universal Interoperability Council <http:www.universal-interop-council.org>
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