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Subject: Draft email for the TC

Recall that during the last monthly, the OpenC2 Technical Committee tasked the subcommittees to provide a status of the specifications and an assessment if we can have a draft ready so that we can announce at RSA that we are in our second public review. 
Please look at the proposed draft and provide comments NLT tomorrow at 16:00 Eastern.  I want to send the email to the TC at 17:00 on Friday.
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Subject: Status of the Stateless Packet Filtering Profile
OpenC2 Technical Committee,
The purpose of this email is to provide a status of the resolution of comments to the Stateless Packet Filtering Profile and provide an estimated delivery of a draft that can be considered for a second public review.  This is in response to an action assigned by the Technical Committee to the editors of the SLPF on January 11, 2019. 
The actuator profile subcommittee identified 35 distinct issues to the OpenC2 Profile for Stateless Packet Filtering and 19 GitHub pull requests have been generated.  
Based on the deliberations at the January Face to Face and at subcommittee level, we have achieved general consensus on the following:
We have six remaining issues which the subcommittee has provided guidance on how to reach consensus.  We believe that pull requests can be drafted and we will have an AP-SC meeting on February 13 for any final deliberations. 
It is reasonable to expect delivery of the CSD for Stateless Packet Filtering prior to the February 20 TC Monthly.  We have medium to medium-high confidence in this assessment.  
Thank you
Very Respectfully,
Joe Brule
Duncan Sparrell
Alex Everett
Joe Brule
Engineering (Y2D122)
FNX-3, B4A335
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