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op-advisory-council message

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Subject: Re: [Question] Review new security policy?

Think you could share the draft? Itâs hard to know if contributions would be useful without any idea of whatâs already in place.



On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 23:18 Jory Burson <jory.burson@oasis-open.org> wrote:
ðÂHi there, OASIS Advisory Council Reps,Â

OASIS's BoardÂof Directors is keen to get your feedback on some proposed Vulnerability Disclosure policies. They are wrapping up the drafts in the next week or so, but I wondered if some of you would be available to chat with Martin Chapman (Board Member and Legal Counsel from Oracle) & share thoughtsÂ(or share them asynchronously).Â

If this is up your alley, do you mind letting me know whether you would be interested & availableÂfor a discussion in the nextÂ2-3 weeks? I know calendaring is tough - now more than ever - so I thought I'd get the ask out now.

ðÂAlso, big congrats to Jim Jaglieski for his new role doing Open Source with Uber! They are incredibly lucky to have you, Jim!Âð

Hope you and your families are all safe and healthy.Â

OASIS Open Projects Program Manager
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