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Subject: Re: OF: E.D. admin accounts (new GSuite)

ÂÂÂ Nice!ÂÂ Good thing the Chinese didn't buy it I guess.
 FWIW the Lacuna team (I think it was their Victoria, who set up most of the website etc., and did a lot without notifying us) said they would get it signed over to OMF. I even signed something for her, though this is all pretty vaguely in the mists of 2019 time. Apparently not.Â
 As I recall all the domain notifications went to omf.exec.dir@gmail.com. Which Jascha took over.
 Geoff originally set up email on Fastmail and lists for them on groups.io for a while. Jascha hated it, thus the GSuite switch. We used omf_admin@openmobilityfoundation.org before that.
 I don't know if Jascha changed either of those passwords. I might still have access to them if not. But it sounds like you are holding the tail of the right tiger, now.
 So for the future, if we do any more foundations/entities/whatever, maybe we need a "always allocate one admin slot to OASIS staff" control rule, to protect future similar recovery paths. Similar for OOEF. If Gershon had required that Pim do that, with OOEF, we could have recovered that 12-18 months earlier, even though Pim refused to give Guy the account info. (In contrast, I assume that with OPs, for the usual Github repos and Wordpress sites, we're always somewhere in the superadmin chain.)
 cheers J

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 6:28âPM Scott McGrath <scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org> wrote:
You may find this mildly amusing...

I see here you purchased the omf.team domain and it was used as the basis of the omf.team google suite. All users are using the openmobilityfoundation.org domain as a subdomain on thatÂomf.team account- except for the main admin account for the Google Suite.

The admin@ account is now totally locked because Jascha botched the admin@omf.team account by mixing his google Authenticator into the account which is otherwiseÂusing my credentials.

I've jumped through all sorts of hoops with google over the past week to get the account unlocked. All I have to do now is update the DNS record to prove ownership of the domain. BUT - we don't own the omf.team domain

The domain was neverÂtransferredÂto OASIS ownership and it looks like your ownership expired.

And the good news - it is for sale again, so I'm buying it. I'll use it to unlock the account then probably stop using it unless I can find reason to keep it. Let me know if you have one


On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 11:44âAM Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:

(This is 3 of three to JFH.)

New GMail GSuite account
Sole initial Email:Â admin@omf.team

The other Gmail account (omf.exec.dir@gmail.com) owns and set up the GSuite, so likely that's the place from which additional accounts, domain provisioning. etc. can be done.

Please see the attached domain purchase details (2 PDFs) or "omf.team". Jascha, please leave the "registrant details" fields for the domain alone for a bit: OASIS probably will hold it for OMF, and Scott may want to tweak the recurring payment details once he returns later this week. I just credit carded it. Copying Scott, as a flag that I will submit those charges as an August expense shortly.Â

Scott, FWIW, not sure if OMF will keep the [omf.team] domain in active or primary use. This was a way to get Jascha set up on GSuite now, and that functionality *may* be transferred over to apply to the [openmobilityfoundation.org] domain later, in some way that doesn't dislodge the legacy stuff there. Medium-term, Geoff Arnold will continue to be available to Jascha to help with that.Â

PS, confidentially, for future learning, Jascha looked at the old tooling and had exactly the same reaction we did :) this is crap, get me GSuite or MSFT Exchange...ÂÂ So $40 bucks well spent.

thx JBC



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